

Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
So basically since I joined these forums I've cared too much what people thought of me. When I was younger and more stupid I created stupid attention seeking threads in the mere hope more people would like me. This was a point where I was like 13 and I didn't have much of a outside/social life. I don't want this seeming like a help me thread because my life is very good due to the number of friends I've managed to make being able to have a good life regardless of any "internet friends". However I've realised even in these recent times that I honestly care too much about what people think about me on these forums. I've always just wanted to appear smart and not an idiot and be accepted by you folk. This used to more of a bearing on my life when I was younger and still is but not to a large extent. In a sense this forum has matured me, mostly in my music taste and other such things. Members like kinetic, vegeta, barnz, bad hat and all the foundations of this forums I've wanted to be accepted as one of them and seem smart. I'm contemplating maybe leaving it behind but I've been on these forums since I was 13 and I'm now nearly 18. I feel that this forum has had a huge impact on my life and I just hope that everyone here feels that I'm a good part of this forum and a respected member. I don't want to make a big deal of me leaving or anything but if I do I just want to say thanks to everyone. You are all the best.
I was pretty much the same way in my early years.
Weren't we all this way at some point?

<3 you Mellish.
Not me. I was 21, and was the first forum I registered in. Aside from a Wipeout forum but that didn't really count.
Damn Mutoid. You old. I'll just be turning 20 this month. Weird imagining a decade difference in age with anyone that isn't Pi or Cpt Old.
When I was younger and more stupid I created stupid attention seeking threads in the mere hope more people would like me.


I feel that this forum has had a huge impact on my life and I just hope that everyone here feels that I'm a good part of this forum and a respected member.

Jus' sayin'.

Anyways, I was never like this. In fact, since the day I joined I've had to work to stop people from liking me so much. God damn leave me alone you clingy ****s.
Eh I still vet my comments a bit sometimes, but it's more of a "will this make me sound absurdly stupid" thing now. My filter is not always as effective as I'd like. :v

Anyway, altering your behaviour to a certain degree to ingratiate yourself to people is pretty normal. Just as long as you're not being a faceless sycophant. Can't stand people like that.

Anyways, I was never like this. In fact, since the day I joined I've had to work to stop people from liking me so much. God damn leave me alone you clingy ****s.

Come on, you know it's comments like this that make you so loveable. Now let's cuddle.
I'm nearly 18 too and still a forever alone creep, blame HL2.net for it.
Didn't you already make a similar thread some time ago :?

Anyway, best of luck in becoming the person you want to be.
I'm on this forum at least once every six months, how come I never get named when people list out members! Pay attention to me!
Not me. I was 21, and was the first forum I registered in. Aside from a Wipeout forum but that didn't really count.
Same here - Although I've only been here just over a year so I'm 22 in July and aint no old man!

Also not the first forum I've been on. Been on a few. Moderated on one. Also, I hate you, Mellish. (Just kidding)

Have this:
Don't leave, we desperately need the traffic and ad revenue
Which reminds me I forgot to exclude this place from adblock after I reinstalled last. :v
Just to say I'm not leaving, I was very drunk when I posted this. I'll probably won't stop browsing this forum until it gets shut down.

I do mean what I said, I just feel that again I was being a bit of a crybaby about being accepted. My life is fine. Really.
yep it is

When I drink it tends to amplify my emotions significantly.
I always want to hug people. Problem is its always more of a dive tackle.

Anyhoos I guess all is well once more.
So if you're fine, then the alcohol should have amplified your feelings about how fine your life is. I think you're bullshitting. Your life sucks. Deal with it.
Alcohol beaks down the layer of bullshit and tells the truth. Though too much truth will kill yo ass.
Alcohol beaks down the layer of bullshit and tells the truth. Though too much truth will kill yo ass.

fake. i find that i lie the most when im drunk

also anyone notice this place has been dead lately...

I was 15 when I joined this forum. I'm 24 now. Hl2.net has been around for nearly a decade of my life. I'm not nearly as active as I was back in 03-04, but I always make a point to check in and see what's going on here. I love this place <3
So if you're fine, then the alcohol should have amplified your feelings about how fine your life is. I think you're bullshitting. Your life sucks. Deal with it.
Your life is worse. Piece of dogshit.
I was perfect and beautiful I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Its a forum who gives a shit what people think about you? It's funner to post when youre in conflict with everyone. Im not saying be a troll or a rebel for the sake of it alone but seriously half these people are idiots even if what they write makes them sound like they know what they're talking about. No offense to those of you who are not idiots.
Its a forum who gives a shit what people think about you? It's funner to post when youre in conflict with everyone. Im not saying be a troll or a rebel for the sake of it alone but seriously half these people are idiots even if what they write makes them sound like they know what they're talking about. No offense to those of you who are not idiots.
Yeah for a second I thought he was talking about me.

Not that I give a shit of course.

But I almost started crying.