HL2.net owns in BF2

Lethal8472 said:
I like the game, but the loading time is HORRIBLE. I literally joined a server, went an watched half an episode of Family Guy, came back and it was STILL LOADING! Then after I finally join the game, my hard drive light keeps going like a frickin christmas tree light. While its doing that, I cant even play because the game gets insanely jumpy. This better be fixed in the full version of the game, or im going to be pissed...

How much RAM do you have sir. ?
What are your specs?

2.5 ghz CPU
ATI Radeon 9600SE 128mb

By the end of the summer though i will have built one with -

AMD Athlon 64 3200
ATI Radeon X700 256mb PCI-E
1024GB Corsair Ram

I just wish i could play the demo properly now :(
Guess i will be sticking with BF1942 + Expansions and BFV
Raziaar said:
By the way. How is it that some of your screenshots are so damn detailed? My graphics card is on full settings, and in game settings everything is high, except for lighting, shadows, and dynamic lighting. Yet the textures look pretty bland.

What's your screen resolution?
Sgt. Murray something isn't right there man. I've got a 1.6Ghz, 640MB DDR, ATI Radeon 8500. and mine loads rather quick.
Sgt. Murray I can't stress enough to kill all processes that take memory in the task manager. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete then go to processes and kill everthing you can reckognize. Including explorer, that will close all your windows and hie desktop icons and taskbar, but it frees a lot of memory. To run the game, go to File->Run in the same window and look for the shortcut.

Also. try defragging your hardrive and checking for viri and spyware.

Try this tweak guide: http://www.tweakguides.com/XPTC.html
Ok cheers dude, i will scan for Spyware and Virus's now and Defrag my HDD over night, then i shall end all possible processes and try the game in the morning and let ya know, cheers :)
Ritz said:
I demand MrRe send me a msg on xfire whenever he is about to play! XD I miss HL2.NET squad.
I usually do if I see you online, but you are normally AFK... OR PLAYING WoW, damn nub!!! :P <3
Mr. Redundant said:
I usually do if I see you online, but you are normally AFK... OR PLAYING WoW, damn nub!!! :P <3

Yeah, I see her either afk or playing WoW whenever i'm on too.
I see no one wants to play with me. Fine, I'll play on my own while crying.
NikolaX said:
How much RAM do you have sir. ?

Hell, I'll just give you all my specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 MB RAM
80 GB 7200 RPM HDD
128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

All graphic settings are on medium, running at 1024x768 at 75 Hz.
Lethal8472 said:
Hell, I'll just give you all my specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 MB RAM
80 GB 7200 RPM HDD
128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

All graphic settings are on medium, running at 1024x768 at 75 Hz.
That is really similar to my setup, except that my processor is a bit slower, and I have 768 MB RAM. However, because my computer runs the game better than yours (or so it seems from your description), I'd say that the RAM is definitely the problem here. Battlefield eats it like candy - even with 768, I get severe hard drive trashing in the middle of some games, leaving me immobilized for up to a minute. In conclusion: buy more RAM, and make sure all of your texture/landscape settings are on medium or lower.
Lethal8472 said:
Hell, I'll just give you all my specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 MB RAM
80 GB 7200 RPM HDD
128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

All graphic settings are on medium, running at 1024x768 at 75 Hz.

That's my exact setup. And yeah, loading times = teh sux on it. I'm gonna get more RAM.
anybody playing battlefield 2 tonight? message proscialize on aim.
do HL2.net own in BF2?

we most certainly do!

here's a shot from today's game (16th June)-edited-

notice all the netters on the MEC side, which were losing before we joined (losing badly, in fact we almost won the round we joined on, and they had 200 tickets or so while we had 30, and we got them down to around 40 tickets or so.

(ignore my crappy score, I was sitting on the roof giving intel for a lot of the game :P ) you guys were awesome, every game we play together we work more cohesively than before... I really think we could go serious if we wanted to, we obviously possess the skilled teamwork for it.
Ahem, June 16th. :P If it was July 16th, my birthday would be 2 days away! \o/
ray_MAN said:
Ahem, June 16th. :P If it was July 16th, my birthday would be 2 days away! \o/
aiiiya I don't know what I was doing there.

also worth noting, Dalamari had an awesome score, and he was booted twice before that, so you can imagine what his score would have been if he had a constant connection.
While I left a little early I had a great time today. I can't remember having so much fun in a game for ages.

Well, same time tommorow I guess? ;)
JiMmEh said:
While I left a little early I had a great time today. I can't remember having so much fun in a game for ages.

Well, same time tommorow I guess? ;)
tomorrow my ass, Im going to form another squad in a couple hours (unless something else pops up)
Mr. Redundant said:
tomorrow my ass, Im going to form another squad in a couple hours (unless something else pops up)

Hehe, trust you :). I would come, but my sleeping cycle is totally ballsed up, I need to get back into the habit of going to sleep at reasonable times :P
Few shots from that game:

http://img142.echo.cx/img142/9688/17eq1.jpg Foxtrot and I on some serious tank ownage

http://img142.echo.cx/img142/950/39jq.jpg Few shots from one of our boat missions

http://img142.echo.cx/img142/6857/68vg.jpg Different mission where we attacked the US aircraft carrier - we took out a load of guys as they spawned in the docking bay

http://img142.echo.cx/img142/7796/49bw.jpg My uber score, rawr! No, seriously though, it's just to show how fantastically we all did on that server - the previous games before we were there the MEC was constantly losing, with a ticket ratio of around 0 - 200 in favour of the US. After a result of our play, 122 - 0 to us, and that shot shows us taking an early lead on the tickets. Fantastic work guys!
Axyon said:
http://img142.echo.cx/img142/7796/49bw.jpg My uber score, rawr! No, seriously though, it's just to show how fantastically we all did on that server - the previous games before we were there the MEC was constantly losing, with a ticket ratio of around 0 - 200 in favour of the US. After a result of our play, 122 - 0 to us, and that shot shows us taking an early lead on the tickets. Fantastic work guys!

Wewt! I can't wait till we start kicking ass like that in a serious clan!
Mr. Redundant said:
do HL2.net own in BF2?

we most certainly do!

here's a shot from today's game (16th June)-edited-

notice all the netters on the MEC side, which were losing before we joined (losing badly, in fact we almost won the round we joined on, and they had 200 tickets or so while we had 30, and we got them down to around 40 tickets or so.

(ignore my crappy score, I was sitting on the roof giving intel for a lot of the game :P ) you guys were awesome, every game we play together we work more cohesively than before... I really think we could go serious if we wanted to, we obviously possess the skilled teamwork for it.

it was fun to see our 6 man squad (good job today boys) completely turn that battle around. by our last round, we were in such control that it didnt even seem as if there were a war going on. perching on top of that building and issuing commands was pretty effective. i cant believe i took down that attack helicopter with an apc, it was hard to lead him on that second rocket shot.
Axyon said:
No, seriously though, it's just to show how fantastically we all did on that server

Mr. Redudant has a score of 2 :laugh:

Pesmerga said:
Wewt! I can't wait till we start kicking ass like that in a serious clan!

Serious clan matches is nothing like pub matches. A clan one came to practice at the server I was at (in another game) and stacked a team and took it for themselves, they beat us in about 2 minutes. Turns out they're at the bottom of their league.
Lethal8472 said:
Hell, I'll just give you all my specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 MB RAM
80 GB 7200 RPM HDD
128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

All graphic settings are on medium, running at 1024x768 at 75 Hz.

get another 512mb of pc3200 DDR

I have the same specs as you do except I have 1gb pc3200 DDR, and I have all graphics on high (except for Textures and Lighting on medium) and I play in 1280x1024 (command line altered to run at that rez)

it takes me 20 odd seconds to load a 64 player map (well technically the 32 player version, as the 64 player one is not available in the demo)
(that's counting like 100 and 1, 100 and 2, etc) that's about 3 times faster than HL2 and CS:S and 4 times faster than BFV.

I was blown away by how well the engine actually runs, given my lowly specs, I get smooth gameplay with all the bells and whistles in a high resolution, and low load times (load times are the coolest thing about the game, I thought I would have to wait an hour for a map load like I do in BFV)
kaf11 said:
it was fun to see our 6 man squad (good job today boys) completely turn that battle around. by our last round, we were in such control that it didnt even seem as if there were a war going on. perching on top of that building and issuing commands was pretty effective. i cant believe i took down that attack helicopter with an apc, it was hard to lead him on that second rocket shot.

I figured the action was so slow, since we dominated so much that I might as well just direct a little bit (without going commander) and yeah it was very effective, we controlled all the armor on the map (our squad) pretty cool.

TheSomeone said:
Mr. Redudant has a score of 2 :laugh:

Serious clan matches is nothing like pub matches. A clan one came to practice at the server I was at (in another game) and stacked a team and took it for themselves, they beat us in about 2 minutes. Turns out they're at the bottom of their league.

yeah you know me, always with the low scores :P
probably just after I ran over a teammate (resets score to 0) which I did a lot when we first joined... very embarrassing. (sorry again guys)
but as I said ingame, I would rather have the infantry be easy to squash with vehicles, than it was in previous BF titles, where it was almost impossible.

edit: damnit, I edited a post... why the hell did it double post?!