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Dedatorv said:
Ok do you guys want this to be closed? Read the through the thread. Even the last few pages would have shown that we have known about the Yombi part.
no offense, but wouldnt closing the thread just cause more clone threads? even if people are being ignorant and not readingit all? IMHO it would take you less time to delete the annoying posts then to constantly type replies that state 'im going to close this if the repetetive posts dont stop'. its counter productive really. why not threaten to take away posters posting priveleges as a general board rule if they post without reading.

anyways, just my 2 cents. again, no offense intended.
croperz said:
(a just for the sake of it post)
That bird looks strangely like a fish on it's side when it isn't in a fixed width font. :)
." o \_
_.-" ,( `
_.-" ,;;|
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`"'` `\`\
/^\ \

I reckon it looks more like a Combine soldier
I feel like I'm trapped inside a dan brown book :/.

BTW, anyone able to figure out the bird thing? Kinda looks like a hummingbird; notice how thin the bill is?. Any ornithologists here? :P
footsteps said:
BTW, anyone able to figure out the bird thing? Kinda looks like a hummingbird; notice how thin the bill is?. Any ornithologists here? :P

Tit .....;)

Spugmaster said:
Probably nothing but the R=4002/01/52 backwards is

25/10/2004 = R Could R be release...?

I am guessing this is another fake but it is nice to dream.

NOVEMBER 25, 2004!!!!! could this be it!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! :eek: :bounce: :cheers:

EDIT: just read a couple more pages and relized that this is a fake! nice guess tho!
no it wasnt...
that would be october. not november. ...
i think that's when they will anounce that VU factories blew up as well as valve stuff and now HL2 will never come out. Proactive, not reactive
Half-Life 2: PHP

You guys all rock. :)

We'll continue this another time.

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

Also, we think Yombi should be closed.

Play again?

Lyl. :D
wtf Yombi ?
Zombi ... mhhh rhaaaa they puzzle me too hard
well it worked for yombi, so why not me?

pulls out ouija board

We're trying to contact someone at valve... is anybody out there. Do you heeeeear me..... give us a sign.

whooooooooo spoooooky
I have got an answer

I was able to get something other than death.....

I got it to come up with .....This was not a test and then a picture of something
what??? im confused by ur post... i said i got something other than what other people have been saying
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