HL2/HL3 wishlist

Draklyne said:
I'd like to see actual physical bullets coming out of the guns. The physics and damage systems would have to be tweaked a bit, but it would be rewarding to see that your bullet pushed/pierced something, even if it wasn't immediately destroyed.

Mmmm, bullettime would be good.

What about Oni-style martial arts?

Cel shading and anime-style art/graphics.

While we're talking about cel-shading, why not throw Link in there as well?

I have no idea how to do this, but natural-looking plants. Fibbonacci sequence, anyone?

cel-shading will be the death of us.... it is the most horrid thing ever to be created. Look at the new Zelda! Wind Waker could have looked like that!
Now for example look at prince of persia , great game .
But prince of persia 2 will be the same thing just with some changes / add stuff but the main thing is no diffrent.

HL1 was a revolution in gaming , also HL2 will be.

If HL2 and HL3 will act same as UT2003-UT2004 POP-POP2 and will not change and in our case , revulotion it will not worth it .

I prefer to wait even more 5 years and have something amazing never seen before.