HL2 HEV suit


Aug 3, 2004
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I put a spoiler tag around this just incase those of you dont wanna see it.(just an observation in the ravenholm bink video)

In the new ravenholm bink video, when gordon is smashing down the second boarded up door way you can see his forearm. Its now silver instead of orange. So it seems the HEV suit in hl2 is now silver instead of orange, which in my opinion looks cooler. Go back and look for yourselves in the video.
Hmm, didn't notice, but nice to know, although the sleeve might just be silver, and the rest of the suit is still good old orange with the lambda sign.
I think you will find its the lighting, why would they change somthing so key to hl2's artistic concept :O and virtualy every piece of publicity artwork released.
I think only part of it is silver. It if wasn't orange anymore, why would all the promotional shots show Gordon in an orange HEV suit?
Hmmm maybe it changes throughout the game as you progress...but then again i dont want this moved to "Rumers and Speculation" lol
Pehaps gordon goes for a swim in some paint stripper
you could see that before in the the ss released by cliffe.
Lobster said:
I think you will find its the lighting, why would they change somthing so key to hl2's artistic concept :O and virtualy every piece of publicity artwork released.
Hmm now that i look back at it your right it might be the lighting. The first door he breaks down i see the orange.

Looks like we wont be seeing a Master Cheif look-alike in hl2 lol.
I wonder why he's fighting aliens in a HEV suit years after black mesa.
Is it better than normal armour?
It kinda stands out and says "This is gordan freeman," rather than letting him blend in with rest of the renegade scientists. Perhaps its a moral booster to see such a figure?

Who would have that suit and why after many years? a relic or souviner or Gordan's work?
Lobster said:
I think you will find its the lighting, why would they change somthing so key to hl2's artistic concept :O and virtualy every piece of publicity artwork released.

The orange might have been lacking in the new game. Or it's the lighting as you said. I won't really mind if it's orange or silver, but silver would be fresh. He's getting his Mark V suit ya know :P
In the future, , ,there is no orange paint or method to make orange stick to metal. .. or orange material.

just drib drab stuff
Maybe its just worn off because hes been fighting...or maybe its still their and you're all blind XD
I think its just a redesign of the suit because orange was a bit too colorful
It must be a new (or at least refurbished) version of the suit

According to the TrainStation bink we don't start the game with the suit on
I had noticed this too. But now I look at the concept art, it fits. The gloves are black, as is the forearm. Really, the only orange parts are on the legs and torso. Very badass looking concept arts from Valve. Never really looked at them closely either.
I think it's the lighting, if you look closely the crowbar also appears silver and looses it's red look. At the start of the vid, when freeman hits the legs, the arm appears orange. Later on, i think it's some sort of lighting, or they made that part of the bink later with different models etc and added it on.