HL2 expansion packs


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
do you think that the inevitable expansion packs for hl2 will be free for those who bought the gold package? or do you think we'll have to fork out summore cash to play?
Well Dr0ndeh you can spend months making your own expansion pack and release it for free if you like.
alehm said:
Well Dr0ndeh you can spend months making your own expansion pack and release it for free if you like.

read the post carefully before you open your big mouth.
We'll have to fork over cash again, undoubtedly. I won't have a problem with that if they release a quality expansion like Opfor again.
We are told what we get when we buy the Gold pack. It says nothing about recieving expansion packs, so we'll assume we don't.
If it is not listed in the Gold package, then you will undoubtedly have to fork over more cash.
i want hl2 not an expansion just give me hl2 for fooks sake gabe.
I wonder if they are goig to make blue shift and oposing force OR ALIEN FORCE for this game huh huh huh?!!?!!
nobody told the ATI voucher holders that they were going to get the beta of CS:S either. i dont think its beyond reason that they might give the expansion pack(s) to gold users for free, and charge all other users (or make them upgrade to gold.)
Dr0ndeh said:
do you think that the inevitable expansion packs for hl2 will be free for those who bought the gold package? or do you think we'll have to fork out summore cash to play?
Fork out.
Pay. Why would they give you more free things? They have given enough.
Yeah lets get Hl2 out first, I mean for all you know this game could be cancelled and scrapped.

wait what
Dr0ndeh said:
nobody told the ATI voucher holders that they were going to get the beta of CS:S either. i dont think its beyond reason that they might give the expansion pack(s) to gold users for free, and charge all other users (or make them upgrade to gold.)

CS:S beta was temporary.

There's no reason to give gold purchasers more. Why would they? Because they spent more money? Gold purchasers spent more money because they bought more stuff. They don't deserve any kind of special treatment.

I can't think of any sane and logical reason as to why Valve would give them freebies.
Dr0ndeh said:
nobody told the ATI voucher holders that they were going to get the beta of CS:S either. i dont think its beyond reason that they might give the expansion pack(s) to gold users for free, and charge all other users (or make them upgrade to gold.)

I think it would set a worrying president for Valve if they gave any expansions away for free to gold customers. If they did it this time, and not for future game releases, they would get slated by people who bought gold expecting it. I don't think they could do that without knowledge of financial aspects of future games... which they can't.

In summary I would bet that everyone will have to pay.
Absinthe said:
CS:S beta was temporary.

There's no reason to give gold purchasers more. Why would they? Because they spent more money? Gold purchasers spent more money because they bought more stuff. They don't deserve any kind of special treatment.

I can't think of any sane and logical reason as to why Valve would give them freebies.

I agree. There seems to be a culture these days that expects to get something for nothing, that other people owe you something. I blame the Linux lot! ;)
When it comes to Gold, that's what I chose and I feel that I'll be getting what I paid for. I would have bought Silver anyway, so I only needed to justify spending $30 more for the Gold pack. I felt the extra goodies were worth that, so I don't feel like Valve owes me anything.

I'm more than happy to pay for any and all future expansion packs.
