HL2/HL3 Engine

one said:
What about great water effects like in Half-Life 2?

MOH : Pacific Assault has a better liquid simulator. But HL2 wins on getting the reflectivity done right and others....
one said:
I've never seen on any screenshots or videos water in Doom 3 and in Tenebrae 2. What about great water effects like in Half-Life 2?

I presume D3 and Tenebrae2 can use the OpenGL shader language so nice looking water shouldn't be something there not capable of, but features like bump mapping and shader support arn't what make a engine. The overall architecture is what matters because thats what limits an engine to what it can and can't do, I can garantee you makeing HL2 in the Tenebrea engine would be an absolute nightmare as would trying to make it in the 3Dmark engine, which despite looking better isn't as good.