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bah you guys are still trying to figure this out? *wipes spagetti from his lips*

heh, well it was fun while it lasted, was trying hardest to keep up with the pages on the forum more than anything ;)
Well that was fun.

I'm going to go, now... watch the Tenements video a few more times while simultaneously doing something that isn't vigorous self-manipulation, that's for sure.
Aww that's it? everyone's leaving? *cries*

also wonders when another time is.
any1 know the user and pass for the secret login in the screenshots part?
LOL, this is great, wow really amazing, 38 pages. You guys are hardcore :P
cadaveca said:
bah you guys are still trying to figure this out? *wipes spagetti from his lips*


I don’t know what to think about that post.

My conspiracy theory side tells me to interrogate you.

My more levelheaded side tells that you are just playing with us, being anything but subtle about it.

My crazy side tells me that cows are funny.
Hey Valve dudes! I'll love you forever if you put move=dragoon in there.
Just in case of this being the third test

#ThirdTest on quakenet is now open
:dozey: Okay, I admit it guys I was the one behind this, I didn't really go for dinner, I had to take a quick shit.
lol, damn that was good. this thread convinced me to join. tho now it's kind of in the "after glow" stage :P
[edit: lol, the gold one is good]
Ahhh, I can finally power-browse again. :P So slow there for a while... making me antsy...
Hahaha, no that's a new one.

I suppose it sounds like it's out of their hands now..... um, no it doesn't. But hell, I can hope.

Shut up.
Reckless said:
whats beyond that login in the screenshots menu?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's the Gman and some text that says something about halflife2.net being clever or something. It also has some ASCII art in the source. A bird, and... The GMan? I think it's the GMan.
Whoa, the gold one worked there for a minute... and now it's blank again... ???? :eek: Am I hallucinating? Were those mushrooms I had earlier THOSE kind of mushrooms? :O
omg, i thought ppl were exaggerating about the speed of this thread! it's like a bloody chat room! :D
Maybe they're waiting for the call from Vivendi...
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