HL2 compared to a book most of us have read



when I started my 11th grade year, and i was introduced to a book called "1984" by Orwell
most of us have read this fine book
but why am i posting about it?
well while reading the book i came across many sections of the book that made me think of HL2
may seem pretty lame, but a gamer does this type of stuff :p even while reading...
well back on to the subject , i started to write an article on the comparison between the two
and i would like feed back on it (hopefully there are others who have read it)
suggestion of any sort, maybe i have missed something

here is the article
I didn't want to read it because I haven't read 1984 yet.
hl2 takes stuff from that book, from the matrix, from the war of the worlds, from many other games, etc etc and combines it all in a great way
I'm reading it right now, and it is a lot like it, but Equilibrium is nearly an exact damn copy of the book.

A hell of a lot of things are based off of it though..HL2 is sort of loosely based. Except for the whole City17 deal...that is really close.
Baal said:
I'm reading it right now, and it is a lot like it, but Equilibrium is nearly an exact damn copy of the book.

Yep. Equilibrium came out in theaters when I was in 12th grade English and we were reading 1984. Our teacher was cool as hell and when he saw it..the next day he let us do an extra credit assignment if we wrote a 1pg thing on the similarities between the 2. Having already seen it...it was a piece of cake.

-Instead of "Big Brother" it's "Father"
-The Halls of Truth & Justice are pretty much the same...they do the opposite of their names
-The drug in Equilibrium is pretty much what they have done over time in 1984 by eliminating words from the dictionary and such
-In both cases children picked out "Sense-offenders" or "Thoughtcriminals" - Another similarity in itself.
-Many more

Good movie - Good book

The movie had Clerics in it though (also plays into the opposites in names - Clerics, as we know them from games and movies, don't usually run around and kill tons of bad guys with some badass gun kata skills :p).
I'm reading 1984 right now, because other people on the forum have brought this up a few months ago.
so many things borrow from 1984 it's ridiculous... because nobody likes communism.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
so many things borrow from 1984 it's ridiculous... because nobody likes communism.

in soviet russia, communism doesn't like YOU :smoking:
Yeah, I posted about this a while back. I agree there are a whole bunch of similarities between the two, especially in the trainstation and the tenements binks.
You're all wrong...

They all steal from Equilibrium, THX 1138 is such a rippof of Equilibrium as well!!
bliink said:
in soviet russia, communism doesn't like YOU :smoking:
communism LOVES me. how could it not? i'm so cute!