HL2.net owns in BF2

looks like f12 AND printscreen take shots, since i pressed them both every time because i didnt know which did, and now ive got two of each.
Ennui said:
looks like f12 AND printscreen take shots, since i pressed them both every time because i didnt know which did, and now ive got two of each.
just print screen, you get two images everytime regardless ;P
you get a high rez one and a jpeg one.
Dalamari said:
Cmon, let's get some more screenshots in this thread! I know that Redundant takes thousands of them
I will upload more later, I LOOOOVE this game :D
torso boy said:
They kicked me out of the squad. WHY DO YOU HATE ME MR.REDUNDANT? ;(

I did better than anyone in it though. :P

were you meatpotato? I kicked you because I didn't know you, and Amish needed to get in after he was booted.
it was nothing personal of that you can be sure.
sorry about that :(

and doing well has nothing to do with score in this game, my squad ALWAYS wins the round. and that is all that matters, individuals are NOTHING in this game. and that is why it rocks so hard.
Nice game today guys.
Certainly coordinated.
I was doing great with you guys earlier. Played with the UKers at night.. still awake now (24 hours now) and I'm starting to suck ass every round. It's the lack of sleep I tell you, I walked right by an enemy and then tried to throw a grenade at him with the right mouse button quick tap. :p
It was a great game today. Best match I had so far. Good teamwork. If you are looking for clan members, give me a jingle. :P
shadowrun said:
yeah but where the hell are you guys playing?

We go onto teamspeak and find a server before we are about to play.
which reminds me, so who is gonna spring for that 64 player no timelimit HL2.net only passworded server?

Jammy has a public one, but I can never get on, it's always full of non-hl2.netters
Mr. Redundant said:
which reminds me, so who is gonna spring for that 64 player no timelimit HL2.net only passworded server?

Jammy has a public one, but I can never get on, it's always full of non-hl2.netters

*looks around*

Eh? c'mon..c'monnnn

Heh. It really would be nice to have an HL2.net server for only HL2.netters and friends. It'd be the best possible BF2 experience :D Pretty much everyone likes working in squads and during some of the lulls we could always just screw around and have races, flying contests, attempt to get a rocket through the blackhawk etc :P

I say instead of CS:S servers we should have BF2 servers :thumbs:
AmishSlayer said:
*looks around*

Eh? c'mon..c'monnnn

Heh. It really would be nice to have an HL2.net server for only HL2.netters and friends. It'd be the best possible BF2 experience :D Pretty much everyone likes working in squads and during some of the lulls we could always just screw around and have races, flying contests, attempt to get a rocket through the blackhawk etc :P

I say instead of CS:S servers we should have BF2 servers :thumbs:

I agree with Amish! A HL2.net server would be awesome! :D
we definitely need to get a hl2.net server up. the other day all of us were on 2 rival squads and it was great fun. the teamwork we had was amazing. mr. redundant is right, whenever we're all working together we always win.
Today I was USMC and I got in a buggy and rushed the MEC main spawn and started running people over. I got 25 kills before they got me and there were like 30 some people shooting at me. It was kinda sad actually.
We had such a great game today! We basically spent the entire time on the beach with dalamari leading us. At one point we were holding the center-beach flag and we were all lined up on the sandbags, shooting at the incoming enemy. I almost splooged my pants.
a couple things to try
when an APC or tank is coming at you to squash you, hit prone, you can go right under them (given you arent hit by the tracks/tires of course)

you can also prone and hide under a tank or an APC, and use it for cover.

try slashing the tires of a buggy or an APC with your knife, and although the tires don't go flat, it makes the sound of a knife penetrating rubber, and then a hiss of air leaking from it.

I was playing around doing some arial manuevers with the black hawk, taking it under the bridge and doing loops.

another fun thing is going miles up into the air with a jet and free falling to the ground, can take like 5 mins without deploying chute.

also doing the same with a chopper and watching it do loops all the way to the ground and then slamming inches away from where I was standing was cool too.

... yeah I play too much BF2
then again you CAN'T play TOO MUCH of BF2 ;)

I been playing MP non-stop with you folks and I love it, I especially love leading a rush and coordinating my squad.

I thought I would give SP a go today, and I have to admit the 16 player version of the map is pretty intense too, it's different gameplay than the 32 player version, great fun

also the Bot AI was actually very impressive.
Well I'm up for some HL2.net action. Playing with people you don't know very well sucks.. Oh and the squad based additions officially pwn.
Haha yeah the sand bags were awsome...until a guy came from behind a shot me.

Oh well, we still owned like mad however. Gotta love having a full boat with an attack chopper behind ya heading to take out the comms artilery, radar and UAV right off that bat. HL2.net owns.
I can post a screen or two, anyone know where I can find them?
Glirk Dient said:
Oh well, we still owned like mad however. Gotta love having a full boat with an attack chopper behind ya heading to take out the comms artilery, radar and UAV right off that bat. HL2.net owns.

Yeah, we totally kicked ass on that raid to the enemy base. I crapped my pants when pauly destroyed all the enemy aircrafts. Explosions galore.

To Foxtrot: My Documents/Battlefield 2 Demo/Screenshots
I'm dissappointed by BF2 :( I have every other of the BF series and they run perfectly on high, yet BF2 has trouble running on low..... not impressed.. especially after waiting ages for the demo. Guess i have to wait until i've got my new computer at the end of the summer to get it :(
Sgt.Murray said:
I'm dissappointed by BF2 :( I have every other of the BF series and they run perfectly on high, yet BF2 has trouble running on low..... not impressed.. especially after waiting ages for the demo. Guess i have to wait until i've got my new computer at the end of the summer to get it :(
What are your specs?
When the hell do you all play at!?!

I can't find any number of you online.
just got out of an awesome (as always) game with my Hl2.net brethren, with AmishSlayer as our Squad leader, myself as support, Raziaar as Anti-Tank, and CrazySmurph as SPec ops.

whatever team we were on, won :) we switched when we saw we were just knocking the crap outta the poor US.

anyway, some awesome moments from tonight's game:

heading towards the beach, an enemy chopper picks us up and starts an attack run, Raziaar starts firing at it.

AmishSlayer at the Helm, taking Evasive manuevers to avoid chopper missiles (damn good work too, notice the bullets hitting the water mere inches behind us as he banks away from the shore)

Me firing wildly at the chopper as it makes another pass

all is well that ends well, due to some impressive driving by Amish we live to fight another day

firing off some victory rounds

we get onto the beach grab an APC and head towards Hotel to take care of business

Raziaar manning a stolen Tank, following Amish and I closely

me taking flying lessons, courtesy of an artillery strike
Damn. Redudant, I didn't make it in those screens with the chopper(EDIT: Nevermind, I see me! :) ). I was the first gunner, firing the MG up at the chopper (I was the one who warned it was there). But then he had fired, and apparently me and Crazy got killed... and someone else then took over the MG spot as I was respawning.

That was 'sweet' though, and super intense. Great job to everybody. Survived that chopper attack and made it to our destination, causing lots of damage.
Raziaar said:
Damn. Redudant, I didn't make it in those screens with the chopper(EDIT: Nevermind, I see me! :) ). I was the first gunner, firing the MG up at the chopper (I was the one who warned it was there). But then he had fired, and apparently me and Crazy got killed... and someone else then took over the MG spot as I was respawning.

That was 'sweet' though, and super intense. Great job to everybody. Survived that chopper attack and made it to our destination, causing lots of damage.

At one point all of you had died and I thought I was toast. Good thing I was medic all the while healing myself :D
Raz add me on xfire (xmrredundantx)
yeah it was definately a blast, I didn't get too many with you in, because I conciously have to remember to take shots.. I get so immersed in the game that I forget. Amish actually reminded me mid game, and the whole chopper thing was too good to pass up, I got a real good shot of that one.

also you were mainly AT, or in a Tank, while I as in the APC, or we were on foot.. It would have been awesome to get some shots of us when we were all making our way up the beach proned, and suppressing the enemy... that and when we took construction with all the MECs in the building.

as I said you were manning the M249 and I took over (I was the black dude firing victory shots into the air in the last couple screens) :D
God damnit, why can't I create an online account? When I have filled out the details it just complains that the connection failed even though I have no problem with it, and I don't have any fancy router or firewall settings.
Raziaar said:
By the way. How is it that some of your screenshots are so damn detailed? My graphics card is on full settings, and in game settings everything is high, except for lighting, shadows, and dynamic lighting. Yet the textures look pretty bland.


Your image here, just completely blows my graphics away. :(


I've got about the same settings :(. I wish I could have everything high. I just gotta wait for my new rig to do that I guess...whenever that will be.
AmishSlayer said:
I've got about the same settings :(. I wish I could have everything high. I just gotta wait for my new rig to do that I guess...whenever that will be.

Well, not everything is on high for me. My computer was purchased that blasted september when HL2 was SUPPOSED to come out. lol

So its kinda old.
Raziaar said:
Well, not everything is on high for me. My computer was purchased that blasted september when HL2 was SUPPOSED to come out. lol

So its kinda old.

same here
I bought mine in preperation for HL2... then it came out erm, later than expected :)
I demand MrRe send me a msg on xfire whenever he is about to play! XD I miss HL2.NET squad.
I like the game, but the loading time is HORRIBLE. I literally joined a server, went an watched half an episode of Family Guy, came back and it was STILL LOADING! Then after I finally join the game, my hard drive light keeps going like a frickin christmas tree light. While its doing that, I cant even play because the game gets insanely jumpy. This better be fixed in the full version of the game, or im going to be pissed...