HL2 monsters that freak you out the most.

Fast headcrabs & Poison Headcrabs, because they seem to attack without notice.
Definately poison headcrabs...

The original HCs are cute, but these ones are hairy and ugly and make a noise like a rattlesnake.
kirovman said:
Definately poison headcrabs...

The original HCs are cute, but these ones are hairy and ugly and make a noise like a rattlesnake.

they look like spiders..
Laundry room in Nova Prospekt and that god damn sh!ting poison zombie!arrggh
Evo said:
Laundry room in Nova Prospekt and that god damn sh!ting poison zombie!arrggh

I played through that bit of Nova Prospekt again last week. :x

Found the entrance of the laundry room. Ok... so this time I know what's in there. I'm well stocked up on ammo. I've quicksaved. My antlion army is faithfully waiting right outside. I'm going in.

Walk up the narrow tunnel. The ambient noise changes, quietens. I peek into the room. Can't see anything.

I sprint back out going "BRRR!!!". :eek:

I tried going in again, but it was no use. Too creepy.
The ****ing AG Guard and the fast headcrab.Scare me shitless
When i first saw a fast zombie i was like, OMFG runaway , i paused the screen and ran down the road, now i am fine tho :D
Antlion Hunter said:
The ****ing AG Guard and the fast headcrab.Scare me shitless
yeah the antlion guard freaks me out, i nearly had a heart attack when that 1 busted through the wall in das robot.
I would say...

Definetly regular ole' zombies... not that Half-Life zombies are 'regular'...

I found them very disturbing the first few times I played simply because you could still hear their humanity begging for help.

I seriously bugged me when I had to burn them.

Of-course, by now, I've grown quite used to it and blast them away as though it were nothing.
Fast zombies were the only monsters that really got to me. Everything else I could pretty much handle. I would always try and wait till they got close and give them a double shotty blast to the face, but they were always upon me so fast. :(

The poison headcrabs kinda irritated me, too.
Antlion Guards.

Those buggers always show up at the most inopportune times.

(Notice I didn't say "little buggers" :p )
Banshees (what I call the fast zombies, because of their screaming howl)

The first time I played Ravenholm on the demo, those god-awful howls set the stage. Nothing like the painful flow of adrenaline. And then when they leap at you with that terrifing scream, like a person whose been doused in lye. And then there was one time where I had my headphones on (I could hear things I didn't know existed in HL2. Incredible detail) A flaming banshee jumped out from a hole in the floor. He was making this sick gurgling sound, and I could HEAR the decaying muscles and flesh on him fizzing and bubbling. Damn fine job on the creeps, Valve.
I introduced two of my non PC gaming friends to Half-Life 2 today. They were screaming like little girls to the manhacks, zombies, headcrabs and barnacles. Though I find those bastards terrifying myself, to have watched the expressions and screams that came out of their faces was a riot.
Samon said:
What do you mean prove it, how can he prove it?
I'm just kidding. You obviously can't prove it unless you pull of what those two guys did with their video camera, and they didn't even get all the footage of HL2.
Captain M4d said:
I'm just kidding. You obviously can't prove it unless you pull of what those two guys did with their video camera, and they didn't even get all the footage of HL2.

Uh huh. Ok. :p
Fast zombies for sure. Definately when you miss a shot or eight :p
i hate fast zombies...they are the only thing that scares me though
I have to say the fast Zombies, just because of thier god-awful sounds, and the Striders. Yes, striders. Just being in the middle of this deserted street, then this subtle *Whump, whump, whump*, then that whale-like scream, that just made me go, "Oh Sh!t"
Dag said:
I have to say the fast Zombies, just because of thier god-awful sounds, and the Striders. Yes, striders. Just being in the middle of this deserted street, then this subtle *Whump, whump, whump*, then that whale-like scream, that just made me go, "Oh Sh!t"
strider? not scary, it's more like an "Oh crap, i gotta take down this huge thing?!?!"
Fast zombies.. I hate the noise they make.

Normal zombies when they rise out of water n stuff freak me out too
I get scared of everything. but i think for the most part it was the poison zombies because of the noise they make and the way they walk

especially in those homes along highway 17
Man, I just got RTB and saw those stider concept pics. *Shudder* The one on the last page to the far right, with the face mask with multiple holes for each eye, that sh!ts scary.
Two words "fast Zombies", especially when you get the shotgun and they run up the side of the building :O
Program_boy232 said:
Two words "Poison Zombies", especially when you get the shotgun and they run up the side of the building :O

:cheers: yeah them quick zombies are pretty scary.
i noticed the headcrabs reach different levels of "decay" when they attach themselves to humans. the ones in ravenholm scared the living piss outta me. especially when they scream. just skeletons with meaty chunks changing off them. :-0