HL2 DVD Case 'Claims'

i accept what i got, i didnt see much official advetisement for this, or have read the box or anything... i thought this game was amazing
Whoever is comlplaining about those things on the back of the box, the only thing that is not true is the thing about crafting weapons with the objects at hand, but even that is true...sort of...whatever...
Trucks, cars, do react realistically, like when a gunshiop slams into it, it moves and the A.I is very good, some of the best i've seen, i've never seen any of my allies just run out into the middle of a firefight...ever... They do seem to be bending the truth ever so slightly, but that's what you can expect from PR...so please stop with this "OMFG THEY'RE NOT TELLING 100% THE TRUTH" bullshit...
donutty_uk said:
OK, I finished the game, enjoyed it immensely, but like many thought it was too short (about 15-20 hours gameplay). Then I looked at the back of the DVD case at the 'sales pitch':

Digital actors - Advanced animation technology delivers the most sophisticated in-game characters ever witnessed

Advanced AI - Friends and foes assess threats, master tricky terrain and fashion weapons from what is at hand

Stunning graphics - Simply amazing special effects ingite incredibly realistic environments

Physical gameplay - Objects from rocks to trucks obey the laws of gravity, friction and bouyancy

My thoughs on these 'claims':

1] The 'acting' is good, but still predictable and sometimes 'robotic'. Also annoyingly the characters talk over each other. Nice high-res textures though (esp Alyx's hips!)

2] The AI - Nothing special. Not much to be expected in my opinion in games at this moment in time. But.. what is wrong with the laws of 'if I can see you.. you can see me'? i.e. I am behind a crate with a clear head shot of a combine soldier. Why can't they see me?? Craft weapons from what is at hand? I never once saw that, except in the sewers the guy who uses the pipe as a weapon, but that was a scripted sequence!

3] Yes the graphics rock.. but there are some flaws - namely bloody SPRITES!! I didn't notice it the first time around, but when you go into the square from the trainstation at the start of the game, the grass around the statue / plint is like pre-Duke Nukem sprites - ie they rotate with your view, cutting through the solid stone of the statue!! Awful!! However I think the water is better than Far Cry. Everything also has a 'real world' ambience

4] I love the physics. I have spent hours building up piles of crates / pallets, boxes, barrels etc under the exploding barrels and laughing in glee as debris is showered everywhere. Trucks??? Obey these physics?? NO! The only vehicles you can move are the cars with grenades etc and gravgun. However I like the little touches like cardboard boxes unfolding when you bash them about.

Now please dont flame me like 'Professional programmer guy', these are just my thoughts on the 'slightly twisted PR claims'. I love the game and would have bought it anyway no matter what other people said. I would give it 95%

Do you agree / disagree with what has been said?

Firmly Agree :devil: