HL2 monsters that freak you out the most.

I'm very easily scared. The flood in Halo scared me. Heck, the flying turtle things in Super Mario scare me.
Well...Ill have to go with that dude who flings headcrabs at you
poision zombie whore guy jiggalo
i love antlion gaurds dont know why but i like dodging them when they charge at me :) i hate it when your in a dark room and you can hear a poisen headcrab trying to leap at you, but you cant see it because all you have got is this little circle of light from your torch! so annoying!!!!
screaming monkey zombies, their cries far away is creepy

and Elites, just a feeling that they are very confident in themselves being the "special forces", so you better not **** with them
i still say fast zombies scare me the most. just the way they climb buildings and stuff u get the feeling that they could be anywere.
Well, although they weren't my enemies, the Stalkers scared the shit out of me in the final leves. It was like no way I wanted to meet one in the dark corridors of the citadel, friendly or not. Espescially the place, where you are being transported past one of those freaks, who screams, tortured and almost blind, prisoned in it's shell, desperately waving with remains of his arms. Still, they could be even more horrific and scary since I like horror in games. Poisonous zombies were also a major pain in the ass, in the beginning of the game I was very scared of them, but then calmed down a bit.
personally, zombies arent scary at all, the slow ones especially. except it depresses me when they cry for help and noithing can be done. fast zombies make me laugh cause they go like raaaaaaaaa when they see you, but poisons are kinda freaky looking. fast headcrabs and poisons are the scariest, cause poisons look like poison spiders and they jump weird, but fast cause theyre long legs are freaky and they are... well. fast. the reg crabs are just dopey, and LAMAR OWNS! except when they jump they like trip over themselves, theyre like. the special ed crabs.
and mossman she s scary too.
ok wtf is a biozeminade and dont give that crap about how its too scary to speak of just say it, or send a link to a decription picture.
Fast zombies. Ravenholm scares the shit outta me everytime I play it.. -shiver-

Hmm.. The headcrabs bug me though. The only strider that made me panic was in the tunnel with the one Combine Elite.. Then it crashes through the wall behind you.. AHHH
To be honest about the biozeminades, nobody actually knows about them. If they say they do, they are either lying or have found something about it in the 'beta'. I'm with the first group :p
I must say, those scanners were pretty spooky. ;)

Actually, ever since I brought that gunship in Highway 17 down in front of me, in that pileup on the road, I've rather disliked them... just the way they look, with their buggy eyes and smooth "skin..." if you can call it that... yech!
The poison headcrab zombies are the freakiest, partly because I am too chickensh** to get close enough to get a good look at them, so they remain these mysterious shuffling freaks that occasionally throw the second creepiest monster at you. I usually waste some of my more powerful ammo on them right away.

Those fast zombies were initially freaky, and they are the best at startling you, but after 3 or 4 they are just funny, like a 9-year-old on a sugar spaz.
Beerdude26 said:
To be honest about the biozeminades, nobody actually knows about them. If they say they do, they are either lying or have found something about it in the 'beta'. I'm with the first group :p

Man, honestly, those Biozeminades, the way they jump out at you. Crikey, I actually had to change my pants several times.

-Angry Lawyer
^^ This is a lying person.
And not just because he is a lawyer. :p
I hated that one seen when G-man was violently screwing Dr.breen while yelling at him. oooooooooooh..... still creeps me out.
Mine are..

Monsters I Hate :

Fast Zombie



Icythosaur (In Teleport)

Humans I Hate :

Maybe Dr.Breen's Grin off Garrys Mod hehe! :cat:


Other : Why i hate fast zombies

1.Well first the type of noises they make!

2.The leaping at me!

3.And they come from nowhere!!!
HL2 monsters that freak you out the most

Well, I'm a newbie to HL2 and am presently still trying to get past the strider in the tunnel. Have just read thet I must use the rockets of my squad members. Which brings up my freakiest monsters - those squad members who insist on standing in my way when I want to get at the ammo box for more rockets. Listen you pricks, there's a strider coming, don't just stand there staring at me, GET OUTA THE BLOODY WAY!!! Yeah, and like the part with the airship circling like a vulture - I NEED SOME ROCKETS, GET OUTA THE BLOODY WAY.
PS.Must now go back and pick up the squad members again, cos I need their rockets it seems.
DEFINENTLY BARNEY. hes just like, "just like old time hey gordon" i mean like....he knows what happened to me.

On a serious note i HATE fast zombies in the tunnel. you suddenly hear its scream and this thing appears infront of you. Poison zombies are NOT scary at all for me. but thats cos i always view it in low graphics. could someone get me a shot at high graphics please?

Antlions are the least scary, combine are more scary then antlions, antlions are kool, poisonous zombies are the worst, there so strong and even when you do kill them, all the little black headcrabs fly off of them usually 3 (depending on how much they threw at ya) eek! fast zombie's scare the crap outa me when you hear there growl and there right behind you, again, eek!
everything in ravenholm is pretty freakin scary...