Hl2 Elite Costume

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Jul 23, 2003
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The same forum poster that brought you the infamous hl2 metrocop costume, now brings you the hl2 elite costume... sorta. Its under contruction, but it will be done by some time Friday evening to be ready for Saturday for when i go to megacon. I will post pics when it is finished. So far i have the torso/chest piece nearly put together. The helmet just needs a bit more painting. (looking through a single red lense is going to be a bitch) I have the leg pads ready to be painted. I still need to make the arm guards. I have the boots and gloves. I have a white jumpsuit. I just need to sew on that extra layer of fabric onto its sleeves.

If i had more time I'm make a pulse rifle out of scrap metal too. but alas i have not the time.
You need pillows to stuff under the armour unless its really fat.
i made the vest out of chickenwire, pleather fabric, foam padding, more duct tape than i ever thought i'd ever use on anything, and lots of sewing thread, and luggage clips. So yeah, its got the fatness
You know.... You should make a deal with VALVe to start your own line of Half - Life costumes..... Barney!
Link to Metrocop (Though I think I remember it).

Are you going to be making a kind of diary with pics too?
I've always wanted to be a HL2 Civil Protection Combine for Halloween.

...No, seriously. I have.
I'd be one and beat kids with the stunstick and steal their candy.

Me : You citizen! *beats kid over head*
Kid : ...Ow! Asshole!
Me : *kicks candy on ground* Pick up that candy!
Kid : No!
Me : *beats kid over head again* Resistance is useless! *repeats over and over* *steals candy and runs*
If you're thinking of doing an ordinary combine costume, get this.


Also, you are the spitting image of the karate kid.
I always thought it would be fun to dress up as a headcrab zombie for halloween. But this is pretty cool too, can't wait to see it.
Shodan said:
If you're thinking of doing an ordinary combine costume, get this.


Also, you are the spitting image of the karate kid.

That is one hell of a gimp mask
Make sure to post what you used to make it. I'm interested in making an Elite suit myself for Halloween this year. :D
I already have my combine soldier suit all planned out.
I don't know what you guys are talking about...

I was provided my suit after I signed the contract.
i have the pictures but i can't seem to upload my pics onto imageshack, i'll try again later
Finally, here they are


next time, i'm gonna fix my costume up to look better. The only thing i'll proobably keep the same is the vest, i liked how it came out. The helmet, i'm gonna ditch it. Its too big and ugly. Need to make a smaller one. The white suit, i need to swap for a stronger one as what i had was a cheap disposable 7 dollar plastic painter's coveralls. And the rigid armor pieces I want to swap out for metal looking ones, not ones made out of duct tape.

Overall a fun experience even if it left me lacking sleep.
It's much better then the first IMO, and you can definately tell what it is supposed to be, but yeah, a little more work could help. I'm thinking smooth the helmet or something...it looks almost...wrinkly.
i had to walk around with my helmet off for most of the time, otherwise i would have knocked over so many things. Also the helmet is wrinkly because its made out of chickenwire covered in duct tape covered in acrylic paint.
Flyingdebris said:
i had to walk around with my helmet off for most of the time, otherwise i would have knocked over so many things. Also the helmet is wrinkly because its made out of chickenwire covered in duct tape covered in acrylic paint.
You only used chickenwire for the frame?! :eek:
I would have thought you would have used a baseball helmet, cut off the bill and start from there.
Flyingdebris said:
hmm why didn't i think of that...
I got the idea from a guy that made a Master Chief Helmet that way.
I would also suggest maybe trying out with fiber glass. You can make some cool stuff with it with what seems to be relative ease.
Flyingdebris said:
Finally, here they are


next time, i'm gonna fix my costume up to look better. The only thing i'll proobably keep the same is the vest, i liked how it came out. The helmet, i'm gonna ditch it. Its too big and ugly. Need to make a smaller one. The white suit, i need to swap for a stronger one as what i had was a cheap disposable 7 dollar plastic painter's coveralls. And the rigid armor pieces I want to swap out for metal looking ones, not ones made out of duct tape.

Overall a fun experience even if it left me lacking sleep.
holy freakin' cow! you, sir, are a geek. but one thing i noticed was in the bottom picture, the larger "robot" guy looked eerily identical to a combine guard. oh and if you're making stuff out of fiberglass, be careful not to get small spines on you because it hurts like a bitch. believe me. oh, nice work on the costume!
XANA said:
holy freakin' cow! you, sir, are a geek. but one thing i noticed was in the bottom picture, the larger "robot" guy looked eerily identical to a combine guard.

The larger robot guy is actually from Unreal Tournament 2003.
The same forum poster that brought you the infamous hl2 metrocop costume, now brings you the hl2 elite costume... sorta. Its under contruction, but it will be done by some time Friday evening to be ready for Saturday for when i go to megacon. I will post pics when it is finished. So far i have the torso/chest piece nearly put together. The helmet just needs a bit more painting. (looking through a single red lense is going to be a bitch) I have the leg pads ready to be painted. I still need to make the arm guards. I have the boots and gloves. I have a white jumpsuit. I just need to sew on that extra layer of fabric onto its sleeves.

If i had more time I'm make a pulse rifle out of scrap metal too. but alas i have not the time.

will this be for sale
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