HL2 DM not starting?

If you check "monitor"

Deathmatch is complete.. but "Half Life 2" (for me anyway) is at "87%" and not downloading anymore
"Dude, this is pretty farked up right here."-Stan from South Park

Boy, you said it. No mods installed, can't play CS:Source, HL2 or HL2 DM.

im not upset...shit happens. I'm stuck on Popoint2 from ebaums.. trying ot beat my high of 3.7 sec
How embarrassing for Valve.... How many thousands of players are now not able to play for a product they paid $50+ for? This will echo across the net.... Another nail in Steams coffin I hope.

I've been using Steam since it was a beta and this kind of stuff always happens. Valve makes great games, but is horrible with content delivery systems.
I dont think theyre doing too bad for the first real online content delivery system. I think it was pretty great how I was able to activate HalfLife 2 the moment it came out.
yeh its not that bad. im sure they'll have a fix soon enough.
i downloaded that one mpmod that was unofficial.
Abix said:
I dont think theyre doing too bad for the first real online content delivery system. I think it was pretty great how I was able to activate HalfLife 2 the moment it came out.
agreed...There are always problems from a first time thing. I think it's going WONDEFULLY great. and it wont really kill you to not play it for a night? :(
ive been hearing in the irc channel #halflife2 that the authentication server is timing out when steam trys to athenticate thats why no other games run
No other games using the source engine runs.
this sucks, none of my games work.... gaaaay, I dont understand why HL2 wont even load, its not like you need to be online to playit, that is if its a steam auth glitch...
you need to authenticate before you play any hl2 offline. wait a few minutes or a couple of hours for the network calmdown. lots of traffic going on.
Wait, what?? I can't even play HL2?? That's ridiculous. I can understand the difficulties with Deathmatch, but this is unacceptable. Has anyone tried playing in Offline mode? They better fix this tonight. I hope there's a lot of yelling going on at Valve HQ.

Go see the servers, they are ALL full..lol, but we are down here complaining about it..
When I click the Browse Games button, HL2 says "Download & Install Now" instead of "Play Game". Of course, clicking the button does nothing as HL2 is already installed.
How do you switch content servers? Four is full and the rest have plenty of bandwidth.
I was playing HL2 at the strider level and then I got a memory error (first time ever with HL2). I kinda panicked because I heard all these other people get memory errors and they couldn't continue. But to my surprise when I restarted HL2 it UPDATED and then I continued to play it. This was around 12am eastern time. Then I find out that the DM has been released which says 8:05pm on Steam site. I reckon that is pacific time so that is around when I experienced the crash. So I guess the game got an error because it wanted to update itself? Oh I also played HL2 online.

Anyways how does this relate to the DM? Well I haven't downloaded it yet because of ppl saying HL2 won't work. But did you guys (whose source games won't work)...did your HL2 update when you try to start it?
Lol @ all who whined, it's only been out for a few hours!!
Aw, shaddup OnePost.
We whine because we've earned it.
Jifcuits said:
Lol @ all who whined, it's only been out for a few hours!!
nice first post...im sure you'll have a VERY warm welcome known as a flamer...
i think some of u guys need to realize that just cuz its his first post doesn't mean he just got his first computer. he has a point, u can post and whine, which no one wants to read or u can give some constructive converstation, like possible problems, things to do to fix it or just wait. ask ur self, would u want to read a post of someone saying "this blows, valve sucks and so does steam, i just totally wasted my whole evening on this" if u can't get it to work simply say what's errors your getting, stuff that can progress us all.
cadaveca said:
any of you have .net installed?

I do in order to run my ATI Catalyst control panel properly... but I doubt that has anything to do with the problem.
CS:S not working, HL:S not working, HL:DM not working, woot! this is awesome, thx Steam ;) </end sarcarsm>

man, i was thinking about taking a quick look at DM before going to be, dammit :(

but then again, I haven't even finished HL2, i'm starting water hazard, HAHAHAAH
i just validated deathmatch and still no luck and am doin the same with hl2 so if it works i'll tell u guys and if doesn't i won't reply, i'll be sleeping heh
nowhere was I complaining, I thought his first post was completely uncalled for. If he thinks we are all whining, he can gtfo....most of us are just simply stating that there is a problem, and not knockign valve/steam. sooo yeah
Same thing happened with HL2 when it was released on Steam.
i gotcha cyberpitz, honestly it isn't the best first post and ur right the people on here are giving good replies, but as long as we don't start bitching mindlessly
P.S. validating hl2 and dm didn't work for me so hopefully tomrrow things will be on track
HL2, cs source, sdk, nolonger work, after updating, i was so excited too. :(
nightwolf41 said:
It doesnt work for me either, how long will it be like this?
They'll jump on this fast. I mean almost everyone has this problem so i'd say it wont be too long.
what the hell

ok after reading all 5 pages trying to waste time till the steam comes back online in proper working order. but there is so much whining that one guy i hope this is another nail in steams coffin wtf is that about then you all get pissed off when somebody states whats really going on. stop the damn whineing be dont argue about how much you like or dislike steam go drink a beer :cheers: so if your to young drink one any way or go play with REAL PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE FRESH AIR BLUE SKY :eek:
Steam = !#$#@%

.............. All the hype I've ever had for Half Life 2 died because Steam is a b*tch. To me, Half Life 2 is just another game now. And ever since HL2: DM download... nothing works... I swear... Steam is most definitely the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my gaming experience...
Same here, no source games will work, but the sdk will.

yup, now nothing works.

honestly, valve has caused me more problems than anything, including windows.