Here's the real question...does your MP game show up in your Steam browser as a HL2 multiplayer game?
SHIT! Sweet, trying this when I get home from college.
Sweet!!! Can someone please make a smowball fight mod?!?!

Its very messed up, but it is possible to kill each othert
VERY WEIRD BUT WORKS, i reckon this Mp can be easily worked upon to make something very nice
wow now I want to konw whu Valve doesnt officaly announcde thet Hl2 doe s ahve a REAl MP?
The netcode for HL2 MP and everything appears to be there, with a little tweaking and a few maps - even Half-Life 2 singleplayer maps VALVe could have included the HL2 Deathmatch as an actual component! I wonder why they didn't!
TheGGMan said:
i smell an update coming ;)

wishfull thinking...

VALVe has sated on numorous occaisions there is NO official mp apart from CS:S in the game those who say VALVe wiill implement this in a future update are in denial
TaiFong said:
Try this:

I think you mean, but even so, that IP is not Routable. That is your internal IP address.
Or you could do it through the console. Not sure if you have to do net_start first. It's the weirdest thing in the history of the universe, BTW.
Ateoto said:
I think you mean, but even so, that IP is not Routable. That is your internal IP address.

Ah yes. Can you tell me how to find out my routable IP so I can let everyone play?
how do i put an ip adress into the servers option in steam?
ok, i'm gonna start the last one just for the hell of hit

if for any reason it crashes, don't worry, just rejoin a few secs later as i'll have restarted. (although I don't think you need the port number as it uses 17015 as default)

Be there in 5mins (if you have the two maps)
even better, it says what your ip is in the console. Or just type status in console and it wil ltell you again ;)
well that was...buggy :D..get a mod team to work on this asap!!
even better, it says what your ip is in the console. Or just type status in console and it will tell you again ;)
omg that is so weird the characters are nothing but black figures, theres no chat, no players list, and its really weird to hit eachother????
that was fun but hey this is after 2 days work. With the net code in place a mod team could whip something quick up with a basic level and character model by this time next week. So I predict a decent hl2 mp (unofficial) by christmas
Never download maps which is not official (NEVER )
The hl2 stolen build had the same type of mp but this one is way more stable and better net code obviously. The hl2 stolen build HAD a playerlist and chat. Looks like they WERE going to make hl2 mp but decided not too.... bummer....
Pauly said:
The hl2 stolen build had the same type of mp but this one is way more stable and better net code obviously. The hl2 stolen build HAD a playerlist and chat. Looks like they WERE going to make hl2 mp but decided not too.... bummer....

LOL, its been a while, :) nice to see ya again

Yeah, somebody should mod it soon, ;)
Question is - has anyone got a single player map to work yet?

Anyway - my server is down - back to single player till they fix MP!