HL2 guns were boring..

Jan 19, 2005
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For example the pistol was really ineffective( i think all guns were lame.. In Half-Life all guns were good, but in HL2 guns were F.ed...) . When i played game i liked all the things in the game but the guns. Guns just didnt have that killing feeling u know?!

Anyone else agree?!
The only weapons missing from hl1 were the tau cannon, hivehand, c4 and snarks
The hl2 weapons were much deadlier
'cept for the crap mp7: (
I liked the Combine machine gun thingy! That felt meaty!

Shotgun's better if you use alt-fire, blast 'em with both barrels. I only learnt about it on the second run through.

HL1 Satchel charges (C4) were the nutz. You also got trip mines right? Or was that just the old multiplayer? I've forgotten and I'm not far into my new runthrough of HL1.
Every object you can throw with grav gun is your weapon ;), thus HL2 has tons.
LOL, sometimes i just shoot at nothing because the weapons sound/look so freaken' cool, I love shooting the pistol, dont know how you can think that..
I'd agree, after the first time playing through they get a little tiresome. I'd have liked a sniper rifle an alternative melee weapon and definately some type of mobile explosive. I want SLAMS in SP!
HL1 weapons reload wicked slow and look like sh** and arn't fun to shoot.
They tried to give you small ammo-capacity, less guns, and more breakable stuff so that you must utilize the physgun in order to even up the odds, IMO
The guns in HL2 were far meatier. The pistol inHL1 was completely useless after the first hour or so, except for headcrabs. In HL2 you can use it for long range headshots against almost anything.

The fact that you had slightly fewer made you value them more, too, I feel.It's not likeyou'd forget you had a certain gun, like in HL1. Exactly how useful was the hive hand on hard?
I thought the shotgun in HL2 was awesome.

It was more like a real shotgun, i.e. it can effectively damage targets more than 10 feet away.
HL2's weapons... the bad thing is that you've seen them all before elsewhere. Except the major addition of the Gravity Gun, you've played with all the guns in some form or other in some game or other: the good thing is that I don't think anyone else ever pulled the weapons off quite so well and consistantly in any one game. All the weapons in HL2 are pretty damned satisfying: they look and sound great. I hope they give us some new and interesting weapons in the expansion though...
The USP and the shotgun are my faves.

A sniper rifle would definately have been fun, and realistic recoil would have been better, but I think both would have ruined the gameplay dynamic by making it easier.
Most Useful : Shotgun/Pistol
Most Useless : Crossbow

All of the above are IMO
I find the crossbow a very usefull weapon :).
At times I just zoom in, a combine has no clue where I am, I shoot boom he flies back dead and sticks to the wall.
I loved all the weapons, especially the USP, double tap to the head was great for CPs, the only thing I would change, is the secondary fire for the Pulse rifle, change it back to the e3 demo version, you could launch a flare thing and set people on fire.
Minerel said:
I find the crossbow a very usefull weapon :).
At times I just zoom in, a combine has no clue where I am, I shoot boom he flies back dead and sticks to the wall.

Most of the time I cant get a clear shot at them or they are just too hyper-active and the shot missed. :( SO I ended up having to shoot at them with my .357 (the most accurate weapon)
Pistol was my most used and favourite weapon. The sound of that gun was just so awesome.

Anyway, if you thought the array of weaponry was missing something you should see the weapons in the beta. Valve had so many more unique and cool ideas but none of them made it to the final game. I mean, molotov cocktail, that's just plain out cool.
The crossbow has to be one of the most satisfying weapons in an FPS for a long time :)

I miss the tau though ;(
The pistol as great for the first few levels it dropped CPs in like 2 or 3 hits to the head.
The magnum was jus plain AWESOME!
the mp7 was lame but the combine rifle made up for it.
the shotgun was great with headshots
the 'nade were useful at times aswell
the gravity gun jus need to be in every single game made from now on. nuff said.

overall the weapons were great cept the mp7
Doesn't everyone at least think that the mp7 looks cool though? I don't think they could have modelled a better real world weapon for the atmosphere of opression that HL2 oozes. It's a shame that it's accuracy was pretty pants, but I love the reload animation and it's a nice sounding gun. The poorest weapon of a very cool bunch of guns...
When people are argueing over weapons they seem to forget the ar2, very unconventional.
To tell the truth, there was something missing in the weapons. In the first half-life, we had a greater variety in the weapons. In Half-life 2 however, we have a "sharper", but smaller variety; we have a few weapons, half of them are merely different versions of each other; that is to say, they have virtually the same use. The other half is quite good, but it only includes the secondary fire for the bigger machine gun(whatever it's called), the crossbow, the crowbar and obviously, the Gravity gun.

When we look at Half-life's weapons, we see a greater variety. Tau, Egon, Hive hand, Snarks, Explosive remote bags, Camera mines(useless), Crowbar, Crossbow(not as good as HL2's). And also secondary fire options for the pistol and RPG.

And I don't know why the **** did they replace the old "toasting" system for grenades. Now you have to throw it and catch it with hands/G-Gun and then throw it. Anyone agrees on this point?
The recoil was actually pretty good, for the ar2 at least. If you fired too long your fiew would jerk all over the place. I'm hoping we get some of the cut weapons in the expansion, myself.
shud have had guns like farcry

that was my fave bit about farcry// without the sounds of the gun and the gun models, farcry wudda sucked.(even thos the gfx were amazin)
Thorn of Death please shorten your sig, its 4 lines max. ur sig is longer than most of the messages on the page!
"And I don't know why the **** did they replace the old "toasting" system for grenades. Now you have to throw it and catch it with hands/G-Gun and then throw it. Anyone agrees on this point?"
What are you talking about?

"And also secondary fire options for the pistol and RPG.
What were they?"
The pistol does have a secondary fire. Hold down the left and right mouse buttons for a while. Then release the right. (makes antlions explode)
ríomhaire said:
"And I don't know why the **** did they replace the old "toasting" system for grenades. Now you have to throw it and catch it with hands/G-Gun and then throw it. Anyone agrees on this point?"
What are you talking about?

He's talking about cooking grenades.

Basically you pull the pin, and wait until it's about to explode.....THEN throw it, so as soon as the grenade lands it blows up.
In HL2DM the switch to the Gravity Gun is instantaneous, so you can cook grenades normally.
Cooking, toasting, what's the difference.

It's still not as easy. When you're in a tight situation, it's difficult to keep switching between grenades and gravity.

"And also secondary fire options for the pistol and RPG.
What were they?"
The pistol does have a secondary fire. Hold down the left and right mouse buttons for a while. Then release the right. (makes antlions explode)

WTH are you talking about? antlions explode? better try that.
Secondary for pistol made it shoot in a frenzy mode with reduced accuracy. RPG just turns off the laser thing to make the missle go straight ahead.

One thing that makes explosives lose some of it's flavour is that guts don't fly in the air; sure, nice physics, but it's not enough.
Thorn of Death said:
WTH are you talking about? antlions explode? better try that.

It's a bug in the weapon. If you hold down the right hand fire for a while, and then shoot, it releases a shitload of bullets simultaneously. It's kindof a 'charge' function.
Thorn of Death said:
One thing that makes explosives lose some of it's flavour is that guts don't fly in the air; sure, nice physics, but it's not enough.

I much prefer having flying bodies than gibs. Gibs always seemed like such a cheesy lame thing. Everything turns into the same pile of comedy skulls, chicken bones and kidneys, regardless of enemy type. I prefer seeing a Combine soldier being blown 12 feet in the air and landing on his neck, or in a tree.
Yeah, it's the lack of gibs and gore that make the HL2 arsenal feel less powerful.
fenner said:
Yeah, it's the lack of gibs and gore that make the HL2 arsenal feel less powerful.

Hmm, I dunno, I thought lots of people felt that HL2's weapons seemed more powerful, because enemies go down easier (read: more realistically), etc. In HL1 I felt like my mp5 fired confetti at the grunts.
Yeah, pretty true. Especially when they're not wearing strong protective masks, the grunts shouldn't survive 5 bullets in the head.

I'm not asking to leave the old gib system, but to design an advanced gib system that will generate the correct gibs for each creature in the correct way. It maybe alittle complicated to do, but it may be in HL3.

For some reason, I didn't like the pulse cannon; it resembled the SMG too much, and I didn't like it's sound, even though it's sound is pretty real-like. Maybe it needed to be muffled a little, and add some extra recoil(and damage) to make it feel really cool, just like the SAW from Opposing Force.