I dobut it was him.

But if it was he was probably referring to a new map being released rather than anything about HL2. Sorry if that's been said already. There's too many pages here.
Ozmodiar said:
I did "status" him, his steam id was Steam_0:1:1754504. Do all Valve employees definitely have low steam ids? Maybe he was an intern or something. :-/
i know for a fact that ErikJ's steamid is 0:1:1
PvtRyan said:
They're gonna add the chicken to Italy tuesday!

OMG OMG OMG!!!111 :)

On topic, sounds like bollox to me. Just some kid looking for attention. :monkee:
I allready asked Cliffe about this and he said that it was definitly not him
Cliffe already posted in this VERY thread and said it wasn't him.

And the news about the chickens being put back in is the greatest news ever.

Threads like this just go in circles

like this!

Controversy -> Valve say it's false -> People relax -> People forget what Valve just said -> More controversy maybe it's true again? -> WTF
Cliffe has already posted in this very thread and said it wasn't him. It's on page 4.

Cliffe already posted in this VERY thread and said it wasn't him.

Eep. Get out of my mind! :|
slider3005 said:
"Vote one Danimal for president...
Current votes: 0"

I'd vote for you if i was 18 :(

I was just in Cs_office with some guys with the name Gabe Newell [VALVe] Software and he was talking about how he like hot dogs and ice cream. I must have been him

you dont need to be 18! I have 4 votes anyway ^_^
lmfao, why would he even bother taking the effort to join / leave a server, how unproffesional is that. Wouldnt you thought he would post news on websites forums... And its not exactly difficult to copy someones name in cs now is it.
I think they are going to add more animal like dogs, chickens and cats you can shoot at :) They could improve the phisics a litle more..
You people have added five more pages to something that was cleared up on page 4.

Is it fun?
i cant wait till tuesday :bounce:....i wonder whats going

to happen on tuesday, i doubt it will go gold
johnnypoopoopant said:
i cant wait till tuesday :bounce:....i wonder whats going

to happen on tuesday, i doubt it will go gold

Today's wednesday. Tuesday's been and gone, and nothing happened. :p
Okay, this was kinda cute at first. Now I'm wondering if you people have mental issues.
i talked to someone named Gordon Freemon said Halflife will neva eva neva eva neva eva come out
For Crying Out Loud People!!! What The Hell Is The Matter With You?! Being A Bit Slow Today Are We, Eh?



Everytime people fall for something like this, especially after the guy himself confirmed it was a fake, God kills a kitten. Think of the KITTENS!!

Sorry. Goodnight...
Why not. I could use some hope about now.
i'm tired :D
darned quick growing threads. posting before erading never pays kids > <doh
I think it should be..

Everytime people fall for something like this, especially after the guy himself confirmed it was a fake, God forces gabe to delay HL2 a day. Think of HL2!!