HL2.NET Myspace Directory

RakuraiTenjin said:

Awesome :P

Hahaha yeah best friend reminding me I owe her. It was funny, then I realised she was serious haha.
One of the comments on Glirk's MySpace said:
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will find you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life.

Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 relationship problems for the next ten years tag ur it!! this is so scary!!! send this to 15 ppl in the next 143 min. and then press F6 and your crushes name will appear in big letters!! it is so scary because it works.... but if you break the chain.. you will be cursed w/ relationship problems

Why does MySpace spawn such retarded people. (No offense if that's one of your close friends Glirk ;))

It's such scum, it's gross. Why'd the internet have to become popular :(
yeah, tha's nuffin... There's this one guy, he has to say, in each bulletin title, "blah blah blah... this ISN"T a chain!" and half the time it is, anyway. I don't even like him that much anyway, but I don't care enough to figure out how to delete the buggers...

Wait, Murray_H, I thought you're in the UK... isn't Facebook USA-only?
Yeah I hate when people do that. Another person on my list posts a bulletin saying to comment her new pics like every 10 mins. It is really annoying.
Glirk Dient said:
Yeah I hate when people do that. Another person on my list posts a bulletin saying to comment her new pics like every 10 mins. It is really annoying.
yeah, I've got one like that, too. I don't know her too well either. damn! but all these people asked ME to be friends, and I didn't want to be rude... I bet none of 'em would even notice if I suddenly dissappeared, bwahaha...

EDIT: but seriously, WTF! if you have to warn people that what their aobut to read from you is NOT a chain letter, you're seriously ****ed up. That's like telling people when you talk to them, when you're about to say something that ISN'T stupid. c'mon. damn.

Well, I'm not a big facebook guy, but it's actually a bit of fun. Plus, as opposed to being an "alternative" sort of thing, EVERYBODY does it (at least at my school).
Chain letters die! Myspace die! So many people depend on myspace. Would if one day they came home and there was no myspace, like it crashed. Spacers would start WW3.
Has this already had the obligatory arguement on how myspace is for emos, or gays, or gay emos, or normal people, or whatever...?
Jangle said:
<3 the choon :D
No matter how long I stare at it, I can't quite understand what you mean by choon.
Ennui said:
No matter how long I stare at it, I can't quite understand what you mean by choon.

I was going to sign up to comment on a friends band, but someone stole my username. D:
Bah i ****ing hate my space its evil.... My girl friend ends up looking it for hours and i get bored. Thre is nothing on it at all! just rubbish! Badly made websites where they put lines through all the text. And put black text on a black background.
Stormy said:
Bah i ****ing hate my space its evil.... My girl friend ends up looking it for hours and i get bored. Thre is nothing on it at all! just rubbish! Badly made websites where they put lines through all the text. And put black text on a black background.
Yeah I have no idea how my sister spent so long on hers. There's NOTHING to do! I just blog and go. Hate reading other people's blogs too :p
Ennui said:
No matter how long I stare at it, I can't quite understand what you mean by choon.

:O Get with it, Ennui. All the cool dudes are using slang nowadays.
UltimaApocalyspe said:

My website, featuring more Half Life crap than yours ever will!

Also feel free to add me :)

Oh and I'm not 19, I just upped the age so anyone can see it.

Upon viewing your Myspace, I was SHOCKED to come upon this line :

Status: Single

I was gonna make a new thread but then remembered when I made this one so figured it'd be a good bump and better than making a new thread-

who else makes myspaces of artists when they get frustrated that the ones existing only have shitty songs or the ones you're not looking for? I must've made about 4 or so over time if I think about it. Last one i did was a conejo page (formerly a lil rob page I had, just overwrote all the songs and deleted the friends)

Anyway, my page

The conejo page I made (any suggestions for the other two songs would be nice)
old thread is old
also OvA should have never been banned.