HL2 DM Map Contest - Maps


Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
So the deadline is tomorrow, Saturday the 15th... but Valve won't sort through everything and get to officially releasing the maps until as late as early march. So it would be nice if we could get started playing all the best maps early. If you submitted a map to the contest, could you please use one and only one post, under this thread, dedicated to your map - the name, some screenshot links, and a download link. Please don't post unless you are posting an actual map that you submitted.

OR... if you see the map from another forum or another site, to copy/paste that info here into a post so we can have a quick link... or if you know of a map that you played on steam and isn't listed here that was of excellent quality, to post as much info on it as you can.

In this way, we will have one thread and every post is for one of the DM maps... allowing the community to easily get all the best maps and start playing on them quickly, without having to dig through tons of comments and random posts and searching threads...

*NOTE - I saw the sticky... but it is full of other comments with few actual maps... and a handful of average maps... please save this thread for no comments & ONLY maps that were submitted to the contest AND/OR you feel are *top-of-the-line.* Maps such as Moonquake's "Heart of the Revolters" and the Goldeneye Facility remake, the dm_depot map, etc... obviously this means NO BETA MAPS, since you wouldn't have submitted a beta for the final map contest would you have? (hopefully not...)
Becuase the best maps haven't spammed forums with screenshots or had loads of public betas. I'm not saying what is about isn't good. But I'll bet on the winner being a map you haven't seen.
I have that feeling as well. I bet there are some incredible maps out there that have been kept a secret for fear of ideas being stolen. But then I worry about those 'unreleased' maps that haven't been properly playtested. I'm glad the contest is (almost) over ..now some of those secrets will come out and people will create maps without the pressure of a deadline.
they may not win... but why does that matter? They are still top-notch quality... I never said post the winners here, I said post the best of the maps submitted to the contest (that you made or came across)... and/or if you find one that is top-notch but may not have been submitted, to post it here. The examples were an example of quality maps... The point is to get the best maps that were submitted to the contest (even if they haven't been shown yet) posted here (as well as other high quality FINAL maps), in one thread WITHOUT A TON OF COMMENTS TO GO THROUGH... so please just post maps!!! :) no more comments.... please... for the love of all that is good and right in this world.... otherwise it will defeat the purpose of the thread (a high-quality map resource where each post is actually a map).
actually i dont think its a good idea to post screenshots of a map you've seen on a server somewhere when the author probably wants to present it himself/herself.
ComradeBadger said:
None of the maps you've seen so far will win.
I disagree. I think we've seen at least one of the winners here, in this forum.

I'm not sure who, but if some of these maps play as good as they look then we've seen a winner or two.
Dux's map is being used in the AG mod - that excludes it from the DM contest (correct me if I'm wrong)
DM_Subway contest version map released

Im curius my self to see the secret maps. I remeber debating weather or not i should beta my map. In the end i figured that five days from the dead line was to littile for any one to steal my idea, and the benefits of beta testing seemed to important, and they where. The testing time put in by people from this and other forums was essencial, i mean with out it the map would have been nowhere near as good. Plus all the positive coments kept me going once caffine had no effect. So big thanks to every one who helped out.

well heres a link to the contest version


This is the final version unless some horrid bug is discuvered. (please no please no please no)
Once i descide that its absolutely done (in a day or two), then i will create a web site for it, and provide a notice on the forms with more pictures.

heres some older photos and videos from betas, i havent had a chance to create new images yet.


more pictures



Pi Mu Rho said:
Dux's map is being used in the AG mod - that excludes it from the DM contest (correct me if I'm wrong)

I would guess so...he never mentioned that he even planed on entering the contest. Doesn't mean that AG2 won't be able to use that map, i guess it would come down to how aggresive Valve is going to defend their property rights. I can't see them cracking down on a HL2 mod team for using a HL2DM map, but then again, those ARE ex- Microsoft people, so you never know ;) .

Maybe avalon got a shot, depending on how well it plays and how close they wanna stick with the HL2 theme (i hope they don't)
I kinda agree with Comrade, but dux would've won if he did go for it....from what i've seen
To tell you the truth, I really do hope that the winner is like nothing that we've seen before and better than anything we've seen before.

And having the map fit in with the Half-Life universe would be nice :)
I am nearly speechless... are people really that inept at following simple directions... Did you people completely ignore the first post, as well as my 2nd post in this thread... when as thread direction I clearly said no comments... just maps... to make it a thread that was really just a directory of the best maps.

Isn't there a "new thread" button or a million other threads to discuss this in? Even more amazing is that the conversation and comments were started by a MODERATOR... WHAT? Is it too hard to follow directions and just leave one thread simply devoted to collecting links/info to all the best DM maps...? I guess so... But nevermind that now, continue with your discussion in complete disregard to what the thread starter requested the thread be on...

NOTE - so I just read that... and it sounds like I'm mad... but I'm not really mad at all, just more amazed that I could actually post something and spell it out so clearly and then get exactly what I asked people not to do and nothing of what I asked people to do....
try and understand, you want this to be a thread where all the best maps are mentioned. but who is a judge of what maps are the best? you said yourself you saw some 'average' maps in another thread, but to others they may not be average. and many people will always think their map is one of the best. so then its a thread where people post maps, and there is already a thread like that.

also, not trying to be mean here, but are you new to the internet? people online don't like taking 'directions', and will in fact do the opposite if they feel there is any push to do so. getting upset about it just makes it worse. just my 2 cents
Please don't cry.

But honestly, you're asking for something that has never and will never work in any public forum. The only way to accomplish that is to have the ability to edit you posts always and just adding maps to the first post (like on steampowered).

Secondly, the whole point of all the comments was that most maps worth of playing are likely not yet released, which would make this thread pointless, since it would sink into oblivion if you could only post quality maps. Just wait until the contest maps are announced (which should be early february btw, where did you get march? winners are notified jan. 30th. They have to accept, and after that there is no reason to wait any longer)
It is a forum, dont crack the shits.
Someone has already said, there is another thread for it
Well... I got early March from this, if you actually read what is happening:

Each potential winner will be notified by the Contest Sponsor via email and overnight mail on or about January 30, 2005 and required to complete and return an affidavit of eligibility and release of liability no later than **February 15**,
(which means valve can't do anything officially until they get this... but then read on...)... The final winners will be notified via email and overnight mail on or about **February 28, 2005** and a list will simultaneously be posted at www.steampowered.com. (the list will be posted on or about that time... Feb 28... and that will be when Valve will release the maps for download officially). Which is 1-2 days shy of March... around the time when we will actually be playing them. Who wants to wait that long when those maps are obviously done as of today?

Side note - never has never will work in any public forum? I think this shows the limit of your experience... I've been using the internet since 14.4 modems were top of the line, and the good old BB boards back in the good old days of the 286. I am far from new to the internet, I am just used to more mature forums. You are right though, I doubt a thread like this would ever work in a gaming forum full of young kids... which is probably what you meant by saying "any public forum."... and probably what someone who is in fact new to the internet would perceive the internet as.

Anyway, there are definetly a handful of maps that are out there that are worth playing right now, and anything that was submitted to the contest is floating around somewhere and it would be nice to gather those up. If there's not much quality maps to post about, then its as simple as not hitting the reply button.

Posey you make a good point about people's perception of their own maps being higher than average. I should have rephrased that to, a map of the quality that valve would release. And Dasparov, you're right, there is another thread - I said that in my original post - but I also pointed out that the purpose of it had been pretty much lost with all the useless comments filling it up... just like this one now... so nevermind.
The map authors will know by the end of January :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
The map authors will know by the end of January :)

exactly... then hopefully we can all get our hands on them and enjoy them without having to wait for valve to go through all of the legalities before actually releasing them!
I have to wait approx. 5 months to play HL2 because I get my new machine then. This computer sucks. Bad.
I like to see threads work, so here it goes.

This is my entry, dm_insurrection (i wish i chose i different name).


http://downloads.punkassfraggers.co...L2DM Files/Official Valve Map Contest Entries

It is named dm_insurrection.rar.
There are a few others there, too.

I dont have a server, so you probably wont see anyone playing it for a while.

I think the steam powered forum has something like this, a bunch of people are deciding whitch levels are good and whitch are not
filmguy123 said:
Well... I got early March from this, if you actually read what is happening:

Each potential winner will be notified by the Contest Sponsor via email and overnight mail on or about January 30, 2005 and required to complete and return an affidavit of eligibility and release of liability no later than **February 15**,
(which means valve can't do anything officially until they get this... but then read on...)... The final winners will be notified via email and overnight mail on or about **February 28, 2005** and a list will simultaneously be posted at www.steampowered.com. (the list will be posted on or about that time... Feb 28... and that will be when Valve will release the maps for download officially). Which is 1-2 days shy of March... around the time when we will actually be playing them. Who wants to wait that long when those maps are obviously done as of today?

Side note - never has never will work in any public forum? I think this shows the limit of your experience... I've been using the internet since 14.4 modems were top of the line, and the good old BB boards back in the good old days of the 286. I am far from new to the internet, I am just used to more mature forums. You are right though, I doubt a thread like this would ever work in a gaming forum full of young kids... which is probably what you meant by saying "any public forum."... and probably what someone who is in fact new to the internet would perceive the internet as.

Anyway, there are definetly a handful of maps that are out there that are worth playing right now, and anything that was submitted to the contest is floating around somewhere and it would be nice to gather those up. If there's not much quality maps to post about, then its as simple as not hitting the reply button.

Posey you make a good point about people's perception of their own maps being higher than average. I should have rephrased that to, a map of the quality that valve would release. And Dasparov, you're right, there is another thread - I said that in my original post - but I also pointed out that the purpose of it had been pretty much lost with all the useless comments filling it up... just like this one now... so nevermind.

Im just going with the flow, Im making a map atm (dm_corregation name will change) and ill post a pic or 2 soon. The map im looking forward to is dm_drift by dux http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62386&highlight=dm_drift