HL2 install question


Dark omen


I heard that Valve uses a special system to register your copy of HL2, and that you have to do this before you can play.

My problem now is this:

at home, we have 2 pc's. One has internet, but isn't able to meet the HL2 system requirements. The other does (although it isn't a high end pc), but hasn't got an internet connection.

So, will this work:

I install HL2 on the pc with no internet, and when I have to register, I do it on the pc with internet (the two pc's are not in a lan).

Or do you always need the internet connection to play HL2, although it's a singleplayer game?
Doesn't anyone has an answer on my question?

I'd really like to know, 'cause it would be really a shame to buy this great game if then it turns out that I can't install it properly!!

So, has anyone an idea how that registering process works?
Yes, you can play in 'offline mode'.

The pc which meets the specs, put it on the net during installation of steam/the game.
During installation you will have created a steam account and entered the cd key.

After its installed, then take it back off the net, when you try to play HL2 a box will pop up, and there will be a button which says 'play in offline mode' click it and your'e set.

You will need an internet connection on the system with HL2 on it.....there is no way around it.

I had the same problem, but a modem, long cable and a free tiscali account solved my problems....easy peasy!
johnstone said:
You will need an internet connection on the system with HL2 on it.....there is no way around it.
You only need the net for activating/unlocking - afterwards you can play the game without the net, in offline mode.
Yeah thats what I meant......I think he was thinking he could authenticate on the PC with Internet and then the game would work on the game pc......which is not possible.

Yep the offline mode work fine when everything is installed.....sweet!