Hl2 Fanfic


Jul 5, 2003
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I am writing a HL2 fanfic, just to pass the time, but I know nothing of the story, so its all speculation here, more to come later!

A fan-fiction by TheOtherGuy

“Can you get a clear shot at him?” whispered Ian, nervousness in his breath. “He’s right in my sights, Ian; I’ve got a clear headshot from here, should I fire?” Tonya said, slowly moving the barrel of her sniper rifle to follow the motions of her adversary.

“What does he look like, Tonya?” Ian struggled to get a better look. “He’s a black mask, alone; he’s moving rather quickly, I would say he’s also hiding from something, dodging from shadow to shadow…”

Ian knew that this meant he was low rank, and since he was traveling alone, he was either a messenger or a scout. “Are you absolutely sure that he is alone?” Ian said quickly through his Eastern European accent. Tonya nodded. “Then fire.”

The shot rang out into the daylight, but was quickly drowned out by the sounds of the nearby Combine Wall, as most things were, this close to the Combine itself. The soldier fell to the desolate street, a hole right through the temple of his black gasmask. An eerie flat-line sound came out of the soldier’s combat suit, as if to prove that he was cold dead.

That made 27 kills this month for Tonya; she hadn’t really gone a day this month without shooting a Combine soldier, important or not. She was merciless to the enemy that was taking her home. It seemed that the resistance had a lot of enemies these days; it seemed as if they had a fight with everyone. Their main enemy, of course, was The Combine, who had invaded their city, and grew ever stronger day by day. But that was not all, occasionally they had to fight the Xenofauna that infested the city, and killed their comrades without cause. And they even had to deal with the sympathizers to The Combine, which ranged throughout the city, and could never be trusted.

“Good Job,” exclaimed Ian as he trudged from the hiding place in the decimated bank that they had made. Just about every building in “city 17” was decimated, or burning; even the headquarters of the resistance had a gigantic hole in the side of it.

Ian looked down at the fallen scout, and searched him for any important documents, and then he took the MP5 he was carrying, and his supplies, and took his radio, so that they could listen in to what was going on along the Combine channels. They didn’t need to hide the body; they just had to spread spores over him, so that the Xenofauna would come to consume him.

“Nothing important about him, we should go and submit this radio and MP5 to headquarters, we need all the equipment we can get.” Ian explained to Tonya.

So they headed out through the city, getting farther and farther away from the Combine Building, which loomed over the city, higher than anyone could see, growing larger by the day as it consumed the city beneath it.

The city itself was called “City 17”, no-one called it by its original name, nor did anyone care. Most of the resistance had spent the last year or so imprisoned and tortured within the combine, and knew of nothing else but their cold terminology. City 17 was not a city in fact, but rather a large grouping of urban and suburban regions around Prague, in the Czech Republic, or at least it used to be the Czech Republic, before it collapsed under the might of The Combine.

The resistance fought for City 17 not because they thought they could win, but rather, because it was right. They had been long past thinking that they could win. It had been 15 years since the invasion began… 15 long years where over 4 billion people had died; the oceans had dried up, the trees all but bare from lack of water, where every nation on Earth had fallen under the iron fist of the mighty Combine.

It all started in 1985, in a government research facility in New Mexico called “Black Mesa”, apparently, some scientists had found a way to teleport people and goods to and from a system all the way across the galaxy, and this system was called Xen. The scientists had kept it a secret for many years, until 1998, when things went horribly wrong. A routine transport using the “lambda” technology suddenly began to experience glitches, a huge resonance cascade came from it, and various aliens from Xen began appearing all over the research facility. Desperate to keep this a secret, the US Government used nuclear weaponry on the facility; and for a time, it seemed that all their troubles were over. Or so they thought…
Ahh, you should have broken it up in 5 seporate posts to keep it easier to read
Good Read other wise :thumbs:

It would be a looking comic if anyone ever made one.
(Like Max Payne style or some such thing)
Give us more! Definitely go with more detail, especially in that last paragraph. You've got some good creative writing skills, but I'd strongly reccommend taking a course for it. You should also consider buying the book, "A Writer's Reference", by Diana Hacker. It has all the rules you can never remember about commas, semicolons, and all that good stuff. It's really quick and includes absolutely no BS. Just the facts, Jack! Keep pushing out the HL-fiction... you started it, now you have to keep going, or you will be assimilated... :borg:
Excellent read! I enjoyed it a lot! Write more!

I especially liked the part where they covered the body in pheronomes, so creative!
I hv this for some time now in my HD but I was waiting for the Fan Fiction Forum to open to show it. The remaining part of the Story is being worked on.
***SPOILER*** In case you don't get it he's in love for Alyx ***SPOILER***

As I looked down I saw it.
The Hydra.
We had no idea what it was but it was growing in the sewers, consuming both Combine and Men, turning the previously dark, secret passages of the sewers into hunting grounds. The Xens, however never came down. Perhaps they knew what lured in the dark.
The destruction of Dr.Kleiner's lab had alarmed our base leader and he ordered my platoon to go to it and and find survivors. He knew I would give my best to find any. After all Alyx was there. We were sent in by two old OSPREY planes. They drop us as near as they could without alerting The Combine.
But when we reached the area I saw there was no hope. Striders had attacked that place. And when Striders attack they don't leave nothing.They had turned the warehouse into dust.
- Set up a perimeter. Gonzales, Popov go to that building and set up na observation post. And I need 3 volunteers for a search team.
6 men imediately steped forward.
- OK! Mendonza, Li and Boris you’re up.Scout ahead for survivors.
Everybody else dig some foxholes! And make’m deep we got reports of armoreds in this sector!
- Yes, Sir!
- Sgt. Maclane, come over here! I need to see you!
He immediately come to me.
- What’s happening Jack ?
- There ain't any bodies. No one died.
- What do you mean?
- I think they knew they would be attacked, and they were ready to get away.
- Then why would they hold here? It doesn’t makes any sense. Kleiner’s lab wasn’t that inportant!
- Maybe not to us. But they had to have something in here worth the stay.Remember that rumor that spread over the troops after we retook Sector 5 back that it was Kleiner’s work?! That it was all Kleiner’s work? That he had developed a weapon against them?! You were there with me.They were wiped out before we got there. We assumed that the Xen had done it to them but if this rumor is true? He could be making this weapon in mass quantities to exterminate them for good when they attacked.
- I don’t know Jack! I’ve been fighting these guys for 20 years now, and I don’t remember anyone making na effective weapon aggainst them. But it would explain why they attacked this unimportant area instead of…
- SCANNER! – Popov screamed.
- Everybody in the foxholes! We’ll hold this as long as we can! No man is left behind!
I went to see Popov.
- What did you see?
- A scanner spotted us Sir! I took it out but you know how they are.
Yes indeed I knew. You took out a scanner and they would send an army to check it out.
I went into a foxhole with Lockheart and Goose.
And they came.
They were too many. At least a hundred infantry, 2 armoreds and air support from at least half-dozen gunships. We were less than 40 men without heavy weaponry.
- RETREAT! RETREAT! EVERYBODY TO THE SEWERS! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! – i hoped some would survive pass the hell.
I got out of my foxhole and ran to the hole made by the tank’s heavy rounds. I jumped inside in the hole hoping to survive. Only 5 men managed to come inside.
- Are you all?
- We’re all that made the run Sir! All the others died on the run or the armoreds blew their foxholes with them.
One more jumped inside. It was Mendonza. He was a shot on the leg and landed pretty bad.
- Mendonza! Are you OK?
- Yes, Sir.
- Where’s Popov?
- He didn’t make it. The UFO’s* took him down on the run.
- Do you think you can walk?
- Yes, Sir. No problem.
- Let’s move out people. We need to get out of here before the Combine start dropping in.
Everyone followed me. I thinked it was strange that the Combine weren’t following us. I would soon find out why.
To be continued...
Nice writing... I'd love to hear more of that!
If no one asnwers i'll start a new thread because I really need feedback on this
Alright, This next part is very long, and deals with the time inbetween Black Mesa and City 17, so bear with me here, I also included an edited version of the last paragraph from the last section. Thank you for your constructive comments!

It all started in a government research facility in New Mexico called “Black Mesa”. Black Mesa was started in the 1950’s to test out new means of transporting troops across the battlefield. Around 1980, they had a breakthrough with the technology.

Apparently, some scientists had found a way to teleport people and goods to and from a system all the way across the galaxy, and this system was called Xen. Xen was a very strangle place, filled with flora and fauna of all kinds that no-one could even have imagined. So, naturally, the greedy scientists thought of it as a way to make enormous amounts of money.

The scientists had kept it a secret for many years, until 1998, when things went horribly wrong. A routine transport using the “lambda” technology suddenly began to experience glitches, The scientists tried to stop it, but with no avail, a huge resonance cascade came from it, and various aliens from Xen began appearing all over the research facility. Desperate to keep this a secret, the US Government sent in troops to kill off the aliens and silence the remaining scientists… Those troops never came back. In a final act of vigilance, the US government used nuclear weaponry on the facility. As a mushroom could erupted from the facility, the American commanders shook hands, and thanked each other that an alien invasion had been stopped without any inquiries from the public. Or so they thought…

In 2004, the US government decided to enter Black Mesa again to check ground zero, they figured that in 6 years, nothing that might have survived would still be alive… They were wrong.

Inside the decimated hulk of the Black Mesa Research Facility, government agents discovered that not only did a few of the aliens survive and reproduce, but that the portal that originally brought them there was still bringing aliens to Earth, and it was stronger than ever, either a side effect of the nuclear bomb, or some unseen acts in Xen.

The agents were able to hold off the aliens in the facility just long enough to discover that where the great teleporter machine that made lambda possible had used to stand, there was now a silvery tower being built, made of a metal unknown to earth, and it seemed to be growing larger even as they watched it. The last transmission anyone received from the taskforce was a grave one:
“There are just too many of them, we’re running out of ammunition, and they just keep coming and coming! We have no choice; I’m falling back into this big metal thing! Men, keep the line, keep the line, we’re almost there! Get your sorry asses into that gate, move it, move it! Alright, we’ve made it into the structure, and lucky us, the door shut behind us. Those aliens obviously can’t get in here, now we’ll just have to scout around to see what this is all about… Johnson, set up a sentry gun or two, Butch, I want trip mines near the top of that wall. And Strathmore-where the hell is Strathmore? Hey, wait a minute, what in gods name is-“TRANSMISSION ENDED

Maybe they were the lucky ones. After them, the government sent in heavier and heavier task forces, all of them disappeared. It wasn’t long until they just decided to give up, and set up a siege around Black Mesa. In the hills, mesa’s and plateaus the dug in, the US commanders didn’t want to risk another task force, or even another nuclear missile. It wasn’t long until scouts reported a pillar of dust rising from Black Mesa , and what looked like a huge spear shot up from it, rising at least 100 feet in the air. The spear separated, and quickly formed what looked like a small mechanical skyscraper. It was the first of the Combine Structures, and out of it poured thousands of what looked like human soldiers. But deep down, they knew that those figures coming out of the structure were not truly human. The battle only lasted a few days. Even though the US soldiers had the upper ground, seemingly heavier armor, and air support, the alien onslaught simply came in hordes, and it wasn’t soon before armor and air support of their own began pouring out of the structure.

Whenever The Combine neutralized a unit, they would not waste him, they would carry both soldiers and destroyed vehicles back into their structure, and an hour or so later, 5 similar units would come out, now fighting for The Combine. 3 days later, the battle was over. Nothing was left at black mesa except for the hulks of a few burning helicopters and the now massive Combine Structure.
The Combine spread like a cancer. The US government could not keep it a secret any longer, the public was warned on national television, and residents living in New Mexico were advised to evacuate immediately.

In that week, no fewer than 7 nuclear missiles were aimed at or around Black Mesa, New Mexico. 6 of them were easily shot down by The Combine, and one of them was deflected, and detonated on the near-by town. Super weapons were useless against them. Every attack was thwarted by their might, and in as little as four months, the combine occupied most of Southwestern United States. And throughout this time, they had not contacted humans even once. Soon, they had learned how to use the missile silos that were stationed in the Southwestern US, and they used them not to launch nuclear missiles, but to spread their personal disease to other lands.

Of course, this was their ultimate goal, because, like us, they were the super-predators of their world. They were not here to smell the roses, they we’ rent here to further their knowledge or make peace with another civilization; they didn’t care about humanity, all they cared about were the resources. This had become standard drill for the combine, they had done it t0 3 other worlds already, Xen was their last escapade. They knew, from experience, that if you wanted to defeat the enemy, you had to be the enemy. So, when they conquered a civilization, they would simply clone their troops, and use their technologies against them. The form of The Combine that attacked Black Mesa in 1998 was simply a test force, they were all still suited for their last mission: to conquer Xen… the aliens that were seen in Black Mesa were simply copies of the sentient aliens on Xen. Now, The Combine had a new alias, and they were perfectly evolved for their new mission: to exterminate humanity.

The first of the missiles fell on the Eastern coast of the US. These missiles did not destroy, but they simply created a portal in the area. At first, out of the portals came the Xenofauna, the wild animals and alien slaves of Xen. The Xenofauna would attack and pillage the city that they landed in, and would hold it off until The Combine arrived. The Combine would then exterminate most of the Xenofauna (as if they were actually saving the city they landed in), and then The Combine would construct a Combine Structure, and begin harvesting the people and goods of the city. They would propagandize the people into becoming their slaves, and they would commandeer any military they encountered.

7 missiles fell on the East coast, and in a couple of years, the entire area of the continental United States was conquered and occupied by The Combine. It was now 2006, and the other countries of the world knew that they stood no chance against the combine.

However, many attempts were made to thwart The Combine by NATO and the UN, but to no avail, the combine had simply grown too large and too strong. By 2007, they conquered all of North and South America; and they were ready to go international.

No missiles had been fired by The Combine from the time of the occupation of the US until now, but on December 3, 2007, “Missile 8” was fired, and it cruised into and out of orbit, landing directly in London, England, within the following week, missiles 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 landed in Paris, Berlin, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Rome, and many other European cities. Missile 17 landed in Prague, in the Czech Republic. This is where Ian and Tonia come in…
posted also on the my topic but I just want to support both because I really want one of them to be made a Sticky.(pleassssssse Mod's)




We were in those sewers for over 2 hours. We were having a hard time finding openings upwards.

- Sir, why do you think the Combine didn’t even tried to hunt us down?
- I don’t know Mendonza, I really don’t know.
- I’ve heard there’s a beast down here, that ma…
- Shut up Lockheart! Everybody has to keep quiet.
We heard a scream from Jackson. I had sent him throw an alternate way as a scout for ways out.
- What was that?!?
- Jackson? Are you OK? JACKSON? DAM IT ASNWER ME! Caparzo come with me. Rest of you keep moving!
Me and Caparzo went throw a few corridors until we found it. Jackson was there. At least pieces of him.
- Holy shit! What the **** happened here!?!
- Watch it! Whoever… whatever did this can still be around here! We better regroup.
When I looked down the shaft there was some sort of light down there.
We turned our backs to it and started heading back to the squad. We shouldn’t hv done that. Caparzo’s screams had awakened it. And Jackson had been just an little snack.
- Sir, if the Combine didn’t came down what a hell did that? The Xen would hv eaten him and … well it looked lk he was ripped apart but… not eaten.
- Yeah it’s weird isn’t? But we should all be used to weirdness since The Combine invaded, don’t you think?
- You’re right Sir we sho…
A transparent blue, gigantic squid-arm had stretched all the way throw the corridor, going so fast that it went trough Caparzo’s chest, pulling him quickly to the bottom of the shaft hitting me with his leg, taking me down. I got up waiting for it to get me.
In the moment 4 more come up shaft looking for me I knew what I was seeing.
The Hydra.
There were rumours about it but we had no idea what it was. We were sure about one thing - it was growing in the sewers, consuming both Combine and Men, turning the previously dark, secret passages of the sewers into hunting grounds. The Xens, however never came down. Perhaps they knew what lured in the dark.
When it came to me however, I knew what to do. I got my OICW, got it on greande launcher mode and aimed to the ceiling between me and it.
It worked. The ceiling collapsed between us in a way that it couldn’t pass.
I regrouped.
- Sir, where’s Caparzo and Jackson? What happened?
- The Hydra is real. It got them.
I had installed fear in my men. It was my 1st mistake.
- No problem I sealed it off. It can never get here. – No one believed me. My mistake wasn’t fixable. – We need to continue going this way. Maybe we can find a way out.
- But this way is to inside enemy lines! We can’t go there!
- We have to! – this was my 2nd mistake.
We were now reduced to 3 men. And we were going straight into the lion’s den.

(2)lk the one in Tunnels video

To be continued…
theotherguy said:
hey, you stole my limelight! :p jk, nice story

Sorry about that but I really want the Mod's to mk one a Sticky so I'll probably mk tons.
OMG that is awesome! I'll try write one myself , but it'll probably be focusing on a squad of Combine troopers .
Sprafa, is your keyboard broken, or is English your second language, or do you type too fast and not check any of your grammar/spelling?
Sandman said:
Sprafa, is your keyboard broken, or is English your second language, or do you type too fast and not check any of your grammar/spelling?

Yeah, I've been wondering that too, you only use two letters for some words, why is that?
English is my 4th language (1- portuguese\2-spanish\3-French\4-English) and I type really fast so a few grammar errors are excusable and also I abreviate some words lk- like\ mk-make.
However I corrected some errors and I posted the corrected version on the other thread I made but I think this one is growing faster so I'll stick to it.
Now I've managed to install the additional language of English in my Word so here it is.

Corrected version (by Word so don't expect any miracles)but still with abrev. words-



The destruction of Dr.Kleiner's lab had alarmed our base leader and he ordered my platoon to go to it and find survivors. He knew I would give my best to find any. After all Alyx was there. We were sent in by two old OSPREY planes. They drop us as near as they could without alerting The Combine.
But when we reached the area I saw there was no hope. Striders had attacked that place. And when Striders attack they don't leave anything. They had turned the warehouse into dust.
- Set up a perimeter. Gonzales, Popov go to that building and set up an observation post. And I need 3 volunteers for a search team.
6 men immediately stepped forward.
- OK! Mendonza, Li and Boris you’re up. Scout ahead for survivors.
Everybody else dig some foxholes! And make’m deep we got reports of armoreds in this sector!
- Yes, Sir!
- Sgt. Maclane, come over here! I need to see you!
He immediately comes to me.
- What’s happening Jack?
- There aren’t any bodies. No one died.
- What do you mean?
- I think they knew they would be attacked, and they were ready to get away.
- Then why would they hold here? It doesn’t makes any sense. Kleiner’s lab wasn’t that important!
- Maybe not to us. But they had to have something in here worth the stay. Remember that rumour that spread over the troops after we retook Sector 5 back that it was Kleiner’s work?! That it was all Kleiner’s work? That he had developed a weapon against them?! You were there with me. They were wiped out before we got there. We assumed that the Xen had done it to them but if this rumour is true? He could be making this weapon in mass quantities to exterminate them for good when they attacked.
- I don’t know Jack! I’ve been fighting these guys for 20 years now, and I don’t remember anyone making an effective weapon against them. But it would explain why they attacked this unimportant area instead of…
- SCANNER! – Popov screamed.
- Everybody in the foxholes! We’ll hold this as long as we can! No man is left behind!
I went to see Popov.
- What did you see?
- A scanner spotted us Sir! I took it out but you know how they are.
Yes indeed I knew. You took out a scanner and they would send an army to check it out.
I went into a foxhole with Lockheart and Goose.
And they came.
They were too many. At least a hundred infantry, 2 armoreds and air support from at least half-dozen gunships. We were less than 40 men without heavy weaponry.
- RETREAT! RETREAT! EVERYBODY TO THE SEWERS! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! – I hoped some would survive pass the hell.
I got out of my foxhole and ran to the hole made by the tank’s heavy rounds. I jumped inside in the hole hoping to survive. Only 5 men managed to come inside.
- Are you all?
- We’re all that made the run Sir! All the others died on the run or the armoreds blew their foxholes with them.
One more jumped inside. It was Mendonza. He was a shot on the leg and landed pretty bad.
- Mendonza! Are you OK?
- Yes, Sir.
- Where’s Popov?
- He didn’t make it. The UFO’s* took him down on the run.
- Do you think you can walk?
- Yes, Sir. No problem.
- Let’s move out people. We need to get out of here before the Combine start dropping in.
Everyone followed me. I thought it was strange that the Combine weren’t following us. I would soon find out why.

* alien gunships



We were in those sewers for over 2 hours. We were having a hard time finding openings upwards.

- Sir, why do you think the Combine didn’t even tried to hunt us down?
- I don’t know Mendonza, I really don’t know.
- I’ve heard there’s a beast down here, that ma…
- Shut up Lockheart! Everybody has to keep quiet.
We heard a scream from Jackson. I had sent him throw an alternate way as a scout for ways out.
- What was that?!?
- Jackson? Are you OK? JACKSON? DAM IT ASNWER ME! Caparzo come with me. Rest of you keep moving!
Me and Caparzo went throw a few corridors until we found it. Jackson was there. At least pieces of him.
- Holy shit! What the **** happened here!?!
- Watch it! Whoever… whatever did this can still be around here! We better regroup.
When I looked down the shaft there was some sort of light down there.
We turned our backs to it and started heading back to the squad. We shouldn’t hv done that. Caparzo’s screams had awakened it. And Jackson had been just a little snack.
- Sir, if the Combine didn’t came down what a hell did that? The Xen would hv eaten him and … well it looked lk he was ripped apart but… not eaten.
- Yeah it’s weird isn’t? But we should all be used to weirdness since The Combine invaded, don’t you think?
- You’re right Sir we sho…
A transparent blue, gigantic squid-arm had stretched all the way throw the corridor, going so fast that it went trough Caparzo’s chest, pulling him quickly to the bottom of the shaft hitting me with his leg, taking me down. I got up waiting for it to get me.
In the moment 4 more come up shaft looking for me I knew what I was seeing.
The Hydra.
There were rumours about it but we had no idea what it was. We were sure about one thing - it was growing in the sewers, consuming both Combine and Men, turning the previously dark, secret passages of the sewers into hunting grounds. The Xens, however never came down. Perhaps they knew what lured in the dark.
When it came to me however, I knew what to do. I got my OICW, got it on greande launcher mode and aimed to the ceiling between me and it.
It worked. The ceiling collapsed between us in a way that it couldn’t pass.
I regrouped.
- Sir, where’s Caparzo and Jackson? What happened?
- The Hydra is real. It got them.
I had installed fear in my men. It was my 1st mistake.
- No problem I sealed it off. It can never get here. – No one believed me. My mistake wasn’t fixable. – We need to continue going this way. Maybe we can find a way out.
- But this way is to inside enemy lines! We can’t go there!
- We have to! – this was my 2nd mistake.
We were now reduced to 3 men. And we were going straight into the lion’s den.

(2)lk the one in Tunnels video

To be continued…
Wow, i think i can safely say that i would like to read both stories more.
My story will only end when Hl2 is gold.
I've got all till Part 5 written but I'm not going to publish it until Sat.
So expect updates until then.
And theotherguy your story looks great! keep it comin!
Please some more join us so we can mk this a Sticky (at least while Fan Fiction Forum isn't up).

And by the way all I'm writing is inspired in what I know about HL2 so I don't think I'll write about Combine (at least not yet)
Wow, Sprafa! I'd like to be able to speak more languages. I speak spanish as a second language, but that's about it. Oh, I speak C++, if that counts :rolleyes:
Im inspired.

my storie is probably gonna feature soldiers, british ones oh and a challenger tank....... dont ask why.
hell no, aint english british.
Scottish british.

oh, heres just a very rough intro, theres only 1 connection to half life 2 so far, depending on opinions ill start a new thread if you lot want more.


Fanfic: Half life 2 By "dougy"


As Steiner surveyed his troops he couldnt help thinking how hopeless this fight (if you could call it a fight) had become. Command was sending "greens" into combat without any real training, and he was being saddled down with the sorriest looking son's of bitches he had ever seen. "give me a quarter as many experienced troops and i would be happy" he thought.

Marshall, Howie, Jock, and Brodie stood side by side, trying to get into the stance they had been shown by some veteran officers that they had seen in the transport planes on route to Fort Bravo. Jock could hear one of the recruits trying to hold back his luaghter at the four of them trying to stand properly, he turned his head ever so slightly so he wouldnt attract attention from a officer, "aint you got anything else you could be doing other than pissing me off" he said to the man behind. Hearing this Marshall started to luagh and it set off a chain reaction, pretty soon almost all the squad where twitching and covering their mouths trying not to luagh.

Steiner, noticing the comotion calmly walked up to Marshall looking him straight in the eyes "whats so funny recruit?" he said, "nothing sir" said Marshall still trying to contain his luaghter. Suddenly Steiner's face turned nasty and he shouted "Then would you mind shutting your mouth recruit!". Marshall almsot insantly stopped luaghing and turned pure white with embarresment. Steiner happy with his work turned back and stood infront of his new squad,

"So..... you call yourself soldiers do you?" Steiner turned towards the firing range and signalled his squad to follow him "just becuase command wants us out of here and on route by nightfall doesnt mean we cant get some practise in" he said, As the troops fell in behind him he couldnt help but grin "yeah your luaghing now, just wait till we enter this City 17, then we will see whos luaghing" he thought.


Nice stories all, but just so that people don't get comfused, lets say we put a big title on all of these like this:
Nice stories all, but just so that people don't get confused, lets say we put a big title on all of these like this:
(this way, people will know what the heck we're talking about)
I would also like to see a sticky, or even a fanfic forum, and maybe the mods should edit this forum so that the posts are together, so that the stories are easier to read. Keep up the good work everyone!

Ian was 16 when Missile 17 fell upon the city. He remembered it well. It was about 1:30 AM, and most of the people in Ian’s tenant building were asleep, but not Ian. The boy was staying up, partially from insomnia and partially from his excitement. Just that day, aliens had landed their missiles in Vienna, Austria, which was very nearby, considering other recent missile strikes. Ian was watching the local news, which stupidly had a reporter in Vienna, and he was examining what were called “head crabs.”

Ian had absolutely no idea what this meant, but he thought the head crabs looked kind of cool, but not really that deadly; for a sudden moment, he even considered going and having one as a pet. But that changed moments later, when the head crab, being true to its name, leaped onto the head of the reporter. Suddenly, the camera went static due to “technical difficulties” (the newscasters said), and they simply went on to local sports. Ian cursed the TV, and flipped it off. He went out to the balcony of his poor, worn down tenant building, and looked out at the barely visible stars.

That week had been a hectic one, but Ian found it all very exciting. Deep down, he thought, that somehow this invasion was a good thing. It all changed that very night.

Something caught Ian’s eye, coming from the southwestern sky. A greenish streak, which resembled a falling star, was coming toward the city with tremendous speed. And when Ian heard the sonic boom as the streak seemed to dynamically slow down and arc towards the ground, he knew it was a missile. “GET DOWN!” he screamed to everyone nearby (even though they were asleep) Ian leapt to the floor, and for a few agonizing seconds he waited…waited for the flash and the deafening boom.

But no such things came. All that happened was that an old woman from one of the apartments poked her head out of the door, looked at him, and then slammed her door shut again. Ian thought that he must have gone crazy.

He got back up and looked back out towards the city. There was nothing, nothing at all… except, right there, on the edge of the city there was a slight green glow… he knew that there must have been something wrong.

It was only a few seconds before a truck started driving down the road towards Ian’s tenant building, and it seemed to have very bright headlights. Ian shielded his eyes from the light, and then realized that it was not the truck’s headlights at all, but rather, the truck was on fire.

Ian watched as the truck slammed into a pole, and the driver-side door opened. A man stumbled out, still flaming, and then fell to the ground. Ian thought to go out and help him, but he simply got back up, and patted the flames out from his body.

Ian strained hard to see the man’s face, but then, just as the light washed over him, he realized that the man didn’t really have a face any more. In its place was a quivering yellow mass with spiny legs… the man had been infested by a head crab. The invasion had begun.
I wish i had a headcrab pet :(

BTW cool story, kinda reminds me of evangelion (the anime) for some reason.
do u guys remeber the TF2 fic stories, so motivating, yet they all were so vague about the scenery.
well, there isn't much scenery in tfc anyway "oooh, look at that boxy mountain! It's way cooler than that generic skybox!" lol jk *edit* oh, wait, you said tf2, nvm

I put the headcrab pet in there for my own personal amusement :thumbs:
I loved your stories dudes.
Keep em coming and the mod should make a fanfic section in the forum.

Good work guys.
wowyouareacow said:
I loved your stories dudes.
Keep em coming and the mod should make a fanfic section in the forum.
The mods already told me they'll hv a Fan Fiction Forum when they finished the site.
Since they already did, I think it shouldn't be long now.
And by the way my story is called -

Half-life 2 :


Ian silently backed away from the window, and then began to run down the hall toward his own apartment. He was breathing heavily; he knew they were all in grave danger.

There was a sound coming from his apartment, first some zapping sounds, then screaming, and some scraping sounds, Ian didn’t have time to think about it.

He opened the door, and the handle imbedded itself in the plaster on the other side. What Ian saw shocked him. His father, who was lying near the window, had 3 head crabs on him, one of them on his head, naturally, and the other two were fighting over the remains of his corpse. Ian’s mother was fighting off a head crab with her broom, saying “You killed my husband, you scoundrels!” and was crying fiercely. Ian’s cousin, Tonya, who was only 11, and was entrusted to the family, was in the corner, sobbing.

Ian didn’t even think, and then simply stomped on the head crab that was antagonizing his mother as it crawled towards him. “C’mon!” he screamed to his mother. He grabbed Tonya by the hand, and together, the three of them ran towards the stairwells. (as the tenant buildings had no elevators)

Ian, his mother, and Tonya stumbled town the stairwells, the two latter were crying, and Ian was on the verge of it. These creatures, that he had previously thought so intriguing had killed his father, and were taking over his home.

When Ian was finally able to get outside, he looked around for more head crabs, but saw none to be found; he relaxed slightly. He would have to drive his family away, far away, probably to the East, where the alien invasion hadn’t come yet. He considered driving into Russia.

He got to his beat up, rusty Yu-go from God knows how long ago. It was a boxy old car, that often fell apart, made in former Yugoslavia, but it had served him well… It had been the only car in his family for many years.

His father and mother were both factory workers all their lives, powering the sweatshops that littered Czechoslovakia for those many years. Ian’s father had met his mother by accident, just as they were fired from their jobs at the sweatshop, after working there all their lives. His mother had never learned to drive.

Ian got his still-blubbering mother to sit in the cab with the phrase “everything’s going to be all right,” And then shoved his cousin into the backseat.

Ian got into the front seat, and felt around for his keys… Luckily, he found them in the back pocket of his jeans. “START!” he screamed at the engine of the Yu-go after putting the keys in, turning them, and hearing the engine stutter.

In his frustration, he looked towards the tenant building, and was horrified. Out of its depths came the silhouettes of limping head crab zombies, their heads badly disfigured by the parasitic aliens that had wrapped around their skulls. Ian could have sworn one of the zombies was his father.

After cursing the engine for the fourth time, Ian’s old, and worn-out vehicle started. Ian quickly backed out of the parking lot, as fast as he could, and looked towards the zombies. He knew they couldn’t catch him, but he had a feeling that something else…would.

The three relatives sped off into the night in their one-headlight Yu-go. They were on an escape to the East, towards Russia. Or at least they hoped they could get to Russia.
Just one thing THEOTHERGUY.
You story looks great but please post on the beggining of the post things lk - 1\2\3\4 or else I can't connect one to another. I've just realized you 1st post was the intro for the rest and that you 2nd is realted to it.
Sprafa said:
Just one thing THEOTHERGUY.
You story looks great but please post on the beggining of the post things lk - 1\2\3\4 or else I can't connect one to another. I've just realized you 1st post was the intro for the rest and that you 2nd is realted to it.
here, I will post them all in order for all of you
“Can you get a clear shot at him?” whispered Ian, nervousness in his breath. “He’s right in my sights, Ian; I’ve got a clear headshot from here, should I fire?” Tonya said, slowly moving the barrel of her sniper rifle to follow the motions of her adversary.

“What does he look like, Tonya?” Ian struggled to get a better look. “He’s a black mask, alone; he’s moving rather quickly, I would say he’s also hiding from something, dodging from shadow to shadow…”

Ian knew that this meant he was low rank, and since he was traveling alone, he was either a messenger or a scout. “Are you absolutely sure that he is alone?” Ian said quickly through his Eastern European accent. Tonya nodded. “Then fire.”

The shot rang out into the daylight, but was quickly drowned out by the sounds of the nearby Combine Wall, as most things were, this close to the Combine itself. The soldier fell to the desolate street, a hole right through the temple of his black gasmask. An eerie flat-line sound came out of the soldier’s combat suit, as if to prove that he was cold dead.

That made 27 kills this month for Tonya; she hadn’t really gone a day this month without shooting a Combine soldier, important or not. She was merciless to the enemy that was taking her home. It seemed that the resistance had a lot of enemies these days; it seemed as if they had a fight with everyone. Their main enemy, of course, was The Combine, who had invaded their city, and grew ever stronger day by day. But that was not all, occasionally they had to fight the Xenofauna that infested the city, and killed their comrades without cause. And they even had to deal with the sympathizers to The Combine, which ranged throughout the city, and could never be trusted.

“Good Job,” exclaimed Ian as he trudged from the hiding place in the decimated bank that they had made. Just about every building in “city 17” was decimated, or burning; even the headquarters of the resistance had a gigantic hole in the side of it.

Ian looked down at the fallen scout, and searched him for any important documents, and then he took the MP5 he was carrying, and his supplies, and took his radio, so that they could listen in to what was going on along the Combine channels. They didn’t need to hide the body; they just had to spread spores over him, so that the Xenofauna would come to consume him.

“Nothing important about him, we should go and submit this radio and MP5 to headquarters, we need all the equipment we can get.” Ian explained to Tonya.

So they headed out through the city, getting farther and farther away from the Combine Building, which loomed over the city, higher than anyone could see, growing larger by the day as it consumed the city beneath it.

The city itself was called “City 17”, no-one called it by its original name, nor did anyone care. Most of the resistance had spent the last year or so imprisoned and tortured within the combine, and knew of nothing else but their cold terminology. City 17 was not a city in fact, but rather a large grouping of urban and suburban regions around Prague, in the Czech Republic, or at least it used to be the Czech Republic, before it collapsed under the might of The Combine.

The resistance fought for City 17 not because they thought they could win, but rather, because it was right. They had been long past thinking that they could win. It had been 15 years since the invasion began… 15 long years where over 4 billion people had died; the oceans had dried up, the trees all but bare from lack of water, where every nation on Earth had fallen under the iron fist of the mighty Combine.

It all started in a government research facility in New Mexico called “Black Mesa”. Black Mesa was started in the 1950’s to test out new means of transporting troops across the battlefield. Around 1980, they had a breakthrough with the technology.

Apparently, some scientists had found a way to teleport people and goods to and from a system all the way across the galaxy, and this system was called Xen. Xen was a very strangle place, filled with flora and fauna of all kinds that no-one could even have imagined. So, naturally, the greedy scientists thought of it as a way to make enormous amounts of money.

The scientists had kept it a secret for many years, until 1998, when things went horribly wrong. A routine transport using the “lambda” technology suddenly began to experience glitches, the scientists tried to stop it, but with no avail, a huge resonance cascade came from it, and various aliens from Xen began appearing all over the research facility. Desperate to keep this a secret, the US Government sent in troops to kill off the aliens and silence the remaining scientists… Those troops never came back. In a final act of vigilance, the US government used nuclear weaponry on the facility. As a mushroom could erupted from the facility, the American commanders shook hands, and thanked each other that an alien invasion had been stopped without any inquiries from the public. Or so they thought…
A fan-fiction by TheOtherGuy


In 2004, the US government decided to enter Black Mesa again to check ground zero, they figured that in 6 years, nothing that might have survived would still be alive… They were wrong.

Inside the decimated hulk of the Black Mesa Research Facility, government agents discovered that not only did a few of the aliens survive and reproduce, but that the portal that originally brought them there was still bringing aliens to Earth, and it was stronger than ever, either a side effect of the nuclear bomb, or some unseen acts in Xen.

The agents were able to hold off the aliens in the facility just long enough to discover that where the great teleporter machine that made lambda possible had used to stand, there was now a silvery tower being built, made of a metal unknown to earth, and it seemed to be growing larger even as they watched it. The last transmission anyone received from the taskforce was a grave one:
“There are just too many of them, we’re running out of ammunition, and they just keep coming and coming! We have no choice; I’m falling back into this big metal thing! Men, keep the line, keep the line, we’re almost there! Get your sorry asses into that gate, move it, move it! Alright, we’ve made it into the structure, and lucky us, the door shut behind us. Those aliens obviously can’t get in here, now we’ll just have to scout around to see what this is all about… Johnson, set up a sentry gun or two, Butch, I want trip mines near the top of that wall. And Strathmore-where the hell is Strathmore? Hey, wait a minute, what in gods name is-“TRANSMISSION ENDED

Maybe they were the lucky ones. After them, the government sent in heavier and heavier task forces, all of them disappeared. It wasn’t long until they just decided to give up, and set up a siege around Black Mesa. In the hills, mesa’s and plateaus the dug in, the US commanders didn’t want to risk another task force, or even another nuclear missile. It wasn’t long until scouts reported a pillar of dust rising from Black Mesa , and what looked like a huge spear shot up from it, rising at least 100 feet in the air. The spear separated, and quickly formed what looked like a small mechanical skyscraper. It was the first of the Combine Structures, and out of it poured thousands of what looked like human soldiers. But deep down, they knew that those figures coming out of the structure were not truly human. The battle only lasted a few days. Even though the US soldiers had the upper ground, seemingly heavier armor, and air support, the alien onslaught simply came in hordes, and it wasn’t soon before armor and air support of their own began pouring out of the structure.

Whenever The Combine neutralized a unit, they would not waste him, they would carry both soldiers and destroyed vehicles back into their structure, and an hour or so later, 5 similar units would come out, now fighting for The Combine. 3 days later, the battle was over. Nothing was left at black mesa except for the hulks of a few burning helicopters and the now massive Combine Structure.
The Combine spread like a cancer. The US government could not keep it a secret any longer, the public was warned on national television, and residents living in New Mexico were advised to evacuate immediately.

In that week, no fewer than 7 nuclear missiles were aimed at or around Black Mesa, New Mexico. 6 of them were easily shot down by The Combine, and one of them was deflected, and detonated on the near-by town. Super weapons were useless against them. Every attack was thwarted by their might, and in as little as four months, the combine occupied most of Southwestern United States. And throughout this time, they had not contacted humans even once. Soon, they had learned how to use the missile silos that were stationed in the Southwestern US, and they used them not to launch nuclear missiles, but to spread their personal disease to other lands.

Of course, this was their ultimate goal, because, like us, they were the super-predators of their world. They were not here to smell the roses, they we’ rent here to further their knowledge or make peace with another civilization; they didn’t care about humanity, all they cared about were the resources. This had become standard drill for the combine, they had done it t0 3 other worlds already, Xen was their last escapade. They knew, from experience, that if you wanted to defeat the enemy, you had to be the enemy. So, when they conquered a civilization, they would simply clone their troops, and use their technologies against them. The form of The Combine that attacked Black Mesa in 1998 was simply a test force, they were all still suited for their last mission: to conquer Xen… the aliens that were seen in Black Mesa were simply copies of the sentient aliens on Xen. Now, The Combine had a new alias, and they were perfectly evolved for their new mission: to exterminate humanity.

The first of the missiles fell on the Eastern coast of the US. These missiles did not destroy, but they simply created a portal in the area. At first, out of the portals came the Xenofauna, the wild animals and alien slaves of Xen. The Xenofauna would attack and pillage the city that they landed in, and would hold it off until The Combine arrived. The Combine would then exterminate most of the Xenofauna (as if they were actually saving the city they landed in), and then The Combine would construct a Combine Structure, and begin harvesting the people and goods of the city. They would propagandize the people into becoming their slaves, and they would commandeer any military they encountered.

7 missiles fell on the East coast, and in a couple of years, the entire area of the continental United States was conquered and occupied by The Combine. It was now 2006, and the other countries of the world knew that they stood no chance against the combine.

However, many attempts were made to thwart The Combine by NATO and the UN, but to no avail, the combine had simply grown too large and too strong. By 2007, they conquered all of North and South America; and they were ready to go international.

No missiles had been fired by The Combine from the time of the occupation of the US until now, but on December 3, 2007, “Missile 8” was fired, and it cruised into and out of orbit, landing directly in London, England, within the following week, missiles 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 landed in Paris, Berlin, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Rome, and many other European cities. Missile 17 landed in Prague, in the Czech Republic. This is where Ian and Tonia come in…

A fan-fiction by TheOtherGuy

Ian was 16 when Missile 17 fell upon the city. He remembered it well. It was about 1:30 AM, and most of the people in Ian’s tenant building were asleep, but not Ian. The boy was staying up, partially from insomnia and partially from his excitement. Just that day, aliens had landed their missiles in Vienna, Austria, which was very nearby, considering other recent missile strikes. Ian was watching the local news, which stupidly had a reporter in Vienna, and he was examining what were called “head crabs.”

Ian had absolutely no idea what this meant, but he thought the head crabs looked kind of cool, but not really that deadly; for a sudden moment, he even considered going and having one as a pet. But that changed moments later, when the head crab, being true to its name, leaped onto the head of the reporter. Suddenly, the camera went static due to “technical difficulties” (the newscasters said), and they simply went on to local sports. Ian cursed the TV, and flipped it off. He went out to the balcony of his poor, worn down tenant building, and looked out at the barely visible stars.

That week had been a hectic one, but Ian found it all very exciting. Deep down, he thought, that somehow this invasion was a good thing. It all changed that very night.

Something caught Ian’s eye, coming from the southwestern sky. A greenish streak, which resembled a falling star, was coming toward the city with tremendous speed. And when Ian heard the sonic boom as the streak seemed to dynamically slow down and arc towards the ground, he knew it was a missile. “GET DOWN!” he screamed to everyone nearby (even though they were asleep) Ian leapt to the floor, and for a few agonizing seconds he waited…waited for the flash and the deafening boom.

But no such things came. All that happened was that an old woman from one of the apartments poked her head out of the door, looked at him, and then slammed her door shut again. Ian thought that he must have gone crazy.

He got back up and looked back out towards the city. There was nothing, nothing at all… except, right there, on the edge of the city there was a slight green glow… he knew that there must have been something wrong.

It was only a few seconds before a truck started driving down the road towards Ian’s tenant building, and it seemed to have very bright headlights. Ian shielded his eyes from the light, and then realized that it was not the truck’s headlights at all, but rather, the truck was on fire.

Ian watched as the truck slammed into a pole, and the driver-side door opened. A man stumbled out, still flaming, and then fell to the ground. Ian thought to go out and help him, but he simply got back up, and patted the flames out from his body.

Ian strained hard to see the man’s face, but then, just as the light washed over him, he realized that the man didn’t really have a face any more. In its place was a quivering yellow mass with spiny legs… the man had been infested by a head crab? The invasion had begun.

Ian silently backed away from the window, and then began to run down the hall toward his own apartment. He was breathing heavily; he knew they were all in grave danger.

There was a sound coming from his apartment, first some zapping sounds, then screaming, and some scraping sounds, Ian didn’t have time to think about it.

He opened the door, and the handle imbedded itself in the plaster on the other side. What Ian saw shocked him. His father, who was lying near the window, had 3 head crabs on him, one of them on his head, naturally, and the other two were fighting over the remains of his corpse. Ian’s mother was fighting off a head crab with her broom, saying “You killed my husband, you scoundrels!” and was crying fiercely. Ian’s cousin, Tonya, who was only 11, and was entrusted to the family, was in the corner, sobbing.

Ian didn’t even think, and then simply stomped on the head crab that was antagonizing his mother as it crawled towards him. “C’mon!” he screamed to his mother. He grabbed Tonya by the hand, and together, the three of them ran towards the stairwells. (as the tenant buildings had no elevators)

Ian, his mother, and Tonya stumbled town the stairwells, the two latter were crying, and Ian was on the verge of it. These creatures, that he had previously thought so intriguing had killed his father, and were taking over his home.

When Ian was finally able to get outside, he looked around for more head crabs, but saw none to be found; he relaxed slightly. He would have to drive his family away, far away, probably to the East, where the alien invasion hadn’t come yet. He considered driving into Russia.

He got to his beat up, rusty Yu-go from God knows how long ago. It was a boxy old car, that often fell apart, made in former Yugoslavia, but it had served him well… It had been the only car in his family for many years.

His father and mother were both factory workers all their lives, powering the sweatshops that littered Czechoslovakia for those many years. Ian’s father had met his mother by accident, just as they were fired from their jobs at the sweatshop, after working there all their lives. His mother had never learned to drive.

Ian got his still-blubbering mother to sit in the cab with the phrase “everything’s going to be all right,” And then shoved his cousin into the backseat.

Ian got into the front seat, and felt around for his keys… Luckily, he found them in the back pocket of his jeans. “START!” he screamed at the engine of the Yu-go after putting the keys in, turning them, and hearing the engine stutter.

In his frustration, he looked towards the tenant building, and was horrified. Out of its depths came the silhouettes of limping head crab zombies, their heads badly disfigured by the parasitic aliens that had wrapped around their skulls. Ian could have sworn one of the zombies was his father.

After cursing the engine for the fourth time, Ian’s old, and worn-out vehicle started. Ian quickly backed out of the parking lot, as fast as he could, and looked towards the zombies. He knew they couldn’t catch him, but he had a feeling that something else…would.

The three relatives sped off into the night in their one-headlight Yu-go. They were on an escape to the East, towards Russia. Or at least they hoped they could get to Russia.