HL2.net @ Xfire


I don't have any particular game I play more often or not.

EDIT: Although I'm getting into UT2004 again...so much fun.

I'm in the UK and play Counter-Strike: Source mostly. Trying to get back into BF2 though.

i play the odd hour of dod s or hl2dm once in a blue moon.
My xfire is: sonicccc

And I usually play BF2, F.E.A.R, and Counter Strike Source with some Quake 4 here and there.

CS 1.6, C&C Generals, Pro evolution 5 and BF2 (after xmas)

I think i've already got everyone in this thread added to mine.
Username: fastson

Don't play any games at the moment, last was Max Payne.

I play anything.... I suppose. Lotsa Dystopia
look sig,

css 90%, and Quake4 10%..... trying to get back to BF2.... its been 3 weeks now since I played a good BF2 match

Mostly Battlefield 2 but I'm up for some HL2.net CS:S, DoD:S, HL2DM rapeage.

I'm open for any HL or HL2 mod that I have (Not Dystopia). But I mostly play CS:S when I feel like gaming, sometimes GMod. Or DoD:S.

If asked nicely and with enough peer pressure you might get me to install BF2 again :sleep:

Stopped using this for a while, but now I'm running it again.

I play mostly Valve games, the occasional BF2, and whatever else I have installed at the time.

I only use it when i'm playing games. But I will have it on now.
septih - but only when i'm not at uni

WoW, WoW and lots more WoW for me, to the annoyance of my css clan members :P
main game is bf2, but I've been playing odd things here and there recently.
Totally forgot I had Xfire, seen as all of the contacts I had previously are busy clan gaming and not casually playing, I might get into a bit more multiplayer stuff.

This is it. Wewt!