[HL2] Community Stuff

HL MP get on Xfire to get in on it and for p/word

Tech probs..:/
Haha! Just got pwnted by morneHeru and Link on HL MP :D

And yay, Shippi's in :E

and Murray :D

Anyone know of any servers we can regularly invade with plenty of room guranteed?

Tried organising a server at cncnation but that kinda fell to nothing with the site taking priority

However if Munro in his wisdom is wise then i dream of [HL2] servers everywhere!

Anyone know of any servers we can regularly invade with plenty of room guranteed?

Tried organising a server at cncnation but that kinda fell to nothing with the site taking priority

However if Munro in his wisdom is wise then i dream of [HL2] servers everywhere!

We could always invest in one.. I suggest one for BF2142.
Added you Shippi :)

I might be able to arrange a HL:DM server, just need to wait for a guy to get online and ask him to host it :)

****ing smilies
Added you Shippi :)

I might be able to arrange a HL:DM server, just need to wait for a guy to get online and ask him to host it :)

****ing smilies

Added Shipp :)

O Rly Link? That would definately be a start, better than running from my dustbox :D
A friend of mine can host servers no problem, however he lives in Cali so it may be a problem for you Europeans.
Add me too on xfire-sniperscope998 (yeah, the name is dumb..)
Added you Shippi and Slacker :)

morneheru on xfire if anyone has the urge.
A friend of mine can host servers no problem, however he lives in Cali so it may be a problem for you Europeans.

East Coast servers are what i find ok to deal with, nor sure how a Cali server would be :farmer:
I'm down for some organized [HL2] games of anything. Loved the =256= BF2 match and the other ones too.

QFTMFT, the 256 clan game was insanely fun, we need to do it again, so many peeps turned up for it and it was a really good match...:thumbs:
Eh, I think I would rather go towards an ET:QW server :cheese:

I second the motion - from the hash EA made of BF2 I'd say that 2142 will suck like a veitnamese prostitute. And it'll probubly cost more than ten dollah too.
Can play Source games but no BF2 for me I'm afraid.

I'm up for it though, would love to play with some of you guys! I could maybe sort out a dedicated Ventrilo server if needed for us? Password protected and 100 user limit. :D

Xfire = nicksource

If you guys want to play CSS, you're always welcome at the |dT| server. It's an east coast server, and I have admin there, so there wouldn't be any problems :D
Added Shipp :)

O Rly Link? That would definately be a start, better than running from my dustbox :D

Ya Rly!

Should talk to him tommorow, with any luck, will have it up for tommorow evening. Assuming we do, whos in, and what, if any, custom maps do you want?
Quite. We should have played on the dT server though, that way Night could have bant the nubs. coughVipercough...
That was GLORIOUS. We have to do that more often.
I'm in if the ping isn't too bad for me...

How much would server hosting cost monthly, i'm sure if the whole of HL2.net chip in here and there it could work. But better make the server hosted somewhere central so that ping might stay in the 100's for all people online.
Again we need some proper hl2.net management support for this

I'd play, and omg why is jnightshade bant
I haven't played a game with you guys in quite awhile, if you ever want to have a game of CSS or DOD:S, catch me on xfire! D:
He got a bad case of alien cancer.
Probably got it from the President of Asia. I'd stay away from that guy.

I'll add you, lucid! I haven't played a game of... well, anything, in almost a week D:

Scratch that, I already added you! I am stupid!
Anyone want to get together for a game of good old operation flashpoint?