HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

Originally posted by StickFigs
I see, Before I read your post I had already found out how it works from here: http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/resources/halflife/tutorials/3dsmax4.shtml

I also reccomend seraching for a MAX tool on google or even that other site above.

I have 3Ds MAX, I dunno if you do, but if it can convert files I can use it do do that...

Read this:

http://webster.fhs-hagenberg.ac.at/staff/haller/mmp6_2003/uebung03/Modeling for Half-Life.doc

It's in the HL SDK and it explains EVERYTHING that is HL modeling related
Dille, nice find, that could be a big help to a lot of people, me included
Sorry I was gone for a while. The hurricane out here took out my phone/internet. You guys have come a long way and holy shit Dile your a good guy, keep up the hard work!
Originally posted by StickFigs
I need some reference images for textures...

Can I have a link to the Barricade Bink video?

Anyone? Hello!?
wtf...whered my post go??? did some mod delte it?? nooooooooooo, it was long and good and flaming stickfigs somewhat......lol
anyway stcikfigs, the point of the post was that why dont you just find the video link yourself.
NICE. Does it take a long time to do little things like that? I had no idea modeling was such a slow process. Keep up the good work though!
Nice! *goes up for High Five*

I'm gonna get that texture ASAP.
Whats maximum color depth for a HL model texture?

Also, when I got the gun screenshot It was kinda yellow because of the lighting in that movie. Should I leave it like that or clean it up?
I'm looking for a way to decompile and get the MP7 (whatever it is) texture in it's best form.
Here are some reference pics I am using.
Use these as well.
good stuff, you need to keep updating us though, so this topic doesnt go away...forever.

Great work, using the USP in Half-Life is great, and that MP7 looks awesome! :thumbs: