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i think yombi.com has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the hl2.php game

its an instant messaging program from a company based in new zealand

and the site was created in 2002... every1 is reading too much into it
dudeman2000 ur brilliant. valve i know ur sitting back laughin it up, ur like an ex-girlfriend i wanna get back with who's toying with my emotions!
ok so the last message appeared for about 6 minutes, correct me if evidence shows otherwise. So we must refresh our internet browsers at least once every 2 minutes to catch a message, 1 minute if you are a cyber g33k.
guise said:
i think yombi.com has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the hl2.php game

its an instant messaging program from a company based in new zealand

and the site was created in 2002... every1 is reading too much into it

How do you know the company doesn't exist anymore and sold off their DNS? I can assure you, Valve bought the domain and has been using it tonight.
how can you assure me valve bought the domain?

all other games/tests have been through their own domains.. i dont see why valve would go and buy another domain just to do this.
The very first message on yombi.com was

This is not the third test.

and you're telling me it's not from Valve?

EDIT: Looks like Yombi got us.
"The story of Yombi
The past hour has been fun. But as most of you know I am not 'one of them' :). All the facts were posted clearly by me, but no-one listened. I done nothing wrong and was posting random things, just like editing my own webpage. But seriously, it was fun.

I supose that was a good way to extend my 15 minutes of fame. It was much easier to go along with the "ARE YOU TEH VALV30RZ" PM's :-)

Thankyou for your time.

P.S. a comment from the helper of mine in this episode '<Kelerain> I was proud to have been a part of it ^_^'

hehhehe that was just posted
Iz-GOod said:
The very first message on yombi.com was

This is not the third test.

and you're telling me it's not from Valve?

Woah, really?? I missed that :o

The story of Yombi
The past hour has been fun. But as most of you know I am not 'one of them' :). All the facts were posted clearly by me, but no-one listened. I done nothing wrong and was posting random things, just like editing my own webpage. But seriously, it was fun.

I supose that was a good way to extend my 15 minutes of fame. It was much easier to go along with the "ARE YOU TEH VALV30RZ" PM's :-)

Thankyou for your time.

P.S. a comment from the helper of mine in this episode '<Kelerain> I was proud to have been a part of it ^_^'
Well guise, looks like it wasn't from Valve. I asked Yombi if he was responsible for the website and he never answered. Ah well.
Icarus said:
Re-Stickied the description

And to all of you whining about Valve needing to meet dealines and stuff, please, shut up. Whoever is doing this is doing for your enjoyment, and I would appreciate if you kept that in consideration. It's damn nice of them to do this, and it's really fun for everyone involved.

Were you referring to my post? Since its the only one with the word 'deadline' in it I'm assuming you were.

Try reading what I wrote rather than skimming and jumping to conclusions.

Thought mods were supposed to be above that.
UNLESS, valve is playing the gentle tiger and pretending to be some innocent child working on his webpage.
EDIT: Since everyone was wasting my bandwidth, i thought i would get the first jab in :)

neo what?
i think its pretty obvious that the games/tests are not going to be on random websites. theyre going to be on the offical valve/hl2/steam sites

including other domains and sites into this is just adding more confusion, when its most likely that theyre completely irrelavent, or some people playing a prank (yombi style-ee)

i would ignore anything that doesnt come through "official channels"
The water's are murkier here in this thread than they are on CS: Source Aztec.

Fake - Real - In between.

It's all go with Half-Life 2. Someone could write a philosophical analysis of it all.
It's quite simple Concept, anything NOT on the official PHP site is fake right now.
I realise that. I was more or less genersalising about the whole development process, and the shape-shifting rumours and identity portrayals which have previously gone on.
I would suspect that valve has some more security issues if someone could access the half-life2.com website and post up their own messages. You could hate me for saying this, but this could only be bad news. More security issues on top of the ones they faced last year? Given, this was just the website but it is something to consider.
(a just for the sake of it post)
That bird looks strangely like a fish on it's side when it isn't in a fixed width font. :)
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Yombi said:
lol, ill be the first sacrifice :|

be brave and happy, its all for a good cause :)

MFL said:
i wonder how much signifigance yombi thinks he has...

hmm...another Chris_D type situation perhaps? hmm..
Yombi in cahoots with Valve? HMMMM... :P
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