HL2/HL3 wishlist

a whole mating/breeding system, like the chocobos in ff7, so you could mate gordon and say a headcrab, then you could get a headfreeman or a GordonCrab, whichever you prefer.
half naked groove shaking strippers ala Duke nukem 3d.

umps umps umps ticka ticka umps

boom chicka brow row
lol duke nukem 3d stripers were tha best... you threw out money and stuff...lol
Didnt SOFII have a "Random Mission Generator"? It would make random levels based on a seed, and then populate that terrain with prefab objects and then have generic mission objectives. So its not impossible at all. Im willing to bet someone could mod that into HL2. Would have to be done server side though, and then that data would have to be sent to the clients. So you might be waiting a few minutes between matches.
Populations. There are never realistic amounts of people in games.
NeLi said:
Populations. There are never realistic amounts of people in games.
Yeah i agree, more population would be cool. :) :thumbs:
Digerati said:
Didnt SOFII have a "Random Mission Generator"? It would make random levels based on a seed, and then populate that terrain with prefab objects and then have generic mission objectives. So its not impossible at all. Im willing to bet someone could mod that into HL2. Would have to be done server side though, and then that data would have to be sent to the clients. So you might be waiting a few minutes between matches.
gah, beat me to it. lol.
I want v smart enemies so that they can plot to kick my ass ( on hard setting)

And nice fast/medium paced fighting
I also want a random mission/MP map generator.

There was one made for sven coop ages, ago; i think it was called randmap or something.

It had various rooms pre-build and loads of prefabs to put in them and it just stuck them together according to how many you wanted. It was pretty good, but something much better could be done with more time.
In SOFII the maps aren't sent to the clients, the seed is sent to the clients and each client can generate their own identical map. You can save the seed for a particularly interesting map if you want to play it later.

Making a random map generator for HL2 would be a lot more difficult than you think. Firstly, rendering the lightmaps for a complex map takes much longer than is acceptable during a multiplayer game. And the guy with the overclocked P4 4Ghz would be playing by himself for 10 minutes while the rest of the players finished their render. And secondly, there's no API for Hammer that would allow an external application to place entities and generate terrain automatically. You'd really need to build an engine from the ground up with map randomization in mind if you wanted to do that.

And marksman, we already know how big the HL2 maps are, it's in the valve-erc faq.
Seriously. HL2 hasn't even been released yet and people are already having daydreams about HL3, which will probably be released in 2010 or something.
Dude, who replyed to this ancient topic? edit: oh its Valved ray
Digerati said:
Didnt SOFII have a "Random Mission Generator"? It would make random levels based on a seed, and then populate that terrain with prefab objects and then have generic mission objectives. So its not impossible at all. Im willing to bet someone could mod that into HL2. Would have to be done server side though, and then that data would have to be sent to the clients. So you might be waiting a few minutes between matches.

As a side note, there used to be a program for Half-Life called RandMap that generated random Half-Life levels. It started pretty crappy but was extensively developed and turned out to be pretty robust and powerful before work was discontinued. You can specify number of rooms, number of enemies, level transitions, ending, level theme, prefab theme, and lots of other variables. It even supports Sven Coop! You can still find the latest build of it on this page: http://www.furnation.com/chrisdragon/randmap.htm

It's at least worth playing around with for a few hours. :)
ability to throw your crowbar and have it affect things with momentum and physics, ability to pick it up and pick up another's crowbar to dual wield.(this is a mod i may just make, as its pretty straightforward)
Mr. Redundant said:
half naked groove shaking strippers ala Duke nukem 3d.

umps umps umps ticka ticka umps

boom chicka brow row

lol mind in da gutter alert :laugh:
the random maps on SOFII wernt that great, they often had errors esspeacialy with buildings, and the overall layout was often the same.
What I would like to be incorporated in Half-Life 2: DUAL WIELDING CROWBARS

But, unfortunately, I seriously doubt it will be implemented into Half-Life 2 retail.

Just imagine walking up to an enemy and placing the "crow" end on each side of their head, so your arms are crossed, then push with extreme force...and you've just done a sweet decapitation.
look up 3 posts user name, im probably going to attempt the mod, along with throwing. but the only way you would be able to get 2 is to kill another player, or get his that he throws.
OMG dn3d strippers would be ownage. Would someone mod that for HL2? And make one with an Alyx skin?
I want fluid dynamics (includes air), accurately modeled organs sitting inside each player model (combined with a damage system 1000x better than SoF2, so you could shoot someone in the gut and have some intestines hanging out or brain matter could spray out the back of the head and onto the wall, all using the advanced physics), real-time unified lighting system that uses photon mapping for everything, a dynamic and realistic object destruction system (things like the insides of walls are modeled so it will look right when you blow a hole in them, fabric can be torn apart :E) with no pre-defined break points, all of the characters dynamically animated via the "endorphin" system from NaturalMotion Ltd, a hand that can pick up random debris/items sitting on the ground and have its fingers wrap around it properly (like a more advanced version of the manipulator idea), being able to see your own body and control individual parts when needed...

... and a Holodeck to play it all on.
I think having realistically simulated weapons would really add an interesting feel. Like the weapon is built with actual parts that physically move and work like in real life. For example the USP would have an actual trigger that the player's finger presses and it wouldn't be just a pistol model with a projectile that is created when the person fires the weapon. I'm talking about having actual bullets in the clip that really works. In other words, I mean to have weapons that fire and work in the same way they do in real life.
Too bad all this won't be possible for a LONG time (In games that is). Refering to working guns and fluid dynamics and tearing cloth and all that other crazy stuff CyberMan said.

But it would kick arse x2 :)
:O For some reason I would like to see a fully simulated earthquake; with buildings collapsing, enemies and civilians running in all directions, and total chaos.
I want it so you can look down and see your feet. Use your hands to open door ect. And blowing holes in doors with shotguns would bee fun.
RoyalEF said:
liquids...that pour/leak/spray...no conveyor-belt streams
I didn't read the whole post so I dont know if someone addressed this, but it is near impossible to render liquid dynamics in real time.
Jadewolf5675 said:
I didn't read the whole post so I dont know if someone addressed this, but it is near impossible to render liquid dynamics in real time.

...we're talking about at LEAST 5 years ahead of now. in 2010, no one knows what's possible. Just compare HL1 to (what we beleive is) HL2. HL3 SHOULD, in theory, be that much better.
Theman2k said:
My main wish for HL3 is it will be on Unreal Engine 3 !

If you add more polys and hdr, you will get the same result^^
Karis said:
...we're talking about at LEAST 5 years ahead of now. in 2010, no one knows what's possible. Just compare HL1 to (what we beleive is) HL2. HL3 SHOULD, in theory, be that much better.

Probably not actually. We're not just talking about it being impossible in conventional gaming, but the most high end military computers aren't even close to accomplishing this, and HL3 will not be released 5 years after HL2....
Murray_H said:
i'd love to see you call a glock puny when i empty 33 rounds from a glock 18 clip into you in about 1.5 seconds ;)

i just think revolvers are too 1970s - rolling over a cop car and the generic pow pow pow of the gun, followed by a freeze crouch position and a pat on the back

actualy if u think about it wouldnt u rather have a revolver in ur hand or a glock when someone is about to kill u?

a glock would take about 6 shots to kill but a revolver: bam bam=dead
note: it doesnt take 6 shots from a glock to kill someone in real life. there really isnt much difference between a revolver and a handgun, except in reliability. the only advantage comes when you suck and the revolver does more damage to their stomach than a glock. hit them in the chest(lung, heart, artery, etc) or head and they are dead either way. the advantage of the glock is that you actually have 12-32 shots instead of only 5-7.

id go for photorealism and 100% simulation in hl3. why not just make it virtual reality. ill be more ready to answer this question in 3-4 years when i actually will know wtf the possibilities will be.
Didn't Gabe say HL3 will also be on source tech? I think your expectations are a little high.
It would be awesome if they modeled like a whole city and you could be able to go into ever buiilding. Like at the top and stuff. And then jump from a parachute and fart on people and junk. Total ownage. A realistically modeled city such as London like in the Getaway but with owning physics and much much much bertter gfx :bounce:
For HL3: I would like gordon I.E. you to carry Alyx away to some prefecture in northern Japan where you spend the rest of your days happily ever after going to gamecenters, skiing, and making robots.

the end
I have an awesome idea! combine fluid dynamics with realistic terrain deformation!! we could blow little canals off from a river into some other place! and then realistic plant growth too! we can make a farmer mod! that would be so fun!