HL2 (Long Read) Smart people only!!

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
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In this post I will try to convert the giving evidence into lamans terms.

Line - 1 under observation, Galvanic activation with severe

(Galvanic corrosion (also called ' dissimilar metal corrosion' or wrongly 'electrolysis') refers to corrosion damage induced when two dissimilar materials are coupled in a corrosive electrolyte. It occurs when two (or more) dissimilar metals are brought into electrical contact under water. When a galvanic couple forms, one of the metals in the couple becomes the anode and corrodes faster than it would all by itself, while the other becomes the cathode and corrodes slower than it would alone. Either (or both) metal in the couple may or may not corrode by itself (themselves) in seawater. When contact with a dissimilar metal is made, however, the self corrosion rates will change:
corrosion of the anode will accelerate
corrosion of the cathode will decelerate or even stop. )
............As we can see they are trying to make something useing this process

Line - 2 evidence of seizure and muscular catitonia, recoreded
(Catatonia: An extreme form of withdrawal in which the individual retreats into a completely immobile state, showing a total lack of responsiveness to stimulation.)
.............Obviously I.E. gordy became a vegitable or some other organic creature did.

Line - 3 titeration of 30ml sample, sustained alpha activity
(This could really be about anything, alpha could be anything. My personal opinion is that the 30ml of chemicals where supposed to do something to gordy's brain. Alpha activity I assume is activity in the cranium/brain.)
..............Scientists are getting a little weird these days

Line - 4 freeman, Gordon: increased activity in neural iso

Nothing much to say besides this is evidence supporting my theory in Line 3.

Line - 5 no response, subject to avaibilty and urgency
(Again I will state my theory on this, the scientists need something for example, a laser or a tooth brush or an isostatic hydrohistomic Magnesium Distiller, but who knows :). Obviously they can only get in when its avaible and only if it is urgent. Assumeing the package is hard to aquire and takes some time to deliver.)

Line - 6 Unknown vector at this time. requirements at this time

(Unknown) Might have something to do with the galvanic process)

Line - 7 beyond current threshhold of amgydalic suppression
Reference this site for info on
Amgdylic Suppression

Line - 8 Ark energy remnents in the simulation until basal
(once again, I think it may have to do with the galvanic situation)
Anyone Guess ATM

Line - 9 evaluation despite objections of caretakers give

(The last line and it seems like they are having trouble with the custody of a patient/experiment)

Hope you enjoyed this Read heheheh


Lines from the Bink (Phyche) Click Here
coolio2man said:
In this post I will try to convert the giving evidence into lamans terms.
Line - 3 titeration of 30ml sample, sustained alpha activity
(This could really be about anything, alpha could be anything. My personal opinion is that the 30ml of chemicals where supposed to do something to gordy's brain. Alpha activity I assume is activity in the cranium/brain.)
..............Scientists are getting a little weird these days

A titration is an analytical method to determine the concentration of a certain solution.

Yeah....dunno if that helps you super slueths!
To me it sounds like Gordon is waking up from some sort of Cryo sleep or injury or something of the like. However I don't know what that has to do with Line1 unless "Galvanic activation" means something else in the message other than what you described it as.
I think the something they are makeing and in connection with Freeman would appear to be a Hazard suit,maybe one which can fix up Gordan and keep him from reverting to a vegitative state.Or maybe block certain memories (Which might explain why Phyche is so Psycodylic. ;)
wow I clicked the thread because I consider myself sort-of smart for a 15 year old... but I guess im retarded :thumbs:
Im 16 going on 17 and I understood 90% of what he said.Its not Intelligence just knowledge.
The line - 1 definition of Galvanic stuff basically means that u put 2 different types of metal, For example purpose a iron rod and aluminum rod (think of chain link fence for the example) and toss them both into a pool. Toss a toaster/radio that is pluged in to a socket and watch the sparks fly. When u take the metal poles out, one will corrode faster and the other will last for a LONG TIIME. More so than it would if left alone.
So if an iron rod rusts and decintigrates in a year(not really) with this process u could speed it up into a week, or slow it down to 5 years.
Lmao, I guess I am way over a lot of ur guys heads.

/me hits self with cr@bar 20 times

{}K i r teh not so smrt guy heheh

I hve to p p m3 pnts n0w
Overanalysing things like this is never a good idea :)

IF anyone took part in Matrix Reloaded debates (what the ending meant etc) you'll understand!
coolio2man said:
In this post I will try to convert the giving evidence into lamans terms.

Line - 1 under observation, Galvanic activation with severe

(Galvanic corrosion (also called ' dissimilar metal corrosion' or wrongly 'electrolysis') refers to corrosion damage induced when two dissimilar materials are coupled in a corrosive electrolyte. It occurs when two (or more) dissimilar metals are brought into electrical contact under water. When a galvanic couple forms, one of the metals in the couple becomes the anode and corrodes faster than it would all by itself, while the other becomes the cathode and corrodes slower than it would alone. Either (or both) metal in the couple may or may not corrode by itself (themselves) in seawater. When contact with a dissimilar metal is made, however, the self corrosion rates will change:
corrosion of the anode will accelerate
corrosion of the cathode will decelerate or even stop. )
............As we can see they are trying to make something useing this process

Perhaps they're trying to galvanically activate some drug in Gordy's system?

Line - 2 evidence of seizure and muscular catitonia, recoreded
(Catatonia: An extreme form of withdrawal in which the individual retreats into a completely immobile state, showing a total lack of responsiveness to stimulation.)
.............Obviously I.E. gordy became a vegitable or some other organic creature did.

Complete agreement there...

Line - 3 titeration of 30ml sample, sustained alpha activity
(This could really be about anything, alpha could be anything. My personal opinion is that the 30ml of chemicals where supposed to do something to gordy's brain. Alpha activity I assume is activity in the cranium/brain.)
..............Scientists are getting a little weird these days

Well, they've taken a sample of something, titrated it, and maybe injected it into whatever displayed the alpha activity...?

Line - 4 freeman, Gordon: increased activity in neural iso

Nothing much to say besides this is evidence supporting my theory in Line 3.

Right, so it sounds like it is Gordy that's in the coma...

Line - 5 no response, subject to avaibilty and urgency
(Again I will state my theory on this, the scientists need something for example, a laser or a tooth brush or an isostatic hydrohistomic Magnesium Distiller, but who knows :). Obviously they can only get in when its avaible and only if it is urgent. Assumeing the package is hard to aquire and takes some time to deliver.)

Something else gave no response? And now they're giving him something that's limited by availability and how important Gordon is deemed to be?

Line - 6 Unknown vector at this time. requirements at this time
(Unknown) Might have something to do with the galvanic process)

Sounds like Gordon or someone else has caught something. A vector in this context usually refers to the method of transmission of a disease... I wonder what these requirements are...

Line - 7 beyond current threshhold of amgydalic suppression
Reference this site for info on
Amgdylic Suppression

Someone else on here said that amgydalic supression could be used as a form of mind-control...

Line - 8 Ark energy remnents in the simulation until basal
(once again, I think it may have to do with the galvanic situation)
Anyone Guess ATM

I said in another thread that I think "-ark energy remnants in simulation until basal -" refers to someone being somehow irradiated with Dark Energy (An entity in astrophysics)... which has something to do with the person's basal membranes...

Line - 9 evaluation despite objections of caretakers give

(The last line and it seems like they are having trouble with the custody of a patient/experiment)

Guess these "caretakers" don't like the patient (Gordon?) being examined or, perhaps, moved.
check out my post under the psyche bink video thread if you want my theory about amgydalic supression
Layman's terms: Gordon went in to a coma.

What is so technical about that?

Line 8: ark energy = Dark energy. Dark energy is supposed to make of 70% of the universe except scientists today cannot find it, they only know it exists (for real).
Not dark energy silly, its dark matter that is suppsed to take up empty space. I think what makes up 70% of space is Anti Matter. Where electron and proton are reveresed! And to get some u have to sacrifice a virgin chicken in october 2 between 12:00am and 1:01pm while its raining, and an earthqauke just destroyed a magic fairy house.
coolio2man said:
Not dark energy silly, its dark matter! And to get some u have to sacrifice a virgin chicken in october 2 between 12:00am and 1:01pm while its raining, and an earthqauke just destroyed a magic fairy house.

Dude, there is both dark energy and matter. Normally, you shouldn't trust popular science, but I can't find the issue of "Discover" where I read it first. Dark Engery = 73% of universe. Dark matter = 23% of universe. Ordinary matter and energy = 4% of universe. Popular Science, January 2004 pg. 71
coolio2man said:
Not dark energy silly, its dark matter that is suppsed to take up empty space. I think what makes up 70% of space is Anti Matter. Where electron and proton are reveresed! And to get some u have to sacrifice a virgin chicken in october 2 between 12:00am and 1:01pm while its raining, and an earthqauke just destroyed a magic fairy house.
Anti-matter makes up almost nothing in the universe, the reason is because when regular matter and anti-matter come into contact with one another they destroy each other and release an extremelly high amount of energy (how Star-Trek warp drive reactors work). The result is that most if not all of the anti-matter that may have been created with the universe has all been destroyed by regular matter.
I think i should start subscribing to these magazines.Im interested in Science(Thank you Sci Fi) and i had always thought my knowledge was robust(For a 17 year old anyway) but after listening to you guys its starting to seem inadaqete.
Though I do know that it aint just the electron and proton that is reversed in anti-matter everything can.Didnt they create Anti-Hydrogen atoms in an expieriment for a fraction of a second before they were nuetralized by regular Hydrogen Atoms.And so if the universe was made of anti-matter the Suns would be cancelled out by the 70% Antimatter around it.(And all other matter as if normal matter takes up 4% then there isnt a chance we'd have gone without being changed to energy when we met out Anti-Carbon Counterparts)
They have actually created small quantities of anti-matter (individual atoms mostly) on a numerous occasions. Right now they are trying to find a way of storing the anti-matter in a way where it won't come into contact with regular matter, if they can do that then they could use it to generate power, alot of power. I think it was something like 5 kg of anti-matter would be more than enough to litterally blow up the earth.

I have heard scientists say that when the universe was created there was an almost equal amount of regular matter and anti-matter, and that they fought something like a battle. The eventual victor was regular matter which now dominates the universe, while anti-matter was whiped out.
You can store anti-matter by using magnetic storage. The problem is there is no easy way to create or store large amounts of anti-matter in a single place.

If there is an abundance of anti-matter in space, you wouldn't have to worry too much. Space is very, very large so chances of it interacting with normal matter is probably very rare, if anti-matter still exists.

Voodoo_Chile: If you want to learn more about science, subscribe to "Discover" Magazine. Beware, understanding Discover requires a fairly good grasp of science and don't be afraid if you don't understanding everything, this magazine isn't meant for the everyman. However, I like it because it is more realistic and in-depth than other magazines like Popular Science and Popular Mechanic.


Ohhh...I think the last word Basal - refers to something basic, such as the basic requirements for life. Sounds like the story for HL-2 is going to be much more involved than it was in HL.
What they did to make the anti-hydrogen atoms was slow down the positrons and anti-protons eminating from radioactive objects to a point where they would form an atom of anti-hydrogen. I believe they made 6000 atoms like this. When matter and anti-matter collide 100% of matter is turned into energy, more specificly high energy gamma rays. Its the most complete 'combustion' of matter known so far. The problem is making enough anti-matter to do anything with it and storing it afterwards.

As for dark energy/matter I really have no information on that subject.
i am a smarty man, can i post here? coolio2whatever found a dictionary and suddenly he's einstein.
MadMechwarrior said:
As for dark energy/matter I really have no information on that subject.

I only know four things about dark energy/matter.

1) It makes up 96% of the universe.
2) It causes the universe to expand.
3) It is invisible or we don't have the tools for direct observation.
4) And it sounds evil.
So in conclusion, Half-Life 2 will begin with you, Gordon Freeman awaking from a 20-30 year cat-nap to the soothing sound of the G-Mans voice. There, that's the start of the game. I'd be willing to bet anything :)
Mr-Fusion said:
Overanalysing things like this is never a good idea :)

IF anyone took part in Matrix Reloaded debates (what the ending meant etc) you'll understand!

Don't get me started about that.... *shudders*
Debated so long and so hard, and the W. Brothers' gave me that junk that was Revolutions?

It's so nice to see an intelligent discussion on this website. Cheers.
To the original poster: maybe you should do a little more research before you post stuff like this. For example, you don't know how they're using the word "galvanic" here. A galvanic cell is used to convert chemical energy to electrical energy. Batteries are galvanic cells. This is late high school\early college level chemistry.

Also, I found his source for line one: http://www.corrosion-doctors.org/Aircraft/galvdefi.htm

You should cite that stuff, you know.

I understand some of the other stuff in this thread (to a point) and a lot of what you guys are saying seems rather... uninformed. But I can't correct any of it, so I could just be being dumb.
I think people are getting a little carried away with the whole HL2 idea. meh I'll stay away from this and say yes im stupid, thick as two planks :). (ah excellent now all I have to do is wait for .. duhh? gurrr... ???

intresting post though :)
watch out! stupid guy coming through!
How do these facts connect to hl2????? This just seems like a thread with random facts??
Edit= I see, your referring to some trailor that my 56k ass has not seen:) nm