[HL2.net] - Saturday and Sunday night game!


Dec 31, 2004
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HL2.net Team Fortress 2 Get together this Saturday and Sunday!

I've spoken with some of the regular members of the forum and I thought it would be a good idea to get things rolling. This weekend we'll have at least 2 games at designated times... one on Saturday and one on Sunday, but the games will go on as long as there are people wanting to play.

We'll be playing on GDub's server (Unless someone can host a dedicated 16player American server). Password protected so only HL2net members can play.

The place: G-Dub's server (
The time: 6:00 PM EST (around then, whenever we get enough to start a game) on October the 20th and 21st!
The game: As many as 24 players are welcome on the server at anytime. If the slots are full, wait in line! We'll probably be playing a variety of 2fort, dustbowl, and hydro, but that's up to what everyone wants to play.


Voice chat optional but preferred! Hop on the halflife2.net Steam communities chat for more information or PM me! If you can make it to the game, post in this thread! If the time isn't great for people, it can be changed!




As of right now I don't know what my plans are for this weekend, but Sunday night I know I'll definantly be available to play with you guys!
I'm ready to pwn with some scoutage. I might be able to sneak an hour on saturday. :)
Lets move this to Sunday. I won't be in town Saturday. :(

EDIT: Err... I didn't see the whole 2 game thing. Heh.
But yeah, I won't be able to make it to the one on Saturday. I am traversing to Pittsburgh to visit some mates of mine.
Do I really need to say if I'll be there..?


Aww, EST is 5 hours behind me. That's 2 AM my time and i'm off on holiday at 6 :(
Too late for me. :/
Aww, EST is 5 hours behind me. That's 2 AM my time and i'm off on holiday at 6 :(

That's what I thought, in regards to the time for us in the UK.

Probably get a match organised for sometime in the week at 9pm GMT.

If it was set up for 6pm EST we'd get a chance to join in at a better hour.
sry i didnt see that it was 9pm EST, im in the uk so that would be 2am. Cant do it that time on either day.
I'm in for any day. I got a rough draft due on Wednesday along with mid-term finals though. I can type the report easily and I basically know my stuff for teh tests. I'm up for it as long as it's a normal time in EST. :cheers:
We've decided it's better to start at 6pm EST. Hopefully we'll get more UKers in the game.
I'll be there, maybe even for both days.

Wewt for friends achievement.

Add me all at javertv[at ]yahoo.com
The games are still on, I just wanted to see how many we could fit into gdub's server. We still need more to be on tomorrow by the look of things.
yeah, i might play on saturday. Depends though, since i have to get up really early on sunday.
I may be there. 6p EST is what, 9p PST? I'll spectate for a bit to see how things go.
06:00 PM EST = 11:00 PM UK = 12:00 PM EURO = 03:00 AM Q8

I'll hop by tonight, providing the ping is doable.
I set my alarm for 5:30 just so I wont forget, im definitely there tonight, and most likely for sunday too.
I'm gonna have to miss out on tonight, sadly.

I'll try to make tomorrow though.
Wow, sorry to the Euro players. I'm one who wouldn't mind playing in the U.S. morning for future reference.
why does it say i dont have the required priviledges to enter the chat room?
Since we're currently lacking an admin with server control, thoughts are being pooled into what to do.
yeh this server really needs to be passworded. hope gdub doesnt still think its the original time. pez whats your in game name?
To sort out the hardcore players, please set a tag in front of your name as: [HL2.net]bob This is to sort out teh pubbers from the real .netters. Thank you.
i might play for a while later but i will defiantly be playing tomorrow is it same time tomorrow as today?