HL2 in my newspaper =D


Jul 5, 2004
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I was readign an article about video games in my newspaper when i came apon this! =D


dont worry i get my newspaper for free lol
wow thats cool!! what newspaper? if you don't mind me asking.
umm let me check

*runs downstairs*

its balled "the now" its my citys newspaper =D
Nov 9?

I'm having trouble believing a newspaper game reporter gets better info than gaming magazines and gaming websites

Unless the newspaper is in seatle
its not a scan/not a magazine
its a digital camra shot lol

and i got it for free
"Listen to your ipods while we save the world" LOL that's frickin hilarious!
Bongfarmer said:
Nov 9?

I'm having trouble believing a newspaper game reporter gets better info than gaming magazines and gaming websites

Unless the newspaper is in seatle

if you read the whole of the artice, you'd see that he's saying that it'll underguy halo [2], which is being released 11/9. That is what he is refering to with the date.
It suprises me that this random newspaper journalist thinks he knows enough to stake his name on that release date...
f|uke said:
It suprises me that this random newspaper journalist thinks he knows enough to stake his name on that release date...

LOL i know right.
f|uke said:
It suprises me that this random newspaper journalist thinks he knows enough to stake his name on that release date...
I think that we have already come to the realization that this is not a very reliable source for a accurate release date, But thank you for restateing that for us to discus furthermore.
sHm0zY said:
I think that we have already come to the realization that this is not a very reliable source for a accurate release date, But thank you for restateing that for us to discus furthermore.
In Soviet Russia, newspaper reads you!

..whatever that means :D
whats all this soviet russia stuff i keep hearing ... is that from a movie or a standup or something???
I think it started with some Russian comedian, or am I wrong?
his name is Yakov Smirnov or something like that..probably spelled wrong but you get the idea
Platinum said:
whats all this soviet russia stuff i keep hearing ... is that from a movie or a standup or something???
Thats for us to know and for you to find out ;)
('sup THC!)
im going to laugh at the guy who wrote that on nov 9... how the hell does he know it will be released then?
SidewinderX said:
if you read the whole of the artice, you'd see that he's saying that it'll underguy halo [2], which is being released 11/9. That is what he is refering to with the date.
That or Vivendi told him. Which means he just broke a NDA probably :P
f|uke said:
It suprises me that this random newspaper journalist thinks he knows enough to stake his name on that release date...

If he's just some random shmoe, he doesn't have any reputation to put on the line, really. :P
Haha Mac owners! EAT your short battery life and shitty soundquality designer brick!
"I Guarantee that Half-life 2 will arrive before Nov. 9"
Sounds like he knows what hes talking about, i believe him, but who wouldn't want to? :thumbs:

EDIT: Personally i think this Nov. 23rd date it a load of sh*t
MaxiKana said:
Haha Mac owners! EAT your short battery life and shitty soundquality designer brick!

No Mac bashing, under the new rules that's considered "racism" :O
If you're a Mac owner, meanwhile, you're out of luck.
I guess you can just listen yo your iPod while the rest of us save the world.
Hehehe :cheese:
So it's considered racism to make fun of macs?

Why should you never drive over a mac riding a bicycle?
-> it could be your bicycle

What lives under a garbagecan, smells like rotten apples and looks like used toiletpaper with a happymeal box wrapped around it?
-> a mac

Why does a mac never work?
->because it can live on welfare instead
although i'd love to believe the author of that article, it's obviously just an opinion.

this guy is basing his statement on the assumption that VUG would want to get HL2 out before Halo 2.

i hope he's right...
Probably a guess but oh well more info is always good. :o
wow, senseless mac bashing, thats rich. So I guess my macs suck because I dont have thousands of games to play. Makes perfect sense.

Ill just enjoy both my macs and HL2.