hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

Ive got g-man and docks but its still downloading something for the halflife2 movies section!
im sorry but which part is the tech demo can someone explain to me?;(
Yea, I watched the docks one and my Steam has been updating Half-Life2 Movies for over 5 minutes at 500kb/sec :O Looks like they plan on doing the same thing. Download the movie in the background, then update the Movie List afterwards :o
Yes hehe, well someone please put the new movie/movies somewhere so we can download it :bounce:
Would be fun if we are dowloading all the movies now and valve was planning to "unlock" one each day : )
You can in fact pull kleiners out the same way as the docks. Just did it. Good find guys!
What is kleiners?

It seems to be pretty big, I've been downloading for about 7 minutes. I don't know at what speed... it says 1mb/s but I doubt that is true. I'm pretty sure I have a 256 download cap :dozey:
anyone have the hex values for the third vid?
someone said it started at 28ba86, but where does it end? also, how the heck do you figure that out???
I tried using xvi32, i replaced "HL2-G-Man.exe" with "HL2-Kleiners_Lab.exe" and steam crashed when I tried to go into mediaviewer. Is this the wrong string?
Could someone post the same kind of guide as before but for hl2-kleiners_lab.exe ?
lol, this reminds me of the time i was at a bar and it was "free beer night" so they had all the cups lined up at the bar waiting to be handed out. well later in the night no bartender was around so i grabbed a drink for a girl friend and the bartender fumes and kicks me out... i was drunk too so i couldn't go anywhere. a friend threw a drink on him... and he is in a local sh***y hip hop band. so someone needs to throw a drink on valve, if they are pissed. :cheers:
After I edit the cache file, the Hex Editor freezes when I try to save it. This didn't happen before... I wonder why it's doing it now...
Well you need to make space for those extra 7 chars in the filename, so you shift everything by 7 bytes.
I'm using Ultra Edit FYI:

I used the hex INSERT BYTES to insert 7 extra bytes, and THEN did the replacing. I'll let you know how it worked.

EDIT: Nope - didn't like that. I guess the new file size was a bad thing.
Next I'll try just shifting it (insert then delete some empties).

EDIT2: Apparently someone with more experience did it right already. :P Luckily, I backed my cache up before editting this time so I don't have to keep re-downloading it.
Ok now it let me save, but I can't open the HL2 media section of steam. It says preparing... and then nothing happens. No message or anything :(
I tried switching the filenames for media\movies\HL2-Docks.exe and media\movies\HL2-Kleiners-Lab.exe

It said game is not available at this time.

wow look at her collar-bones!!!!
omg im rubbing my crowbar over that one...
Now everytime I try to access the media section I get an error: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminator the application."

What do I do :(
Do you guys still need the kleiners explained? Or has everyone figured it out now.
I had no problem with docks, but kleiners is giving me trouble. I think I might have messed something up, so I deleted the cache file and am downloading it again.

Could you tell us EXACTLY what you did? Is it HL2-Kleiners_Lab.exe or HL2-Kleiners-Lab.exe or something else? Did you rename docks or G-Man?
"Name" "Klein"
"Type" "Video"
"File" "media/movies/HL2-Kleiners_Lab.exe" } "2" {
"Name" "Docks"
"Type" "Video"
"File" "media/movies/HL2-Docks.exe"

This is how it looked when I got it to work, this is what should be entered after you search "Video" in the hex file
Ok, the problem may have been that I had "Kleiners_Lab" as the name. I'll give that a try once it's finished re-downloading =/
I had meant to fix the post not delete it, here it is again:

Ok first of all this is a 'dirty' method since I really am just screwing around here based on Chris_D's post: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2510&perpage=15&pagenumber=10

Anyways grab a hex editor such as http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm

Using these instructions (but with slight changes from the originals):

There is a search feature in your hex program.
First of all open "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\your-email-here\half-life 2 movies\gcache.gcf"
*I made a backup copy of mind just incase I screwed something up and didn't feel like redownloading it all over again. Your call*

Then use the search feature to find "Docks"
You should see: "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-Docks.exe"

Change "Docks" to Alexs *I just left the extra letter to avoid changing, no clue if you can rename it properly or not. Probably can but why bother*

Change "HL2-G-Docks.exe" to "HL2-kleiners_lab.exe" *Don't worry about over writing spaces here, it didn't harm anything for me. But once your done you may want to restore the original cache file. Again I'm screwing around here so who knows.*

Run Steam
Open the movie
You now have your misspelled Alyxs video. Its also saved in the movies directory once you run it.
ok so the first set is the klien, then the 2nd set is docks...?

by set I mean the name and the file...

it still ain't workin.

and when I open my hex file, it says Gman then Gman for the 2nd one too??
THANX!!! all I need is the hex though... and with good sense I'll see the movie
Originally posted by symptom
Now everytime I try to access the media section I get an error: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminator the application."

What do I do :(

I'm having the same problem. What hex editor are you using? I didn't have any issues with the first one either.

-Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by Mr. Bildo
I'm having the same problem. What hex editor are you using? I didn't have any issues with the first one either.

-Mr. Bildo

I'm getting the same one and I'm using the XVI32 editor.
Originally posted by Face Stabber
I'm getting the same one and I'm using the XVI32 editor.

I'm using AXE3, so I guess it's not the editor...

-Mr. Bildo