hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

May 18, 2003
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well, look what i found!


So what does this mean? the file is 400 megs big so they can hide the movie inside it.

Many ppl had problems with steam updating the movies even if they already had the first one, maybe they downloaded this one.

The marked text says:

media/movies/hl2-docks.exe and hl2-g-man.exe.

I known this for a few days...i didnt had the time to look it up until now :)

So what do you think?
Nice finding indeed.. now you can figure out how to play it!

P.S. Your icon still creeps me out.
Originally posted by Ender
Nice finding indeed.. now you can figure out how to play it!

P.S. Your icon still creeps me out.

icon? you mean avatar? Its Amy from Sonic :)

Im not a cracker so we need someone that can crack the file and find out whats inside.

Think about it...we have the second movie on our HDs :)
Whatever the hell it is.. its not well.. right.. for a male to be using an "avatar" of anything that includes the color pink in it..

and yeah.. crackers 4 teh win
Originally posted by Ender
Whatever the hell it is.. its not cool for a male to be using an "avatar" of anything that includes the color pink in it..

and yeah.. crackers 4 teh win

It is time to grow up Ender.

Majestic, so you think we already have video on our HD? But if so, it would be easier for Valve to activate it, so why won't they?
Sure its not only something they forgot? :)

Anyway, a male preferring skeletons over pink fluffy thingies is not straight in the head, there is a word for that :naughty:
Oh wait, there is a word for the first thing too... Nevermind.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
It is time to grow up Ender.

Majestic, so you think we already have video on our HD? But if so, it would be easier for Valve to activate it, so why won't they?

That came out of nowhere.. did you say that to try and be witty/funny.. or both?..

And valve likes to torment us.. you know that.
Originally posted by Ender
Whatever the hell it is.. its not well.. right.. for a male to be using an "avatar" of anything that includes the color pink in it..

and yeah.. crackers 4 teh win
Mayb because she IS a girl? Possibly?
If it's 400mb I'd expect there to be more than one in that file... And it's interesting that it's called docks... maybe it's new footage?
That could be.. but I think she/he would of stated it.. or.. maybe..
Originally posted by Chris_D
If it's 400mb I'd expect there to be more than one in that file... And it's interesting that it's called docks... maybe it's new footage?

It’s not new, we already seen docks, right after tech demo.
ahhh... the bit with the zombie, gorgeous landscapes and water effects?
Yes but it was shorter then the g-man video.
And its 400mb?
It's very strange.

First: im a male, i like retro consoles...i like sonic...who likes sonic more then i do? That whould be Amy :)

Second: We _maybe_ got the vid...but it can also be a placeholder for the future.

I remember valve said "You wont even know that you downloaded the movies" or something like that. Some ppl said that steam was updateing the movies even if they had it. So maybe steam just downloaded the file and we dont even know it!

So they can just tell steam to show it then *bang* we got the movie.

But we cant be sure right now...we need a cracker to find that out.
I think there's more in that gcache file...
Originally posted by Chris_D
ahhh... the bit with the zombie, gorgeous landscapes and water effects?

Yes, that one. I also think they will include video, where Gordon blocks door with table. Because docks themselves are VERY short video, shorter than G-man video.
Well please.. for the love of my sanity.. make it a sonic avatar...

and yeah.. the HL-docks Movie could have had footage added..
For the record. Half of the file is filled with zeros...aka nothing.. so its really a cache file....but maybe with the file already there?

[Add X-files music]
its obviously just a placeholder.... None of you remember downloading such a huge file, do you?

Anyways, I think the docks video is the one with the spinning blade and zombies, as some of you said.
The docks.. im almost positive.. thats the one where gordon walks on the "docks" and the zombie hits him into the water.. in the 25 min video
Originally posted by Majestic XII

First: im a male, i like retor consoles...i like sonic...who likes sonic more then i do? That whould be Amy :)
My bad. Im sorry :o
Originally posted by ub3rbr0k3
its obviously just a placeholder.... None of you remember downloading such a huge file, do you?

Read my post alittle higher up the page...
How can it just be a placeholder? The 400mb file is there so we've clearly downloaded the file. And yes I remember downloading it because for an hour after I'd finished receiving the G-Man executable, it was still downloading - must've been this 400mb file.

And it's confirmed btw, I've justed opened it up myself in a hex editor.
18:49:14) (Majestic_XII) the ending of the file stands for something like Gazelle Cache File or Gazelle Compressed File. Gazelle was the codeanme for steam
I forgot to mention... I asked JohnC the other evening where I would find the new CS 1.6 models and he said "They're in the gcache.gcf file" and I said something along the lines of "Oh so they're compressed into there?" and he confirmed... If you look at the other gcahce files like the CS one you'll see a similar format, a format that contains a list of all the content. That's .spr files, .mdl files, .bsp files... everything... So... we have the movies, they're there right there... but because of the current movieplayer.exe or some of the platform files - we can't access it yet because the part where u acess it isn't coded into the platform yet.
I tried to open the gcf file in WinXp and it says "Select program from list or Search Web for..." so I searched the web and it found no compatible programs, but a website that was linked to said it was a "Grouped Compressed File"... Maybe there'll be a program like winzip somewhere that opens these GCF files? If not, make one :D
I dont believe there is a file in that thingy
Originally posted by EVIL
I dont believe there is a file in that thingy

You don't send a 400mb file down a content delivery system without it being necessary, without it containing data. It's not going to be about 400,000,000,000(or whatever it is... 1 character = 1 byte) random characters just to bump it up for no reason. There will be data in it, that we want to get our hands on, that they want us to get our hands on, but just not yet.
I was under the impression that the 400mb file was just a temp file that steam created to store the video data while it was downloading...
naw we never downloaded it.. it would take hours for me. mine did in about 15 minutes. also if you notice all the files have that file in it.. counterstrike, half-life and half life movies... now i dont think we downloaded 3 of them did we??? no... the file was created by the program offline. it may have an extra movie in it... or partial movie. but thats it.
perhaps Valve and Steam are planning ahead?

they know everyone will tune onto steam and wait for the movie in the hour of release, right? so what they do is download the movie without people knowing it, simply in advance, so that the pressure isn't enormously high when they actually release the movie.

it's just a speculation though...
and I did actually notice steam downloading stuff for about half an hour after finishing the movie... so something's definitely up
From about 00.46 when the movie was released to about 02.30 my Steam was downloading constantly at speeds of about 25kb/s. An hour or so of this was it downloading the g-man.exe, what was the rest?
Explain why its the exact same size as the counter-strike's one then. (for me)