HL2 gold tommorw cs nation resports

  • Thread starter Thread starter dp1
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Rumors are that hl2 is gonna go gold tommorrow, however csnation is usaully right, but the last time they did this they were wrong with the cs source release. Then agian it came out what like 3 days later im all for that if it happens again.
if it goes gold tomorrow ... my day of glory will have arrived ...
As juciy as it sounds, I cant be allowed to give total faith until some time past 9 am when i do my morning HL2 scans.

If it happens, wonderful...
Old news... plus if its wrong Chris will turn into a failure of a news poster... Since when are rumors news?
i want hl2 ... so ... freaking ... bad ... i can not put it into words haha
Must..........resist............temptation!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
halflifeguy said:
Must..........resist............temptation!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
What temptation? We have to wait, there is no other option!

wut i mean is that..................................
I must resists the temptation of pie?
Don't download l33ks, children, they are bad for you, and bad for your parents when the FBI comes smashing through your windows. HL2 will be out, have patience, because patience is virtue and good things come to those who wait.
Did anyone else notice that the news was posted and then unposted?
Cypher19 said:
Did anyone else notice that the news was posted and then unposted?
You are right :O what....happened.... ;( don't tell me they found out it wasnt true or something.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Don't download l33ks, children, they are bad for you, and bad for your parents when the FBI comes smashing through your windows. HL2 will be out, have patience, because patience is virtue and good things come to those who wait.
Woah woah, no one suggested that!
this truly is going to be an exciting way to end the month of october!!!
(besides halloween!!!! I love candy!!!)
Im not going to believe half life 2 is ready untill i can walk into a store and punch the box in the fcuking face.
Why would you want to do that?

Anyway, don't get all hyped up over a rumor guys, just let it happen if it does, and don't cry and scream if it doesn't. The hype for me will only go crazy when I see that logo come up on my screen...
urseus said:
Im not going to believe half life 2 is ready untill i can walk into a store and punch the box in the fcuking face.

rofl!! very nice said :cheers:
dp1 said:
Rumors are that hl2 is gonna go gold tommorrow, however csnation is usaully right, but the last time they did this they were wrong with the cs source release. Then agian it came out what like 3 days later im all for that if it happens again.
if it dosnet go gold im gonan coem to your houe and slap you
Ghost Freeman said:
Someone breif me
The alien monkey invasion has commenced. Bearing banana guns and coconut grenades they have taken control Antarctica. Our mission is drop in and take these monkeys down with extreme prejudice.
It would be nice if it happened, but I don't think it will. It is, after all, only a rumour.
GO GOLD BABY!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!1!11111!1! :bounce: :cheers: :D
HL2 will not go gold tomorrow, if it did I wouldn't buy it until my mind felt that it was the right time to be "released" ...as in another year :P
From csnation:
Update: Clearly this did not occur, so we're sorry for getting some of you worked up. All available evidence points to something happening this week, but we hesitate to make any further predictions without more solid information.
urseus said:
Im not going to believe half life 2 is ready untill i can walk into a store and punch the box in the fcuking face.

Boxes don't have faces. ;)
I consider CS Nation about as reliable as a CIA analyst report nowadays :p
Lep said:
From csnation:
Update: Clearly this did not occur, so we're sorry for getting some of you worked up. All available evidence points to something happening this week, but we hesitate to make any further predictions without more solid information.

that was for the October 4th release for CS:S, not the current rumour
The admin on CS.net made it sound that the rumor had some good hope to it...I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Don't worry folks, i'm still sure this will all be a hoax and it will slip to 2005. :)

plz let it go gold
hey y was this posted on the news section and then removed?
It was seemingly removed as news from Halflife2.net and hl2fallout.
