HL2 on G-Phoria


Jul 24, 2004
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Well G-Phoria is on right now, and I see they started it off by having the G-Man introduce the show. LOL. Now let's see if they show much of HL2 in action . . .
Couldn't you have waited to post this after the show to fill us in?
Well they're going to show something, it's just a question of will it be significant or 5 seconds worth. Whatever the case, I'm prepared to capture it and post a clip of it.
I missed it.. but this show is really starting to suck. What do all these stars have to do with games? I want the developers and artists who made the games the show is suppose to celebrate
did they already show the HL2 stuff?!?! grrr... i must have missed it too.
No, just the G-Man so far. They're saving the best for last, to keep you watching. BTW, there would've been a thread on G-Phoria even if they don't show anything, so . . . I just got the ball rolling early.

Oh and, yeah G-Phoria sucks. WTF do all these people on the show have to do with games.
Hopefully they'll show something worth while on Half-Life2 but I doubt it basing it on how this show is going so far......
Im watching it right now... who cares about rappers? THIS IS A GAME SHOW!!!!!!!!!
This is sooo gay. The hosts look like they are going to die of boredom, they introduce an old guy who created comic books and make him say "dude" a lot, other hosts over-act... Well at least the Metal Gear Solid 3 new vid looks awesome.... but where is HL2?

And what is with these gothic kids with their tilted hats who had a hard time saying "best traditional sports game"?

Edit: I feel like I'm blogging... WTF WHY DID THEY HAVE TO HIT THE MADDEN GUY!??! WHAT DID HE DO?
Anyone surprised by Madden getting best sports game even though there was almost no change between the last one? Update.. no halflife2 yet other than the g-man in the beginning

Edit: Did anyone see that rikku thing? Holy craptastic that was horrible
We need a international game show presented by people who know their stuff and have interviews with REAL gamers and no skate punks picked off the street who have held a splaystation controller once
And Real game developers and no rap artist that are know for their playstation 2's in their hummer's
I hope G4 DIES IN HELL!!!!

Edit: How can they choose the game of the year if the year is not over. :\
I bet Valve will delay the showing of the vid on G-phoria, judging from thier latest delays.

The only reason I'm watching this is to make fun of how G4 F*cked up.
damn i missed the G-man..

but mcfly is right, as shitty as this is, its NOWHERE NEAR as bad as Spike TV's game award show... this one is actually ok at points...
omfg...this is the worse game show ever...no wait, the game show on spike tv was the worse, this one just sucks.
/me turns off tv
didnt the producers buy the awards at spike or something like that?

This is the dumbest "Game Awards Show" or what ever they want to call it. Im only watching this garbage for new halflife 2 info. Yes they have porn stars on this and a bunch of dumb crap to fill their time slot.

We are gamers.... We want game information.... No some geeks on stage singing.
OMG! Did anyone notice that everytime a band comes on they send out paid audience to have their hands in the hair for some of the worst people I've ever seen
i dont know what they did, but it sucked. All that would happen is they would say for best sport game is for example, and they would say the name of the game, there werent any nominees, and after the award was giveing the girls from DOA: beach volleyball came out to dance, which wasnt a bad thing but i was watching this show for video games........
Omg Arggg I Cant Take It Anymore... F*ck The Songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The songs are better then the show....and the songs suck. Ok, i think i made my point. Oh, and one more point, you all know the video of hl2 is going to suck, since so far all of the "Exclusive" videos have been a bunch of clips from already seen videos and thrown into one short video.
Woah, just saw a Red Vs Blue commercial...
That's AWESOME!!

So anything cool in the show? I will catch it later tonight.
Hey hey hey.... you havent missed anything... they had us watch that shit and saved halflife 2 for the INSIDER show!
Well the actual G-Phoria was crap, no HL2 except for the G-Man at the beginning and end. But now there's G-Phoria Insider, so there could still be HL2 coverage.
Nnnnoooooooooooo Half life!!! WTF I sat through this garbage for nothing but g-man to open and close one of the worst award shows ever! I'm so going to flame the g4 forums because it sucked so much!
G-man at the end, thats all folks!
oh, and a bunch of censored asses and breasts.
This just in... Valve delayed their presentation on Gphoria...
*I know through the veggies*
Some_God said:
I bet Valve will delay the showing of the vid on G-phoria, judging from thier latest delays.

The only reason I'm watching this is to make fun of how G4 F*cked up.

You heard if from me first folks... obey me I AM you god. :naughty: