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I have no idea what's going on :D

Anyway, I have a bone to pick with Valve. Entering my name should make you win!! :D
i bet that you win when you enter the release date :) someone with no life enter every day for the next year
Chris, can't you tell who is browsing the thread? Someone is obviously reading it and creating these pages on the fly.
They are right it isn't a test its a expeirment and we just are just the lab rats in this giant maze of craziness.
That's my guess Bildo. Valve love playing us along... glad to see they have a sense of humour :laugh:

I haven't had this much fun since they released the Binks... I tried RC, RCaccepted, gold, golddate, releasedate and similar though and I'm pretty sure there's no release-orientated secret inside...
You've got to love Valve.. No matter how many times they burn you, they always redeem themselves.
They're evil! They're all built on world domination I tell ya!
*Imagins the cigarette smoking man at a computer doing this all.*

Evil moocows....
Rock doesnt work. Either does angstyteen no matter how much I knew it wouldn't I can hope can't I?
guys, look at that sentence on the move=s site a little closer
"this WAS not a test"
seeing as how "was" is a little vague, it might mean it is not a test OR
it might mean that it now IS a test
Can we stop talking about =s now? It's a bit late guys o_O
MFL said:
guys, look at that sentence on the move=s site a little closer
"this WAS not a test"
seeing as how "was" is a little vague, it might mean it is not a test OR
it might mean that it now IS a test

who cares about the test? this is more fun :P
I have a feeling that there are just a bunch of Valve guys hanging around one computer watching this thread, just waiting for someone to get close to something, then putting up something new on that PHP site.

I know they are laughing at us. That's a given fact. But what are they hiding............

EDIT: Actually, I remember someone from the Steam forums mention a Half-Life 2 PHP. I think it was just as a joke, but still.... Chris Bokitch I think it was maybe? Or Taylor Sherman....one of the two....
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