HL2 loses to Halo 2 via Steam

the amount of flamewars this single thing will bring about is insane.
I think it's total bullshit. Who graded Doom 3 on its installation process? I've had a lot worse than Steam.
oh no, gamespy =/ who'd have thought that gamespy DID turn out to be idiots
Me 3, i also concur, i thought Gamespy was one of the best gaming sites, turns out they're all crap now for basing wrong decisions on such stupid things (STEAM!!!!).

P.S: Not flaming Steam, i'm flaming gaming sites cos they didn't vote HL2 as the best game of the year because of Steam.
Maybe they simply liked Halo 2 more. You can't blame them for what they like. The Game of the Year award always goes to the game that the critics liked the most, it's not necessarily the most technically advanced, revolutionary, super action game
wow destrukt.. way to go stereotype people who stereotype.. does that make you the super idiot?

I don't agree with the way they handled those awards, I don't agree with the 'reasoning' behind it, I don't like gamespy and i think the reviewers are idiots.

But wait, they didn't give HL2 100% on everything... obviously that is why I hate them! No. I hate them because they are idiots and unfit to run a major reviewing site.
Well, honestly, the installation process was rediculous. When I buy a game and take it home, I expect to be able to play immediately, not wait 3 hours for Steam to connect and accept my cd-key. But still, Half-Life 2 is the better game out of all of them.
Ok I am a n00b when it comes to Halflife, didnt play the first and just beat the second. Love the game and am going to go back and play the first.

I dont understand what the big deal deal is concerning STEAM, I have yet to have a problem with it. Could someone explain this hatred for STEAM?
Reasons for hating Steam:
Having to log in to play singleplayer.
Offline mode not working properly.
Having no choice but to install large patches over slow internet connection.
Not being unable to uninstall said patches if they stuff up.
Hogging resources for no apparent reason.
Not being able to get away with hacking HL2. ;)
Spyware/adware concerns.
Spending forever installing and validating files.

I'm sure there are more reasons, go checkout the steampowered forums.

As for HL2 losing GOTY to Halo2 because of Steam, complete bullscat.
RogueFox said:
Ok I am a n00b when it comes to Halflife, didnt play the first and just beat the second. Love the game and am going to go back and play the first.

I dont understand what the big deal deal is concerning STEAM, I have yet to have a problem with it. Could someone explain this hatred for STEAM?

I would imagine it's something similar to the phenomenon that makes narrowminded simpletons object to the rennovation of their local roads or infrastructure. It's the short term annoyance that precedes the vastly greater benefits of the rennovation that they find problems with. Apparently a small period of slight disturbance is much more significant than the amazing new possibilities that lay ahead once it's finished. The road system is Steam, and the people who object to it are the fools who are too stupid to appreciate what the end result would mean.

That or they're dissatisfied that Valve aren't completely perfect in every way. I find this possibility amusing also, since it appears that these sorts of people hold other developers and games to a different standard than they do to Valve, who are for some reason automatically inferior in their eyes.

In layman's terms?


1) certain idiots are annoyed that a product or service is not completely perfect within 3 seconds of the development process. this, however, only seems to apply to valve's products or services.


2) valve are being penalised in a competition to determine the better product, wherein one developer does a crap on a stool and slaps a sticker on it, while valve puts the effort into trying to make a better product than ever before, and are held back in order to make the competition fairer to the developers who didnt make a product that can compare in quality, but instead hold a sentimental value for the biast schmucks who've somehow wriggled their way into the positions whereby they can "judge" the games to be superior to one another. hah.

.. oh wait, laymans terms. hm let me think...

2) the people who say whats good or not, have a personal opinion that does not reflect logic, a standard of quality comparison, nor the general public's opinion.

im sure you should be able to understand anyway. i never was great at explaining things.
AIEGET said:
Reasons for hating Steam:
1. Having to log in to play singleplayer.
2. Offline mode not working properly.
3. Having no choice but to install large patches over slow internet connection.
4. Not being unable to uninstall said patches if they stuff up.
5. Hogging resources for no apparent reason.
6. Not being able to get away with hacking HL2. ;)
7. Spyware/adware concerns.
8. Spending forever installing and validating files.

I'm sure there are more reasons, go checkout the steampowered forums.

As for HL2 losing GOTY to Halo2 because of Steam, complete bullscat.

1. It is a GUI as well. You could effectively say "Man, why do i have to double click this stupid shortcut, then go to 'new game' and set up a profile and all that crap. jesus christ, its useless!".
2. It's being fixed. Nothing's perfect, but valve have a damned good update system. They're not doing it to release a game, collect their money, and forget about it.
3. A stable, decent internet connection is part of the system requirements. There's no point saying "Why can't I play Doom3 on my calculator? Jesus christ those bastards!"
4. A major point of steam is to streamline patches and updates to your computer with minimum fuss. Sometimes there are errors and that can't be helped, but they try and fix them asap when they become apparent. If you're paranoid about saving your version in case of screw ups with the updates, they have options for you to not download updates automatically, and you can save the cached files in case a new update screws up.
5. Nothing's perfect, and this is something they are working on. Some computers can handle it better than others.
6. -
7. I can't see any.
8. It's a big system and it takes a while to set up. This is being improved upon, having a better system will help, and it's not such a huge issue. It's just a small wait for a big benefit.

Got any other reasons why steam is so evil?
Who cares, we know HL2 is a brilliant game, who cares what Gamespy think about the installation process. Its the gameplay that counts, surely.
RandomDan said:
Who cares, we know HL2 is a brilliant game, who cares what Gamespy think about the installation process. Its the gameplay that counts, surely.

Developers can't survive without money. They need people to buy the games to warrant continue making more, better games so people can buy them. If people are convinced by reviewers and advertising that a game isn't good, or that a certain game is "better", then they won't buy the other game and the developers won't exist any more because there isn't a market for their games, good or bad. Which is why I'm sad when reviewers, especially potentially persuasive reviewers, give bad reviews that portray good games in a bad light, or skew the situation to appear different than what it really is.

We should all know and have opinions on what games are better than others for what tastes, but a lot of people buying games don't, and this is what reviews are for, and why we need trustworthy ones to show the people who can sustain good developers what's really happening.
eediot said:
Developers can't survive without money. They need people to buy the games to warrant continue making more, better games so people can buy them. If people are convinced by reviewers and advertising that a game isn't good, or that a certain game is "better", then they won't buy the other game and the developers won't exist any more because there isn't a market for their games, good or bad. Which is why I'm sad when reviewers, especially potentially persuasive reviewers, give bad reviews that portray good games in a bad light, or skew the situation to appear different than what it really is.

We should all know and have opinions on what games are better than others for what tastes, but a lot of people buying games don't, and this is what reviews are for, and why we need trustworthy ones to show the people who can sustain good developers what's really happening.

I don't doubt people base their purchases on reviews from large gaming communities such as Gamespy, and having never played any versions of Halo I cannot comment on its quality or lack there of. Hopefully people will ask themselves which genre of game they would enjoy more and make a decision based on that.

I am also sure there are plently of very impressive reviews out their for Half Life 2, which will get out to the potential customers for them to see another side to the HL2 v Halo2 episode.
I got a feeling steam is the reason for HL2's bad performance recently... it just keeps locking out my whole computer at random intervals of play time. A pain in the kneck.. and I cant correct it.. although far cry, and other games work nicely.. HL2 at the moment is suffering badly and has been for 2 weeks now.. and enjoying it is hardwork.

but still no reason to discredit the game itself.

lame gamespy... lame.. they just want to seem street hip.. with the millions of Xbox users, me being one of them :).
i think its quite obvious here that those who dont like hl2 best out of everything in the world are stpuid ****tards
I got bored of Halo 2 quite early, like right at the end of the first covenant missions and from what i heard its very short anyway. To me it just felt like the first one all over again, just mindlessly killing the same creatures over and over again as fast as possible so ya dont die, no real time to see WHAT youre killing, just andthing that moves shoot it till it stops.
Then they didnt rate it on the fact you have to PAY to keep xbox live going, that to me kills most of the halo multiplayer capabilities, not to mention the fact its so clunky on a controller and requires an auto aim system to be built in.

Half-Life 2 had me on the edge of my seat all the way through, yes there was the odd bug, but there was the same in halo 2. I actually knew what i was killing and used varying ways instead of just shoot shoot shoot.
Once again Bungie innovates in several ways -- new vehicles, dual-wielding, the deadly melee weapon -- that are sure to be poorly ripped off by lesser games for years to come.

Note the word 'Innovate' - it implies innovation. Dictionary.com says "To begin or introduce something new."

New Vehicles - ok they're new but the purpose of an expansion pack is to introduce new vehicles. That's not innovation, that's addition.

Dual-wielding - One word, 'Blood'. A game featuring 'Guns Akimbo' was unleashed back in 1997! Then what about Max Payne?

Melee Weapon - This is probably the only innovative item of the bunch. I can think of a couple of games that have done it before (Vampire Bloodlines the most recent) but few FPS games have implemented it effectively.

And then there's the innovative 'Online Mulitplayer' - excuse me while I change my undercrackers. Did you say 'Online'!!! Wow, that's so innovative....except PC had that when Doom came out - that's like 10 years ago. And you can talk to people via a headset....er the PCs most popular online game (CounterStrike - a Half Life Mod btw) implemented that years ago, and that was free!

I hate it when Console Junkies get impressed with technology that's been available for years on PC.

I'm not denying that Halo 2 may be a great game, even a worthy Game of the Year. But if you can't sight it's greatness on anything other than old game ideas and technology - whereas HL2 was put down for its genuine innovative technology (Steam) - then it shouldn't have won.
Well Halo 2 IS an awesome game... Don't avoid the facts...

The compatition between Halo 2 and HL2 is not SOOOOO one-sided, Halo does give hl a run for it's money.

Don't get me wrong, I think HL beats Halo - no doubt about it, but a real match IS there...
outside of opinion :p.. its all a bit of a farce.

of course HL2 is game of the year.. just not in gamespy's lop sided books.
"There was a lot of debate over this one, as half of our editors made a strong case for Half-Life 2 as our overall Best Game of 2004."
Note that they say half of our editors. I think they forgot a line; "but it is Halo 2 that's mainstream and that everyone expects, so, uh...".
There's only one brief mention of Steam in the article that judges it pretty fairly saying that it counts againgst Valve.

The best bits of Steam are yet to come.
RandomDan said:
Who cares, we know HL2 is a brilliant game, who cares what Gamespy think about the installation process. Its the gameplay that counts, surely.

Not saying that HL2 is bad. Just pointing out:

Half-Life 2 SP > Halo 2 SP

Half-Life 2 MP < Halo 2 MP
BRX said:
Well Halo 2 IS an awesome game... Don't avoid the facts...

The compatition between Halo 2 and HL2 is not SOOOOO one-sided, Halo does give hl a run for it's money.

Don't get me wrong, I think HL beats Halo - no doubt about it, but a real match IS there...

What facts? I don't have time to go into Halo 2 bashing, as I'm just about to go to bed, but Halo 2 is not an amazing game by most standards. It doesn't give HL2 a run for its money. There is no competition.

HL1 < Halo 1
HL2 > Halo 2

and Kouler, Halo 2 MP is NOT better than hl2 multiplayer. halo 2 MP is what you see right now. HL2 multiplayer is.. hl2dm? wrong. hl2 multiplayer is hl2dm, cs:s, dod:s, and every multiplayer game after it that runs on the source engine after it. right now there's not much, but it's growing, and cs:s alone is better than halo 2 mp.

show me your examples of why halo 2 is a good game, and i'll show you where console gamers have had wool pulled over their eyes [and like it].
If gamespy didnt give HL2 GOTY becouse of steam, well they just lost all credibility.

I would not have minded if it lost due to other reasons but becouse of Steam!?
gamespot sucks ass. I liked them before, but now they are doing the dumbest things.
Thx for the answers on the STEAM issue. I havent read the article but was any mention made on VALVE's decision to invite the top MOD teams before release so they could get started early and give us more free games for the price of one?

How many HALO 2 mods will there be for console? ;)

edit for spelling
Seppo said:
Maybe they simply liked Halo 2 more. You can't blame them for what they like. game

Yes I can, Halo 2 sucks!

Anyways, the fact they braught steam into it is bullshit. They're supposed to be rating the game. Not the installation process, As someone above said.
and yet it seems like the Live multiplayer interface chooses the map FOR you does seem like that big a deal with Halo 2...
that is just as bad, if not worse than Steam. (i like steam)
also they dont explain why the dont like steam, the fact that nothing like it has been done before is reason enough to at least appreciate steam :|
I fall asleep even thinking about Halo. Still, the Steam installation was a complete turnoff for many people. On other forums, many people reported that they returned their retail copy of Half-Life 2 after spending hours unsuccessfully trying to install and decrypt their files. The opening few days were a nightmare for many.

Let me add that I understand the reason for Steam and it is not all altruistic (stopping piracy, automating updates). It is reasonably clear that Valve is trying to increase their profits and reduce Vivendi's by creating a separate distribution channel.
eediot said:
What facts? I don't have time to go into Halo 2 bashing, as I'm just about to go to bed, but Halo 2 is not an amazing game by most standards. It doesn't give HL2 a run for its money. There is no competition.

HL1 < Halo 1
HL2 > Halo 2

and Kouler, Halo 2 MP is NOT better than hl2 multiplayer. halo 2 MP is what you see right now. HL2 multiplayer is.. hl2dm? wrong. hl2 multiplayer is hl2dm, cs:s, dod:s, and every multiplayer game after it that runs on the source engine after it. right now there's not much, but it's growing, and cs:s alone is better than halo 2 mp.

show me your examples of why halo 2 is a good game, and i'll show you where console gamers have had wool pulled over their eyes [and like it].

You must have misunderstood me, by HL2 mp, i meant HL2DM...
gamespy dont exactly like steam do they? especially since that the only way to play the game online is through steam... it kinda make the gamepsy arcade program useless for HL2.
