HL2.net interview?


Jun 20, 2004
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I really want you guys to take this into consideration and I think it's a great idea. First off I would like you to name the last time Gabe or any other Valve employee talked to us. As in not the community but rather hl2.net itself. I think the last time was when HL2 was leaked right? Or maybe he dropped in randomly with a happy b-day thread. Well I say we change all that! :D I understand that Gabe has tons of work to do with Eidos and Episode 2 in development but he still has time to do interviews. Let's get Gabe or Lombardi (preferably both) to do an open community interview on this forum! Now of course we might get people to come in and ruin the fun but this event will obviously need to be heavily moderated. If we do pull this off we could get some type of advertisement in the Steam news saying to read the full interview at hl2.net. :D We could also expand this idea to Kim Swift and Turtle Rock studio employees. So what do you guys think of this idea?

It will be kind of tough working on the schedules, but I think in the end it will be rewarding. :)
Sounds interesting. Are you suggesting that the community submits questions that are then sent to Gabe and Lombardi, or that they actively participate in a live thread for a set period of time?
Sounds interesting. Are you suggesting that the community submits questions that are then sent to Gabe and Lombardi, or that they actively participate in a live thread for a set period of time?
Well hl2.net has tried to submit questions to them in the past but the interviews always came out as a lame interview. We should have a thread open for a set period of time I say.
Well hl2.net has tried to submit questions to them in the past but the interviews always came out as a lame interview. We should have a thread open for a set period of time I say.

That's what I was going to say...best way for it to work, imho.
The problem is, the answers would be buried under a landslide of questions :(
It sounds delicious, but can you convince Gabe and Valve?
I doubt Gabe would get the HDR off his faces long enough to do an interview.
I love the idea, especially if we invite teegeebee.
Always great to see the community wanting to improve their breeding grounds. With regards to contact from Valve, I'm in email contact with Doug Lombardi quite often, for updates and various other things. In the staff discussion forum recently we've been toying with the idea of new editorials and reviews and such from the content team on the up-coming big releases. We could probably extend this idea to interviews with Valve and mod-teams, however I must stress, the time Valve gives is very slight and we'd need to submit requests via the staff at HL2.net to get recognised. After the big update we had for the website, the content team's holiday is nearly over and we'll get cracking on some stuff.

Oh and we'll be in contact to some mods too.
Great to see this might actually happen! :cheese: I would suggest we set it up for 2 hours or so on a weekend. Also members need to search for questions already answered! We can't have like 2+ pages devoted to stuff such as "when will EP2 be released?!!!?11" I know that we can't stop people from saying hi Gabe, etc though but I think that's ok. As long as we don't get somebody posting hai2u or something were cool. Now all we need to do is set-up a time and date. *Oh yeah so much for the idea about the Turtle Rock studio employees lol.
I predict a halflife2.net Cash-for-Questions scandal.
Sounds cool. Like the questions for Kevin Smith at View Askew every now and then.
That's awesome. Can't wait till this starts to hit the scenes.
Don't p0st the questions in here.

Just clearing that up :(
Dudes, let's be realistic here, Valve only ever give out big new facts/exclusives regarding the games and future developments to the professional gaming sites, same as most other developers because those sites have a much higher internet visibility quota than fan sites. Sure HL2.net is probably the biggest HL2 fan site going, but it's daily readership is a drop in the ocean compared to sites like www.1up.com. If Valve dropped an exclusive on HL2.net the site would probably collapse under the bandwidth demands (like it did with the Source hack news).
Dudes, let's be realistic here, Valve only ever give out big new facts/exclusives regarding the games and future developments to the professional gaming sites, same as most other developers because those sites have a much higher internet visibility quota than fan sites. Sure HL2.net is probably the biggest HL2 fan site going, but it's daily readership is a drop in the ocean compared to sites like www.1up.com. If Valve dropped an exclusive on HL2.net the site would probably collapse under the bandwidth demands (like it did with the Source hack news).
Nah I disagree. Many people have signed up and are regular posters of the left4dead411 website. This happened after that awesome preview they made and was posted on Valve's news. Bunch of steampowered nubs came in but they have an active community now.
We're on Limelight's servers, I imagine it'd take something fairly epic to annihilate the server for more than a little while. I like this idea - though I think we'd be better off having a list of community submitted questions that we then choose from, rather than an open forum - and I guess we'll figure out if it's a possibility or not.
I like this idea - though I think we'd be better off having a list of community submitted questions that we then choose from, rather than an open forum
That sounds like a better idea.
Been on vacation for, oh a week so far (in Florida right now :cheese:). Coming back Fridayish and I'm using a hotel comp. Recent interviews (missing so much news :() say that Valve loves hearing our opinions. I say we should tell them what we don't like and what we like. We should'nt be too nice about it either because we need to be completely truthfull for their benefit and others. They want feedback so let's get them real-time feedback. I say we should tell them to create questions for us rather than the usual community questions. It's a great way for them to see it because:
  1. We're a big forum.
  2. An active one too.
  3. Wide age group who visit's these forums.
  4. Real time responses.
I could go on but I won't. What do you guys think?
Well... you also have to think about all the work that these guys do. We are just the consumers of there product, we cant just expect them to take time out of there day to make us feel special. Maybe after they Get done with work on the games they will have time to talk and mingle. Se they dont have alot of time to talk because all the sponsors of the game want ti done at a certain time, they dont get to decide when it gets done; maybe the release date but not the completion date. And i know those companys can get a little ancy when they dont get what they want.
So no i dont think they should interview us (at this time)
After it all cools down then yes i think it would be good.
Never underestimate what Valve will do for a fan site. I remember back before the launch of HL2 the big thread(s) with emails from fans and replies from various staff members. Gabe and some other employees have forum accounts here and would post from time to time. I also know they care because of this lovely HL2 poster I have signed by the Valve staff thanks to a few emails back and forth with Gabe himself. Don't let the fact that this site carries a smaller audience than a behemoth like 1up or Gamespot deter you, they aren't focused entirely on Valve, we are.
Been on vacation for, oh a week so far (in Florida right now :cheese:). Coming back Fridayish and I'm using a hotel comp. Recent interviews (missing so much news :() say that Valve loves hearing our opinions. I say we should tell them what we don't like and what we like. We should'nt be too nice about it either because we need to be completely truthfull for their benefit and others. They want feedback so let's get them real-time feedback. I say we should tell them to create questions for us rather than the usual community questions. It's a great way for them to see it because:
  1. We're a big forum.
  2. An active one too.
  3. Wide age group who visit's these forums.
  4. Real time responses.
I think we should have a mix of this and asking questions, but we should submit these, not have an active forum thats moderated like crazy.