HL2.PHP *Working Answers Only*

It then says: You feel like you're being watched.

Wake up and smell the ashes...
All paths lead to death...

Could this mean Gordon must die?
Well, I guess thats it. Looks like the game is over, guys.

To those who were not here, you missed out. We made contact.
Us> :cheers: <Valve

To VALVe: You rock too. Thanks for everything.

And please!

>Sell us more stuff!< :)
We want headcrabs!
Wiegje said:
They just went out for dinner
What, you think they're going to be right back?
Dont hold your breath, man.
They said another time, that doesn't mean tonight necessarily. Though why not say they went home if they were done for today?

gah reading toomuch into it, sorry.
I tried that 5 minutes ago and it didnt work

there definitly updating this

Move=gold i meant
Heh, I tried gold a few minutes ago and it didn't work.

I wonder are they monitoring input and adding new ones.
Wildhound said:
Heh, I tried gold a few minutes ago and it didn't work.

I wonder are they monitoring input and adding new ones.
That is exactly what was going on. As I said, we made contact.

But they are done for now. (or so they say)

Alix Mcdean said:

This does nothing.
Half-Life 2: PHP

This was not a test.

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here's your answer, ^
Hmm. the reason I posted that was because I put in move=test and it brought me to a completely white screen. No errors or anything just a white screen. Tried view-source but it showed nothing out of the ordinary.

Alix Mcdean said:
Hmm. I put in move=test and it brought me to a completely white screen. No errors or anything just a white screen. Tried view-source but it showed nothing out of the ordinary.

Probably just a page load error

move=s is the command that says
"this is not a test"
and has a little birdie
the best ones were chris_d, ninja and chicken :LOL:
this is so much fun.. i hope Valve continues this until gold announcement :)
f|uke said:
Probably just a page load error

move=s is the command that says
"this is not a test"
and has a little birdie
Wow that lil birdie is pretty well camouflaged I didnt see it the first time thanks for making me see it, say, want that the same bird that was in one of the tests meta text?
As clarky003 pointed out, view source after putting in move=s. You get the ascii bird in the source code.
incorrigible said:
As clarky003 pointed out, view source after putting in move=s. You get the ascii bird in the source code.
Its also visible in the move=s page itself u jst gotta look (or press alt+a)
As clarky003 pointed out, view source after putting in move=s. You get the ascii bird in the source code.

so are we looking into it too much, or is that the answer? or part of..