HL2.NET Myspace Directory

Ennui said:
Well I'd contribute and try to ward off the idiots with a ban stick.

Just ban spammers from the wiki editing features for a while..
have each new edit go into a big list of "recent edits" that a moderation team would be able to check every now and then, and approve or remove. If its approved, then it gets wiped out of the "recent edits" list, and it has to be deleted manually after that.

conversely, you could be more democratic about it, and put the approval system into the hands of an urbandictionary style method, or some type of meta-moderation a la slashdot.

I really think it would work.
If you can get Munro to do it then I'm all for it. I wanted this sort of thing a long time ago but no one else did so I dropped it.
whoever has myspace is emo. and is gay. case closed.
TheSomeone said:
I hate it when people have really emo/contrasted/slutty pictures of them on myspace, especially when they're really cool and funny kids in real life.

I'm sorry!! :o

And xLostx... I'm not gay, and i'm not really emo, i may take pictures, but i do like a lot of music, from hard to soft.
oh shit i didnt know i was emo and gay
Shodan said:

If you think thats a hard profile to read because of a background then you wouldn't do well reading most the other profiles on the site. Some of them are beyond readable. Mines pretty easy, really. And I'm too lazy to change or edit my profile in anyway I only log in to check my mail for, mainly, music related stuff. Apart from the music community on there, with all the band pages and such, Myspace bores me. Like any other profile site.*shrug*

EDIT: Although now I'm on the subject about it, I may edit it for a change. I don't even play Generals, I just thought it looked cool.
Just because other people have horrendously clashing backgrounds and text on their profiles doesn't mean yours has to be an eyesore too.

And yours is, indeed, an eyesore. Take mine for example - it's one of the few profiles on myspace that doesn't make your eyes bleed.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I added a song to mine :P

I hope to god that its not an endlessly looping MIDI file. The internet has enough of those.
nm this myspace is not for me.

found this tho

:( Post more myspace accounts so this thread serves it's actual purpose and maybe gets stickied if enough accounts are posted
bliink said:
I just cant do it.. I prefer the "wiki" approach to community like that.

I want a hl2.net wiki, that includes a page for each member that only the member can modify, a small portion of which is open for others to contribute material to.

the rest of the wiki can allow users to create link directories and write articles about the site's dynamics, subcultures, and history.

just one page? I can do volumes on Stern musings
Myspace is the 4th most visted website.
What are the first 3?

I hate all the annoying bullitens that people post 3 times a night. I've cut my friends list down a ton because of that.
I hate bands in the area requesting to be added. I won't even listen to them, just decline. I've gotten like five bands doing that before I even had any personal info at all on there, so it's not like they saw my music tastes and were like, "Hey, you might like us." They just spam
It's not too bad for me. I do check out bands that try to add me but if I don't like them...*Denied!*
If a band asks to add me i'll listen to them and see if like them or not. if i like them i'll add them. :)
oh snap. Bumpage, mainly due to the hairstyles award thread reminded me of this. To keep this from getting closed, as it was swaying kinda off topic, try to keep it to posting profiles (at least an equal amount to conversation!)

I'm not sure if the music players were around when I made this thread. What all do you put on yours now? I've been keen on Lil Rob lately, dissapointed that a lot of artists I like have only one song on their page, or have a page but no music for the inhouse player.
I have one from a long time ago but never put pictures on. I think its best not to be on the internet.