

Jul 1, 2003
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Has anyone noticed that HL2 is SO much like the matrix series?

First of all there is the GMAN, he is obviously Agent Smith from the matrix

Gman: "Hello miiiister freeman"
Agent Smith: "Hello Miiiister Anderson"

Then there is Alyx who would be Trinity

Next we have Gordon who is obviously Neo "but a much more convinving actor then reves"

And then we have the Combine who would be the Machines

If planet Xen makes a return in HL2 it would be the "Real World" and C17 would be the world created to mask the truth
yes they copied the matrix that was easy all they need in hl2 is bullet time button lol
Yeah i never noticed the Gman was anything like Agent Smith, now THAT YOU POINT IT OUT!! WOWZORS MCSCHNIZTOR!!!

And Trinity is exactly like Alyx, they're both token female characters!!
And Eli is Morpheous and Dr Kleiner is the council , Mossman is Niobe , etc etc ahahaha
alan00000 said:
yes they copied the matrix that was easy all they need in hl2 is bullet time button lol

Lets remember this, HALF-LIFE was made WAY before the matrix....
Dr. Breen is The Architect.
I don't have the video right now and cant find a pic but you can compare for yourself.

I'm off to sleep now
DiSTuRbEd said:
Lets remember this, HALF-LIFE was made WAY before the matrix....

And the comic book characters the matrix was based on was made way before half life.
Please don't compare this game to the Matrix or else HL2 or 3 will end with Gordon, The G-man and the Oracle (Barney....) sitting on a park bench watching the sun set.

The gayness of that would be immense.
if anything the matrix series is copying everyone else interims of characters and all even the bullet time was taken from the gap ads before the matrix even came onto the screens.

gman was before agent smith .. so agent smith takes after the gman not the other way around..

trinity was a b!tch. she ruins the lives of the people of zion just so that she can get laid by the confused neo.. (more apparent in part 3 when they are visiting the french man)

matrix is its own universe and thanks to who ever the publishing house was they have managed to take a beautiful concept and send it to the trash.. just like the LOTR series...

mainstream media sucks. this thread blows..

Mr-Fusion said:
Please don't compare this game to the Matrix or else HL2 or 3 will end with Gordon, The G-man and the Oracle (Barney....) sitting on a park bench watching the sun set.

The gayness of that would be immense.


That would be hilarious actaully.
Stop trying to ruin HL2.

Besides, everybody knows the Matrix was based on scripture.
it cant be.
1. HL2 has a better story line
2. the dialog in HL2 surpasses the matrix's
3. its fun pointing a mouse rather then watching keanu trying to act
I hope the ending for HL2 isn't anywhere near as shitty as the ending in Matrix Revolutions.
you guys need more to do =\

I could also debate hl ripped its plot from doom, so yeah. argh.
i like the matrix, i like half-life, but i dont think they share any similarites other than ones youre searching for. you can take almost everything and assign character similarities. "Mr. Rogers is like Freeman and King Friday is soooo gman!!!!! dude.... and Neighborhood of Make-Believe is just like city 17....."
Mr-Fusion said:
Please don't compare this game to the Matrix or else HL2 or 3 will end with Gordon, The G-man and the Oracle (Barney....) sitting on a park bench watching the sun set.

The gayness of that would be immense.


wow... we are scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to talk about aren't we?

we need this game.... SOON
No no no, barney is the Gate Keeper and the scientist with the fake leg is the oracle

Man, it is scary how much the GMan and Agent Smith are alike . . .

I hope someone makes a spoof on the matrix using the hl2 characters and the source engine

That has to be the best line in ANY movie "Hello miiister anderson"

It was funy seeing the guy that played Agent Smith as an elf in LOTR, i kept picturing him saying "Hello miiister frodo"
It was funy seeing the guy that played Agent Smith as an elf in LOTR, i kept picturing him saying "Hello miiister frodo"
hahahahahaha that make laugh :LOL:
Halflife 2, as I have come to understand it, is more like 1984 than anything else and maybe a bit like the war of worlds or whatever it is called because of the striders. It is not like the matrix at all. The matrix *excluding the first one* was absolutely horrible. It was like they sat though philosophy 101 and decided to try *key word is try* and make a clever movie. They failed horribly and the third was worse than the second we can all agree. Plus Matrix isn't even that special to begin with content wise. It is all anime stuff just live acted to make it more palatable.... i mean no COOL or should I say KEWL kid wants to be caught watching anime.
arg, anime is not lame! your lame!

the first matrix was the best, the second matrix had some really realyl good fight scenes, and the same can be said of the last, but the last crapped at the ending.

uh, what was the original topic about?

uhm... if your looking for Half-Life and Matrix, go play The Specialists mod.
Hey, he did ok in the Bill and Ted movie...
I seen that on comeda central like a week or 2 ago. Damn! that was one ****ed up movie, god damn that was like in the 1989 or somtin. God damn, was very ****ed up.
Actually Max Payne 2 is Matrix.

Max is Neo
Mona is Trinity
All of the enemy player models are Agents cause they all look the same :LOL:
I like how people have pointed this out in all the HL Movie threads and just now someone picks it up.

G-man=Architecht (Gman isn't trying to kill you, he's runs the world around you.)
Striders=Other Agents
Scanners=The searches that the agents run to find hackers
C-17 Civs that help you=Other hackers
DiSTuRbEd said:
Lets remember this, HALF-LIFE was made WAY before the matrix....

er actually they both came out in the same year
nc17 said:
Has anyone noticed that HL2 is SO much like the matrix series?
First of all there is the GMAN, he is obviously Agent Smith from the matrix
Gman: "Hello miiiister freeman"
Agent Smith: "Hello Miiiister Anderson"
Then there is Alyx who would be Trinity
Next we have Gordon who is obviously Neo "but a much more convinving actor then reves"
And then we have the Combine who would be the Machines
If planet Xen makes a return in HL2 it would be the "Real World" and C17 would be the world created to mask the truth
Seriously if you go about looking for similarities then you'll find them, no matter how contrived they are.
Sure, the G-Man and Agent Smith both wear suits and have similar voices but beyond that the similarities are thin on the ground if any at all.
The actual plot-lines are completely different. Xen and the real world are utterly different. In this little analogy, where do those somewhat integral Xen folks fit in? They don't. Why? Because they're not very similar. At all.

Secondly, if HL2 takes some peculiar plot derailment in the same way that The Matrix films did... Oh there'll be hell to pay. The last two were dire.

As an aside: Keanu Reves' first part was in Bill and Ted (correct?) and, apparently, the way he got that role was because one of the casting people for that film saw him messing about with a mate of his in a queue for McDonald's. There you have it. Pretty much sums up his talent.
KagePrototype said:
Um, comic book? Before the movie? Since when?

The matrix was based on a semi succseful japanese comic book series made well before valve even thought of Hl.

I watched some program when the 2nd film came out and it showed you the comic book, it wasnt called the matrix but it was the same concept of machines harvesting humans etc...

Thats why so many people made those "animatrix" programs to go with the films.
but Bill and Ted is one of the greatest films of all time!

anyway, aside from the horrible ending, i thought Martix Revolutions was actually pretty good, but reloaded sucked (cept for that chatau fight, which i thought was cool)
So much about the last two Matrix films was rubbish. The Wachowski brothers got their heads wedged firmly up their arses. Some of the fights and effects were okay, but it was painfully obvious that they'd really let their own hype get to them. The plot they peddled out was unjustifiably pretentious went off the rails and bizarre tangents at so many points, Xion was rubbish, Morpheus' character started to lose appeal (although perhaps that was Lawrence Fishbourne's over-acting the part) and the Architect looked like Colonel Sanders. Agent Smith was still great, though. I wish he'd won.