HL2: DVD or CD?

spend £xx so that i dont have to move my arms and open a cd drive??? i think not old boy.

dvd is NOT standardised yet. new standards are still coming out... dual layered this and that blah blah. when the industry decides to stick to one thing. and when that thing becomes cheap and reliable, ill buy a dvd drive/writer.

untill then, your not going to catch leprosy form changing cds when you install something.

P.S. i heard valve were doing THIS with HL2 <-- change **** to the "F" word
Dedatorv said:
Which would be right about now, why not spend like $15 so you can play dvds and install recent games with just one Dvd and not by 5 CDs.

I doubt that $15 would get you a reliable DVD player...
Aye and the DVD cases are getting smaller and smaller.The newest PCZ DVD case was only slightly thicker then the Disk itself here are some pics to show u.I had to hold it up on its own.The way of the future,less plastic used though I cant really see a manual fitting in there.
dvd is NOT standardised yet. new standards are still coming out... dual layered this and that blah blah. when the industry decides to stick to one thing. and when that thing becomes cheap and reliable, ill buy a dvd drive/writer.

Well, you'll be waiting forever. Sticking with one thing? Go to Cuba then. They still drive '54 Chevies. The whole point of technology is progress. Just jump in the river, it's never going to slow down.
Dougy said:
The vast majority of people who own Computers know nothing about them.

christ ive even seen people who think that if they leave their computers on over night and the hard drive revs up that hackers are stealing all their files.... and that was about a computer with NO modem at all.

..you mean I'm not being hacked at night!? Phew.. thanks.. that's one thing less I have to worry about! :)

Snowknight26 said:
UT2004 with 6 (although you just had to pop the play disk in at the end.. which would make 6)(>_<)

Yeah, it was the same with FC. 5 discs, and you had to put the 1st back in at the end, which made the sixth
when i got far cry, it came on dvd, and when i got ut2k4, that came on dvd too. I really dont care which, as long as they release the game!
Razor said:
Anyone who can afford to buy Halflife2 has no excuse not having a Dvd drive, seeing that they are cheaper then most games now.

For goodness sake, go out and buy a dvd drive you backward people.

how bout no. What the hell would i ever use it for other than to install HL2.

Why the hell would i watch dvds on a screen thats 21 inches at absolute max, when i can go and watch a dvd on my wonderfully comofortable lounge with all my friends on a massive TV.

DVD players on computers are a waste of money, when for the same price you can buy a real one and hook it up to your TV.

Also, what does it matter how many disks it takes to install. You only need to ever keep one in your drive when your playing anyway.
dvd dvd dvd, i got a dvd burner for 200 AUS the other day, a good one too. cheap stuff. so i couldnt be bothered with CDs anymore.
Installing 5 CDs isn't so bad, drooling at the manual and box art really kills time.
Something else came to mind... these DVD readers (and writers) also read CDs. So one drive can do it all for DVD and CD (for reading).
I remember when CDs were first making an impact on the PC world, and people were having problems upgrading their PC for CD capability, and it was said that CD readers were built to last a year. ONE year!
Well, Over the years, I've only had one that crapped out on me, and so far, I've never heard of anyone's DVD reader crapping out. My TV DVD player has crapped out before (thusly had to spend another $300 for another one), but never for a PC DVD reader. Not that they don't crap out, but my $30 DVD reader has withstood a year already (reading DVD and CDs) and my external burner has lasted 100's of burns / 6 months. Just a little assurance for the CD only owners in case HL2 (or anything else) comes out in DVD only.
Why not make it on DVD, every computer that is younger than five years, have a DVD-drive...and if it older than that, it won't be able to plat HL2 anyway.
i think Half-life will come out on CD and DVD, but your be looking around for a long time to find the CD version, im sure they won't make too many.
I already preordered mine on 5 1/4 inch floppies (4000 of them)....
"dvd is NOT standardised yet. new standards are still coming out... dual layered this and that blah blah. when the industry decides to stick to one thing. and when that thing becomes cheap and reliable, ill buy a dvd drive/writer."

uhh dvd is standardized.. notice how there aren't 19 different types of dvds floating around.. w/burnable media there are 2.... one for writing fast and one for writing slow.. it's cheap, it's reliable, so why not just get one?

oh wait, i guess you're waiting for BD.. or maybe HD-DVD to get a dvd-rom.... cause you know, then dvd-roms will be like.. $5 instead of 15... cheap bastard
where can i get that lg dvd drive tell me where and ill get 1 right now.
The_Monkey said:
Why not make it on DVD, every computer that is younger than five years, have a DVD-drive...and if it older than that, it won't be able to plat HL2 anyway.

oldagerocker said:
i think Half-life will come out on CD and DVD, but your be looking around for a long time to find the CD version, im sure they won't make too many.

this isn't a question of whether or not it will be on dvd.

it's asking which one you'll buy.

valve already said it's going to be on dvd and cd formats

and oldagerocker, i'm sure there'll be plenty of cd versions to buy. they're not ready to start phasing out cds just yet. everytime i go to the store, there's always more shelf space for the cd version of UT2k4 in stock than the dvd format.
brilliant ! You can tell i havent bought a game for awhile... saving up for a leet rig for HL2... still saving....... still saving..... still saving, etc etc
oldagerocker said:
saving up for a leet rig for HL2... still saving....... still saving..... still saving, etc etc

same here, just ordered all my parts the other day, which will be waiting on the doorstep when i get home.
I'll be tempted to buy the DVD version of HL2 even though my personal computer doesn't have a dvd drive. BUT! Luckily my dad has a dvd drive so i think i can install HL2 onto my computer dvd over the network. It would take a while ofcourse.

Nah, i'm looking to purchase a dvd writer anyway cause ive got a lot of stuff to backup and cds are too small. DVDRWs are the way to go!
PowerLlama said:
"dvd is NOT standardised yet. new standards are still coming out... dual layered this and that blah blah. when the industry decides to stick to one thing. and when that thing becomes cheap and reliable, ill buy a dvd drive/writer."

uhh dvd is standardized.. notice how there aren't 19 different types of dvds floating around.. w/burnable media there are 2.... one for writing fast and one for writing slow.. it's cheap, it's reliable, so why not just get one?

oh wait, i guess you're waiting for BD.. or maybe HD-DVD to get a dvd-rom.... cause you know, then dvd-roms will be like.. $5 instead of 15... cheap bastard

er... no.

theres no point buying just a stand alone dvd-rom im going to buy a dvd-writer, and ill buy whenver i want to buy it. infact i used to have a dvd-rom and it went belly up on me, but the sheer fact that nothing i use NEEDS a dvd drive hasnt prompted me to buy a new one.

the vast majority of software and games are still getting realesed primarily on CD then whats the point in getting a dvd drive for just one game.

whats wrong with waiting for the dvd-writer market to stabalize before i spend my money? its not like theres an urgency to requires me to buy a dvd-rom. i dont want to spend £70 on one then find out 2 weeks later its going to be £50 like with my cd writer.
guise said:
the vast majority of software and games are still getting realesed primarily on CD then whats the point in getting a dvd drive for just one game.

I'd like to point out that lately Unreal Tournament 2004, Far Cry, Thief and Silent Hill 3 were all DVD-only (the exception being UT2K4).

The games ARE moving over to DVD format. I don't get why people are whining so much - by your reasoning I guess we should all go back to disks, because why bother buying a CD drive?
Iconoclast said:
I'd like to point out that lately Unreal Tournament 2004, Far Cry, Thief and Silent Hill 3 were all DVD-only (the exception being UT2K4).

The games ARE moving over to DVD format. I don't get why people are whining so much - by your reasoning I guess we should all go back to disks, because why bother buying a CD drive?

FC, Thief 3 and SH3 were only released on DVD in Europe. Americans were stuck with the CD versions.

UT2K4 was multi-format even here, though :)
i'm surprised you have a comp guise... you know, cause better stuff may come out here in a few weeks making yours a bit cheaper
Easy reason for getting a DVD burner (under $100 now).
Backups. What would YOU do if your HDD crashed tomorrow? I'd guess 99% of the people on this forum would lose all their data.