HL2 fans death before the games release.

Sean said:
That's what they all say. :D
naw the really pathetic ones, are the ones who take people's jokes seriously, then comment with something like "Lols lols its only a game, lolzors!!" or "that is Pathetic" or some other judgemental footnote of mediocre intellect.

because in all honesty, someone who has to validate thier life by judging someone elses are the lowest.

its even funnier when they post something derogitory on a forum... for the simple fact that they are trying to call someone pathetic.... on a forum.... thats simply retarded.
if irony could kill eh? :)
lazicsavo said:
Wait, I'm heading in the wrong direction here, how do you distinguish between a nerd and a pathetic nerd?
That's what they all... oh, wait, never mind.

Remember: Functional sarcasm depends on tone of voice, which, unless you're really good with punctuation and formatting, is rather hard to convey in text.
Bah sorry lazicsavo, I would edit but it's too late. Didn't realise it was a joke :hmph:

/me is a dumbass.
iamaelephant said:
Bah sorry lazicsavo, I would edit but it's too late. Didn't realise it was a joke :hmph:

/me is a dumbass.

Don't sweat, I don't take flames seriously and since nobody here knows how to push my buttons, I never get angry.
Yah, I'm pretty scared about dieing like that... I know it'll happen to me one way or another whether or not it's HL2 I die standing next to.. I bet, I'll get my balls ripped off as soon as I enter the store to get HL2... By the clerk, because he felt like it. Then I'll die in agony with my hand reaching for the nearest copy. I'll also scream with my last breath and say "DIE WHILE SMELLING A VERY HORRID SMELL CLERK!! U BASTa............." *life support screech*
WaterMelon34 said:
Yah, I'm pretty scared about dieing like that... I know it'll happen to me one way or another whether or not it's HL2 I die standing next to.. I bet, I'll get my balls ripped off as soon as I enter the store to get HL2... By the clerk, because he felt like it. Then I'll die in agony with my hand reaching for the nearest copy. I'll also scream with my last breath and say "DIE WHILE SMELLING A VERY HORRID SMELL CLERK!! U BASTa............." *life support screech*

Just a little too far, juuuuuuust a little.
I'll rise from the dead as a zombie so I could still play it.
PvtRyan said:
I'll rise from the dead as a zombie so I could still play it.
That's the spirit!

Edit: Pun not intended
I did NOT go too far! My balls will literally be ripped off.

EDIT: Or blasted off. Shotgunned prolly.
worst thread ... ever ... or is it? I will die of a heartattack the day hl2 is released so. im dead either way :p :(
kiwii said:
worst thread ... ever ... or is it? I will die of a heartattack the day hl2 is released so. im dead either way :p :(

Trust me, there have been far worse threads and I have not been around that long.
Yah ONLY 932 posts lazic... I've been here since last year and I only have 245 posts.
NJD2003 said:
I was diagnosed with Liver cancer about 6 and a half months ago, it went away and for awhile I was doing great, but a couple weeks ago I was having pains and so I went to the doctor and they told it had returned. In one of my check-outs about 7 days ago the doctor told me it was spreading very fast and that I might not make it past Christmas.
That's horrible man.

Even though you're a Devils fan, you get all my sympathies.
WaterMelon34 said:
Yah ONLY 932 posts lazic... I've been here since last year and I only have 245 posts.

You've been in this forum longer than I, I just post a hell of a lot
lol. I just watch people talk most of the time but when I see something interesting I post a FEW times...
NJD2003 said:
Sadly i'm serious.

i hope u pull through and get to play the game buddy :)
and just for u, i hope the Devils win the Stanley Cup and u are there cheering for ur team.
NJD2003 said:
Well hopefully Half-Life 2 comes out before my cancer gets any worse. :(

Ouch. Kinda hard to recover this thread from such a post.

We all wish the best for you.
NJD2003 said:
I was diagnosed with Liver cancer about 6 and a half months ago, it went away and for awhile I was doing great, but a couple weeks ago I was having pains and so I went to the doctor and they told it had returned. In one of my check-outs about 7 days ago the doctor told me it was spreading very fast and that I might not make it past Christmas.

I pray for you man.
I sent Gabe an email letting him know about this thread.
Then i wont go out of my house not even for a few seconds until HL2 comes out. I'll probably get my bodyguards to buy it from the store for me.
spicoli420 said:
Ok this is not an upbeat topic nor is there a real point of this post. I was thinking while on an airplane last weekend, what if the plane goes down and I die before playing HL2? Yes I know in death there are way more important things than a damn video game(family, friends, the afterlife), but wouldn't that just suck. Your on your way to get the game on the release date and you get in a wreck. Or as you are installing the game you are chowing down on some chicken and you choke to death. I wonder out of all the millions of people that will play this game if there's at least one that won't make it.

Will It be you??

... There is no afterlife. When you're dead you're either turned into soil or ash. Possibly mumified but I don't like myself that much to be eternally remembered, or something.

Americans that are blind catholics suck. Big time.
Dead-Inside said:
... There is no afterlife. When you're dead you're either turned into soil or ash. Possibly mumified but I don't like myself that much to be eternally remembered, or something.

Americans that are blind catholics suck. Big time.
Your blindness in believing totally the opposite is equally disturbing.

I prefer to just keep my mind open to anything.
NJD2003 said:
I was diagnosed with Liver cancer about 6 and a half months ago, it went away and for awhile I was doing great, but a couple weeks ago I was having pains and so I went to the doctor and they told it had returned. In one of my check-outs about 7 days ago the doctor told me it was spreading very fast and that I might not make it past Christmas.

Shit man, anything they can do? I mean, is there any hope?

Mr-Fusion said:
Your blindness in believing totally the opposite is equally disturbing.

I prefer to just keep my mind open to anything.

I am openminded. That said, I'm no moron. I'm not saying it's wrong believing in the afterlife, I'm saying it's stupid believing in God, Jesus, and all the holy fellowship. It's a really poorly written fairytale. Screw it I'll be overrun by blind idiots if I continue this rant (I still will).
I agree with Dead-Inside, but I also think that particular topic belongs elsewhere.
My grandmother had liver cancer, she died a slow and agonizing death over a period of several months. Then one of my best friends died of intesinal cancer earlier this year, he also died a slow and agonizing death(not a HL fan), geez i hope this trend doesn't continue towards me...
"I don't want to die,
I don't want to die!
Oh please gentle mother of mercy!
"It's just the rain donkey"
I noticed the guy who has cancer hasnt replied to this thread again yet...

I hope hes ok ;( :S
My guinea pig died of tumor :(

Really guys, stop this " It's just a game" thing! Everybody knows that, do you really think one of us is worshipping this game with Newell's and Laidlaw's pictures on his/her wall... seriously?
lazicsavo said:

I just put this in my will:
"In case I die before HL2 reaches me, I declare that I be buried with a retail copy (CE) of Half-Life 2 and a retail standard copy (Gordon on the cover).

Now this is a sick one, I MEAN this is awosme.
Dude if i died before HL2 came out, I would freaking haunt Gabe Newell.
what if something WORSE happened, and you went totally bankrupt on the release date? then instead of dying and being in peace... you will have to stay alive in a living hell where everyone else is playing and enjoying HL2,w hile u are not! AND you lose ur house and have to live on the street outside the computer store watching people take out copies of HL2!!!!!!!!!!!! aaarghhhh
what if you was just having a normal day and suddenly something hit your eye....causing you to go blind, so you could only hear what you was doing in hl2 and not see it.

or the other way around and be deaf and not see it (but that is ok because subtitles.

but wat it you ended up death and blind :(.

if any of those happened to me before the game arrived!!!!!!! :O dunno what i would do
All i have to say to those people saying its just a game... It's not just a game! It's THE GAME!
Quamin said:
All i have to say to those people saying its just a game... It's not just a game! It's THE GAME!

Well put. It's a quotable but I don't feel like it, sorry :)