hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

This simply isn't working for me. I entered everything exactly correct and it still does not work. When I double click "Half Life 2 Movies", it says "Preparing to play..." and then the window just disappears, and nothing happens. :(
Finally, heres the screenshot of the hex editor (im using AXE 3):


  • hex.gif
    83.6 KB · Views: 501
O.k.. I got mine working! Here's the deal, you have to OVERWRITE the bytes, not "replace" or "insert" them. Just start typing from the "D" in "Docks", replacing everything. For me, I had to add the little "'s and }'s.

It's worth it Sympton! You can do it! ;)

- Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by MotleycrewL
Finally, heres the screenshot of the hex editor (im using AXE 3):
Weird... mine doesn't have all that code before it. It's all zeros... look:
We are using different hex editors, im not really sure why ours would look different, tell me if it isn't working.
Originally posted by symptom
Weird... mine doesn't have all that code before it. It's all zeros... look:

That's how mine looked as well. Based on your pic, you should start typing (OVERWRITING) on the "D" in Docks. You will have to re-add the " and two }'s.

- Mr. Bildo
i finally got it.. thanks Mr. Bildo. overwriting it worked .. DL the Klein video now.

smacknca: are you saying that there is an Alex video as well? or did i just miss the reason for renaming Docks?
Woohooo finally got it working. This time I put kleiners in place of Docks instead of G-Man, and I deleted 7 of the empty spaces afterward (because "kleiners_lab" is 7 spaces longer than "docks")
sigh mine didnt work, it just keep giving me "MediaBrowser encountered an error" so I just used my backup copy.
Originally posted by monoone
i finally got it.. thanks Mr. Bildo. overwriting it worked .. DL the Klein video now.

smacknca: are you saying that there is an Alex video as well? or did i just miss the reason for renaming Docks?

Nah I wrote my lil guide a few hours ago when the new exe was first noticed and I just picked Docks as my place to rewrite and try it out. I wasnt sure about naming so I just used what I did and it worked so I never bothered to try any other ways. You're all set....for now. :cheers:

this vid is much better then the docks. and u get to hear the dynamic gun sound, slightly...

now how do I get the 4th video!!! :)
Yeah I like this video! I like watching the light hit Alyx's collar bones... and I like how Kleiner's hands refract through that magnifying class or whatever. The explosion/strider is the best part though.
anyone have any better screenshots? that one was very washed out; maybe something as good as those three docks shots, they were great
Any chance that one of you elites could extract the kliner video and make it downloadable for the HEX-challenged?
I converted it to divx but have no where to upload it to =/

edit: I'm uploading it to my webspace now.... I'm not so sure there is going to be room, so we'll see.
thanks in advance for trying. must........have........MOOREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone figure out the name of the 4th movie please...
is that even possible when it hasn't been released yet? I mean sure it could be hidden in the gcache, but I think it's a bit early yet?
If it's hidden in the gcache it's either very well hidden, I'm blind or it's encrypted.
If it's hidden in the gcache it's either very well hidden, I'm blind or it's encrypted.

I am guessing neither... they will probably release that bit of info tomorrow for the new vid
what do U mean by that bit of new info?

U say it like they gave us a hint at how to get the 2nd and 3rd videos after they released the 1st video...

what do U mean? I don't even know how ppl got the name of the 2nd video
what do U mean by that bit of new info?

U say it like they gave us a hint at how to get the 2nd and 3rd videos after they released the 1st video...

what do U mean? I don't even know how ppl got the name of the 2nd video

sorry, by new info I mean that the filename of the upcoming fourth vid will appear in the gcache file
Too bad noone so far have been able to host the DivX-version....I dont even want the exe, the compressed version is better than most game-movies I ever saw so whats the point....
Too bad they dont officially release a compressed version :(

Oh, and thats MY opinion....i guess there are lots of people here that cant live without it being totally perfect ;)
Then I have to change "Docks" to "Alexs" ? And "HL2-G-Docks.exe" to "HL2-kleiners_lab.exe" ? Argh.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
icon? you mean avatar? Its Amy from Sonic :)

Im not a cracker so we need someone that can crack the file and find out whats inside.

Think about it...we have the second movie on our HDs :)

Heh! I think Sonic is cool, I'm a total Sonic nut!

Anyway, time for me to get the vid methinks....
You don't have to change the Steam name at all, that's just so you recognize that's the hacked version in the Steam browser. I just did the tutorial, extracted and pasted the movie to desktop, and replaced the gfc file(I pasted it in case it would delete or something, it didn't)
Alyx, forever glorified in high resolution(scaled down to 800 x 600 for filesize, bless the wonders of Photoshop)
Dr. Kleiner is glorified magnifying glass and Gatorade-filled tubes, the picture doesn't do the scene justice.
CoolFunkMan: "Heh! I think Sonic is cool, I'm a total Sonic nut!"

any chance U'r refering to me?? I think I remember writeing that in an IM?? did U IM me?

I'm a but confused...
how exactly do they "give" u the new vid? do they just patch the gcache and extract a portion of it to ur movie folder?

cuz, all the movies are already in there, right?

a 400 meg file with 198 worth of videos weve seen (including the nth video [not sure if its the 3rd to be released] prolly means theres another 200 of videos left, right?
probably just update the gcache, as the rest of the stuff isn't in there. Also, another cache question, if I delete the mdl stuff in the Counter-Strike one, will it use my custom stuff?
Y dosn't everyone just step back and think for a seccond...

whats the purpose of a chache file? to reserve space for stuff to come in the future!!

the casche file was about 30kb when U downloaded it. then steam put it in that folder and made it 400MB so that U don't use that HDD space and U have room for the next few videos...

everytime U patch the cashe to get the next video, or they release the next video, U still gotta download it...

the 2nd video was downloaded in the background by everyone the day before, then was unlocked the next day.

thats Y when U patch the casche file, U still gotta download the 3rd movie. U don't automaticly have it.
lol no sonic, he was talking about the cartoon/game, the hedgehog variety of Sonic. :cheese:
thats what I thought but I remember typeing "I'm not a cracker, so we gotta find someoen else to crack the file..."

in an IM message