HL2 Characters in Ut2004


Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
"Sergio has put his copyright infringement talents to work and converted 21 of the Half-Life 2 characters to UT2004 (which is especially keen when you consider that that’s more than are available in HL2: Deathmatch). They look surprisingly good, and dare I say, possibly even better than when in the Source engine. Download here and screenshots here."

From www.PlanetUnreal.com

Screenshots: http://www.pcgamemods.com/10087/s
Download: http://www.pcgamemods.com/10087/

Just thought you might be interested.
sorry, i think the characters in source look 100X better.
they look good, but imo not as good as they do in Source :)
Interesting, although i think source makes em look better. Alyx's eyes are ****ed in that second picture...she looks like shes been licking toads.
i agree the eyes are bad and the hands aren't even holding the guns properly
That's very cool. but the characters are _Very_ out of place. :). Maybe a HL2 UT mod with things like the Gauss gun ;) eh? EH??
They look surprisingly good, and dare I say, possibly even better than when in the Source engine.

Are you on crack? They look 100x better in source... in those screenshots, their joints are all bending too stiffly, their eyes and hands aren't working... their clothes all look like they are painted on smooth, nondescript models....
Pai-Mei said:
Are you on crack? They look 100x better in source... in those screenshots, their joints are all bending too stiffly, their eyes and hands aren't working... their clothes all look like they are painted on smooth, nondescript models....

Just to let you know, SLH didn't write that, he quoted planet unreal. Hence the quote marks.
Yeah they look good. Hell i think i will download them but i think they can do better. Like they could have at least moved Alyx's eyes into a better position and not make her look like a retarded girl who just learn how to cross her eyes.
I've never appreciated the beautiful eyes in Half-life 2 more than today. :)
Those faces look awfully familiar, though I don't know any people who stare into space and have disjointed fingers.
The eyes and limbs are terrible. Nothing compared to the Source engine.
They really don't look particulrly special, and are no way on par with source.
They're a little bad when compared to the Source ones, but i think i will download them, i want to play with the g-man! :p
why are the UT guns so big, the pistol is like the size of thier arms and the other guns are like more the half their size
Have you guys just now discovered what UT2004 is?
No one cares how a characters eyes move when the gameplay is
that fast paced. No one cares if the guns are slightly off alignment.
And no one cares if the guns are big, because it's UNREAL
Algor said:
And no one cares if the guns are big, because it's UNREAL tournament.
They aren't that big anyway. The guy who made (sorry, ripped off) the models was using some weird mod i'm not familiar with, most likely because the models look more at home without super-zappy neon coloured arenas.
When's the lawsuit coming, Valve?

I bet the people who made it are getting their Steam accounts banned...

Does that count as thwarting an anti-piracy system, to import the characters on a game that does not use Steam?
Link to the screenshots don't work. I get a "The page cannot be found" page. *shrugs*
bland and disgusting....disproportional to gun size...flat textures....lacks tasty lighting.
What mod is that for UT2004? My UT2004 doesn't have that map or those weapon models.
I think that those screenshots highlight the way that the models, art and engine come together so beautifully in Half-life 2. The lack of shaders and less detailed lighting system really shows on those models.

As has been mentioned before, that planetunreal quote about it looking better on the unreal engine must have been made by someone on crack.

That said, I would love to play with those models if I had UT2004. I also understand that the two different engines are for two different sorts of games, and they both do what they set out to in exemplary manner.

However, Valve has been stung harder by copyright infringement in the past than most companies, so I pity the legal shit that the guy who converted those is going to find himself in.
those charecter models are grounds for a lawsuit? dont you think thats being a little extreme....
Algor said:
Have you guys just now discovered what UT2004 is?
No one cares how a characters eyes move when the gameplay is
that fast paced. No one cares if the guns are slightly off alignment.
And no one cares if the guns are big, because it's UNREAL

But the point of those character models is not Fast Paced gameplay or big bad explosions but a narrative story.These models arent designed to by faceless frag fodder but are ment to deliever lines of dialog.
If people arent happy with the current HL2DM models mod them but dont stick them into a game they weret ment for,they look second rate.
Dont think they are very good compared to source. You probably just think that initially because it's a new thing.

I always tend to think new things look better, but when I become acclimitised, I realise the truth about which one looks better.

Good work whoever did it, but I think it'll be a long shot to try and beat source's version of these characters.
They're missing the normal maps and specular maps. They look dull
Just to let you know, SLH didn't write that, he quoted planet unreal. Hence the quote marks.

Sorry about that. I am indeed as retarded as those models look.

All the same, I will still download them, being a UT2004 fan, as they are awesome by UT standards.

Voodoo_Chile said:
But the point of those character models is not Fast Paced gameplay or big bad explosions but a narrative story.These models arent designed to by faceless frag fodder but are ment to deliever lines of dialog.

People that play UT2k4 tend to just want to play as there favorite well... Anything! And the community for 2k4 is very very crazy when it comes to maps and models. But yeah I see people playing as Agent Smith, Bender, Master Chief and lots of other crazy characters. I wouldn't mind fragging some people using g-man. Not that i would use that skin... because I already have my own. But still, the ultimate coolness of seeing G-man frag someone is enough to make me drool. Now if only there was a Freeman model... *sigh*

As for does it look better on the Unreal Engine? NO! no no no no... no no no... did I mention no? They're two different animals. Personally I like 2k4 multiplayer... a LOT. But I still think HL2 is my favorite game ever... FPS wise anyways. I'm just babbling.

My point. Don't get all angry because someone took characters they liked and put them in another game. They just wanna represent HL2 fandom in someplace else. That so wrong?
UGH! Why can't I load the page?

[edit]: The only page that works is the main page... why won't any of their sub links work for me?
They look surprisingly good, and dare I say, possibly even better than when in the Source engine.

How retarded could these people be :dozey:
Sn4tcH said:
My point. Don't get all angry because someone took characters they liked and put them in another game. They just wanna represent HL2 fandom in someplace else. That so wrong?

I realise that but the least they could do is make them look slighter more like someone simply didnt steal their DNA then make botched clones somewhere in the future for a comedy bout of the Tournament(Yes I play it too,and that aint a half bad story line if I do say so meself)