HL2 Gold?? (yes, another...)

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Taken from CSNation.net

HL2 Gold Rumors
rizzuh @ 3:37 pm pdt - half-life, hl2 & tf2 - 201 comments - hot topic
We at CS-Nation are seeing a large under-current of information that strongly leans toward the possibility of Half-Life 2 going gold very shortly. Information points to an official announcement from VU Games or Valve Software tomorrow, but — as with all rumors — our sources could be completely wrong. Rumors usually don't turn out well for us, but at least they allow for hilarious comment threads where everyone flames each other.

Let's get it boiling, boys!

Update: Bill Harris, formerly of Gone Gold, has posted additional info that adds more weight to this rumor.

This is the same one that has been posted around eleventy billion times.
On the internets 1 day old information is ancient. This is ancient news!
why the **** do you think you are the exclusive new bearer ? You think we dont know this shit already. look at the goddamn date on the newspost at csnation. 2 days ago. you think that in 2 whole ****** days no one else but you has noticed that shit?
John Romero said:
why the **** do you think you are the exclusive new bearer ? You think we dont know this shit already. look at the goddamn date on the newspost at csnation. 2 days ago. you think that in 2 whole ****** days no one else but you has noticed that shit?

lol get em bro!
I like reading old news it makes me drool (I think it's time for my nap)
(dont take all this personal, boble. the boys are just a bit restless with all this news. Any thread with 'gold' in the title is bound to get 'em worked up)
i think boble killed himself after all of this :p
jeez Romero, is it really that time of the month again?

you are a bunch of retared flamers. leave him alone. thx for the news boblemoche0 :>
Myers, the move=time update has been covered in the hl2.php thread,. but to sum up, it did just show up today, in responce to a post in the hl2.php thread.

It seems that gold is close.
f|uke said:
Myers, the move=time update has been covered in the hl2.php thread,. but to sum up, it did just show up today, in responce to a post in the hl2.php thread.

It seems that gold is close.

Ahh, I saw it at CSNation and got all ancy in my pantsy.

I can feel it getting close for real now. All those other fake gold announcements and stuff like that didn't get the adrenaline pumping like right now. We are very close Gentlemen. (and ladies if there are any)
i'm gonna laugh when it goes gold then doesn't come out till next year.
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