HL2 Multiplayer To Be Just Deathmatch ?


Sir Dingo

Since we havent heard one thing about the multiplayer for HalfLife2, except that TF2 is indeed a real project using the Source engine, which will be released next year.

I was wondering, if they Valve are keeping quiet, because there really is nothing great planned at launch for the game ? Maybe they just threw in MP, like Doom]l[ is doing, as an after thought, but plan on selling CS2, and TF2 later down the road ?

What do you think the multiplayer will be HalfLife2, just deathmatch, or will the game ship with something kick ass ?
i think it'll ship with something a little special and unique possibly.
It doesn't really bother me.

I played the original HL dm for all of 10minutes before moving onto mods.

HL is about single player.

A half decent multi-player will just be a bonus.
HLDM was actually one of the best DM variants ever, especially with the cool airstrike and Rustmill maps.

That said, it's pretty obvious that HL2 MP is something cool, beyond just standard deathmatch. They wouldn't keep this quiet on it if it wasn't.
Who knows it might ship with tf 2 as a surprise or something. Or it could have like vehicles and stuff. That would be badass. We will find out everything when the game goes gold.:cheers:
They arent speaking about MP or much of the game because they want us to find out ourself.

Its like when a movie is coming out and some guy tells a spoiler which ruins any mystery you wanted to find out yourself.

(my analogies are incredible ;] )
Originally posted by BWMASTER
I expect it to ship with CS2 :)

I hope that is true, but dont see that happening, because CounterStirke2 will be sold as an add on
It hope it's not CS2 because I hate Counter-Strike. It's time to move on to something different.
I could be CS2, and that would certainly sell HL2 big time, but I can't see them doing that when they are still putting so much work into CS1.6 Why do that and then immediately upstage it?
Theres no need to hope or even think if its CS2.

You can cross out any game add ons. Its gonna be their own MP w/ their own style.

Maybe later, after CS2(TF2 , etc.) does come out, will they package HL2 w/ them like how they did HL w/ TFC.
I'd be totally happy if it's just DM...the new possibilities with Source are awesome as it is. I played HL1DM for a while and had fun.

I too have a feeling that it'll be something better than DM. If it was just DM, they would've told us.

As stated before...some new MP stuff will be just a bonus to me.

Big Gulps huh? Alright...well...see ya later!
What I think HL2 MP will have.

Team Death Match
Something like domination from UT
Freeze Tag (you shoot a guy to freeze him, a friend must come and 'use' to unfreeze or you automatically unfreeze after 15 sec. 3 freezes and you're out. Last 2 people duke it out deathmatch style with no freezing)
Capture the Flag

btw, wtf is up with the forums? Its up one sec and down for hours at a time....

And one more thing. What the hell happend to the quick reply box at the bottom of the screen?? It's disappeared on me!!
maybe they're lying, but valve has explicitly stated that the multiplayer is neither cs2 or tf2.

i seriously doubt it would be just multiplayer. That's not the sort of thing you keep secret to "surprise" people with.
Originally posted by Typhon
maybe they're lying, but valve has explicitly stated that the multiplayer is neither cs2 or tf2.

i seriously doubt it would be just multiplayer. That's not the sort of thing you keep secret to "surprise" people with.

TF2 and CS2 would be too popular for them to include in HL2 MP. Gabe has already stated the TF2 would NOT be in HL2 multiplay. CS2 will be too popular and should be sold seperately, which if they do, I will certainly buy it.(it means more money for VALVe to develop HL3...) I think HL2 multiplay will the traditional types of gameplay along with a couple new modes of play, sorta like how UT2k3 did with Bombing Run...

WTF happened to the quick reply box???

/me misses the quick reply
yeah... me too.

oh, and by "just multiplayer" i meant just deathmatch.
Heh, Bombing Run was actually really cool.. I wouldn't mind seeing something akin to it in Half-Life2.

DM, TDM and CTF will hopefully all be represented, otherwise it's pretty crappy in-box multiplayer.

Jeremy Dunn
I think it would be cool to include Co-Op mode. Not alot of games have it, SS, UTK3 has Invasion mod, but Im talkin traditional, plain old Co-Op. As in setup a maximum of 8 players a game, go through the entire game level by level.
I doubt that they would actually include CS2 with HL2 at launch... but point me to some official information that proves otherwise if you are so sure it won't.

The closest I have seen is "no comment."
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
TF2 and CS2 would be too popular for them to include in HL2 MP. Gabe has already stated the TF2 would NOT be in HL2 multiplay. CS2 will be too popular and should be sold seperately, which if they do, I will certainly buy it.(it means more money for VALVe to develop HL3...) I think HL2 multiplay will the traditional types of gameplay along with a couple new modes of play, sorta like how UT2k3 did with Bombing Run...

WTF happened to the quick reply box???

/me misses the quick reply
To popular? No, just stupid. You dont include something that's TOTALLY different from the game. Imagine playing Jedi Knight Academy in SP, then when you want to start MP, you are playing with Elite Force II models in the Star Trek universe. Its the same thing, its just moronic.
Unless of course, they have converted either CS2 or TF2 to be using HL2 models. But I dont think they would miss the opportunity to sell both CS2 and TF2 as games (possibly TF2, I still doubt it will stand a chance).

Anyway, I just hope it aint simple DM. My guess is modes that will allow you to use the physics. Only problem is that I still cant see the sides really... Random models? It wouldnt be fun once the first mod comes. 2 sides? Which, Combine/Resistance? Very predictable... Resistance/Aliens? Equally predictable... Every combination is that. Would be hard to make something that could outlast the mods.
I predict a BF1942 style gametype w/ vehicles and an objective base gametype. Then of course you'll have dm, tdm, and ctf.
Originally posted by Ralphus
I predict a BF1942 style gametype w/ vehicles and an objective base gametype. Then of course you'll have dm, tdm, and ctf.
They sure have high thoughts of themselves then (claiming it to be unique) :)

Maybe ETC (Eat The City) where Combines have to clear the way for the city eater, among all these nasty critters, ie evil civilians and innocent headcrabs. :p

I suspect that CS2 might be included with the initial HL2 product.
Sure, a lot of people WOULD buy both HL2 and CS2 if they were seperate products. But I'm also sure that A LOT of people WOULDN'T.

This would create a fairly large gap in the community. Perhaps improving Valve's short term profitability. However in the long-term their product would be more successful if CS2 was lumped together with HL2 (for free). This would create one HUGE playerbase rather than two seperate ones. Allowing new-modmakers a better chance at grabbing people's attention (and then getting bought by valve ;)) After-all CS1 was what 'made' HL1's success, perhaps it will prove the same with HL2 and CS2.
Including CS2 with HL2 is like Honda including a Civic with every Accord they sell. Would make no sense financially. Sure they would sell alot, but not nearly as much as seperately. And no way could they recoup that loss. Trust me, HL2 is about the SP, they are relying on modders to create a dynamic and intersting MP community.
HL2 is not about the SP. They designed the Source engine with multiplayer in mind.

I think it's MP might be something a bit spoofy related to the current HL series. Something like Half-Strike Fortress of Defeat. meh
Has Gabe anywhere stated that they are shipping the game with multiplayer on the CD?
Well he did say that the normal version included multiplayer. I doubt that when we click "multiplayer" on th menu, it would come up with something like "to play multiplayer, buy TF2, due Q2 2004".
Originally posted by Typhon
I can't find the link to that IRC chat thing, but they say in that that CS2 will not be there either.
Do you mean the round table IRC chat?
No one mentioned CS or CS2 in that one.

... or was there another chat?
except that TF2 is indeed a real project using the Source engine, which will be released next year.

Like to fill us in on where it states that it will be released next year.... I was under the impression it was coming out very soon after the release or parallel, but then again that's just the impression I was under. Has anyone heard anything factually stated from Valve about TF2 or any other mods being released in the vicinity of the HL2 release?
I got in on this thread late, sorry.

Originally posted by Apos
I could be CS2, and that would certainly sell HL2 big time, but I can't see them doing that when they are still putting so much work into CS1.6 Why do that and then immediately upstage it?

Have they really been spending that much time on CS 1.6? It seems like all they did was add the new items that are also in CS:CZ, and then use it as bait to get people to sign up for Steam. How long has the glitching bug been around? The CS team must be working on something besides 1.6.
Every night when I go to bed I pray:

"Valve, pleeeeeeaaaaaase include a cool, fast Deathmatch mod. All I want is a game replacing the really super cool HL1 Deathmatch"

I was playing HL DM from the first hour and it's the greatest Multiplayer Game ever.
Originally posted by Ralphus
I predict a BF1942 style gametype w/ vehicles and an objective base gametype. Then of course you'll have dm, tdm, and ctf.

I agree:

1. If it was just vanilla DM, they wouldn't create such a mystery around it. They'd state that it would be DM rather than let the hype steamroll into a PR problem.

2. It's not TF2. They've stated as much, and they're not in the business of flat-out lying.

3. While I haven't seen them SPECIFICALLY state that it's not CS2, I highly doubt that's it, either. It wouldn't be econimcally wise to bundle CS2 in with HL2, given CS2's marketing power on its own.

That said, I agree with Ralphus that it's going to be robust play with multiple gametypes, with the inclusion of vehicles. We'll certainly have our standard-issue DM/TDM/CTF, along with one or two new gametype "surprises". I'm really not concerned about being let down here. Imagine CTF with vehicles in some of the settings we've seen in the videos... yum.

[EDIT]As an aside, if CS2 WERE in fact the included MP, it will certainly make HL2 twice the value, especially given that the CS mod team has been working side-by-side with Valve for several years. I fully expect CS2 to be retail quality, and am VERY looking forward to seeing what they've done.
HLDM was absolutely class. Very well balanced and great maps
Originally posted by JavaGuy
3. While I haven't seen them SPECIFICALLY state that it's not CS2, I highly doubt that's it, either. It wouldn't be econimcally wise to bundle CS2 in with HL2, given CS2's marketing power on its own.

True :)

Besides I think in 5 years they have had enough time to find something more original than standard DM, Gabe did say "Prepare to taste the future"!
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
True :)

Besides I think in 5 years they have had enough time to find something more original than standard DM, Gabe did say "Prepare to taste the future"!

Good point! I forgot that he said that.

We're definately in for something!
Isn't that quote of Gabe's from that nerdsahoy.com interview that pretty much everyone agreed was a fake??? He never actually said "prepare for the future" that ws one of the made up responses.