hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

Maybe the best way to read those cache files is to hijack steam.dll (in the main steam directory). If you look at the hex, you'll notice the various API's, some of which are SteamReadFile, etc. If someone could figure out the right API entries for those functions, you could simply let Steam do the work for you. Too bad steam.dll is not COM based, then it would be a snap.

-Mr. Bildo
There is no other movies...

What they did is to use CreateFile and then SetFilePointer @ 400 mb.

The file is just a cache file... The files you saw in the hex editor are just descriptors for what was downloaded, or what the file should contain or whatever (an offset where the descriptors are)

Rest is filled with 0-bytes.

It is a placeholder, so it can allocate space so it doesnt fail when you download.

End of story!
Now I'm telling you people from the start. I noticed the gcache file first and some people were saying its just the CS cache file.

I tried to open it with a text editor but my computer crashed (??1!?) ahahah...lol
Personally, I'd still like to see someone figure out the file format or create a reader... but I doubt there are any mystery movies sitting on anyone's hard drive.

-Mr. Bildo
this is kinda exiting. I havent seen so much exitemtnt about a file sinse they wanted to unlock johto in pokemon ruby, pretty exiting stuff, hacking in files etc.
yeah, this sure is getting somewhat out of hand (UFO's anyone?)

what we are chasing is a shadow, pure and simple... there has been proven that there is nothing in the but 0's, so why bother?

I'm just waiting for them to release the other movie... snooping through files that don't even containg anything is just a waste of time, as far as I'm concerned...
Originally posted by ub3rbr0k3
its obviously just a placeholder.... None of you remember downloading such a huge file, do you?

Anyways, I think the docks video is the one with the spinning blade and zombies, as some of you said.

i downloaded that so called 70 mb movie of the G-man at 570k/b for 40 mins...now that isnt normal is it
Aint none of ya cracked it yet? ;)
Originally posted by ferd
i downloaded that so called 70 mb movie of the G-man at 570k/b for 40 mins...now that isnt normal is it

I downloaded the 70mb movie with "DSL" for 20 mins.

It's quite a long time for dsl.
I downloaded it in 12 min with cable and I was one of the first to get it!!!
Originally posted by Ad0
There is no other movies...

What they did is to use CreateFile and then SetFilePointer @ 400 mb.

The file is just a cache file... The files you saw in the hex editor are just descriptors for what was downloaded, or what the file should contain or whatever (an offset where the descriptors are)

Rest is filled with 0-bytes.

It is a placeholder, so it can allocate space so it doesnt fail when you download.

End of story!
I'm pretty sure that is exactly correct...

The file wasn't downloaded, it was created by the program.
I got it in 5 minutes with my DSL.

It only downloaded for about 2 minutes afterwards.

Hey how about somebody delete their gchache file and see what happens!

Btw I do not volunteer.
Originally posted by nw909
I got it in 5 minutes with my DSL.

It only downloaded for about 2 minutes afterwards.

Hey how about somebody delete their gchache file and see what happens!

Btw I do not volunteer.
Make a backup and then delete it
Everyone just wait until 7:00 eastern at which point we won't get any new videos and all commit suicide.

OMG!!! I found out where the hl2-docks video is located in the cache file!!!!

I'll post the exact hex coordinates in a few minutes...

A teaser to hold you till then!


  • 1.jpg
    80.8 KB · Views: 461
seen that pic b4 so die chris if this is fake your going down u really are.
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
seen that pic b4 so die chris if this is fake your going down u really are.

Post the link, there you see it before, please
Oh its real, alright!

The file size is 50,266,112 bytes or 47.9MB.

A few mins...
If it's not fake we want the code.. NOW .. Otherwise.. go fk yourself :)
Re: Woah!

Originally posted by Chris
OMG!!! I found out where the hl2-docks video is located in the cache file!!!!

I'll post the exact hex coordinates in a few minutes...

A teaser to hold you till then!

i was already working on it :/
damn youuuuuu :borg:
Oh its real, alright!

The file size is 50,266,112 bytes or 47.9MB.

A few mins...

offcourse it's real, you see it on the screenshot...
good work there Chris, someone upload it for us to download please !
very exciting, indeed

wonder what Valve has to say about this, though...
watch valve punishes us and dosent give as anymore movies... this could turn out real great
guess were getting a movie afterall today lol (if not chris gets banned, Lol jk)
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
watch valve punishes us and dosent give as anymore movies... this could turn out real great

lol and cancel Half-life 2 ... ahah