HL2 physics inspired by JP: Trespasser


Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Well i really just wanted to make a thread that DID'nt revolve around the leak/beta(alpha) or the countless delay rumours.

So i actually got trespasser like in '98(same year as hl1...funny huh? :D) but i haven't really played it more than like an hour or so, cuz the pc i had back then could'nt run it, so that it was playable....tho it could run hl1 perfectly?

So i accidentally stumbled across my trespasser cd yesterday, and well as the curious person that i am, i installed it.

Now some of you might not even know about this game so i took the liberty of linking some screen dumps from planet trespasser, i suggest taking a peek at the site.

also, here's the screen dumps.





So here i was installing this game, double clicking the icon, and finally getting to the bread and butter part...so to speak.

And man was i blown away, this game (like hl1) still actually looks pretty good, considering its like 5 years old, again like hl1.

And well i'm still amazed by the fact that this game actually has WORKING physics, and they're quite realistic too...

So this game has got me hooked cuz its really like i'm almost playing with hl2 here (physics wise)....its really really cool....you guys should try it out.

This game definitly deserved a follow-up too, but sadly the devs did'nt get the recognition back in the day (partly because of hl1 maybe) :D

Btw mods if this already has been posted somewhere, just delete the thread...m'kay ;)

Btw i seem to remember reading somewhere that valve stated, that they were quite impressed with the physics and used it as an inspiration for the physics in hl2?? anyone read this before??

look down at dem bewbies!

haha i remember doing that, i was like whoa! :eek:
I think they were probably inspired by reality.
This game definitly deserved a follow-up too, but sadly the devs did'nt get the recognition back in the day (partly because of hl1 maybe)
No, it's simply because the game sucked.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
I think they were probably inspired by reality.

No, it's simply because the game sucked.

Yeah well inspired was'nt really the right word to use i guess..

btw, this was taken from PC GAMER UK, interview with Doug L.:

"we were intrigued by what some of the Trespasser guys were doing and we wanted to see if there was a way we could put physics into the game and make it interesting."

I'll see if i can find a scan or something...
In other words, he's saying the way Trespasser did it wasn't very interesting. Nice little dig there, Doug!

At any rate, game world interactivity has been the holy grail of action games for a couple of years now. It's just that now developers and technology are at the point where they can finally do what they want.
I don't know how many people have played the doom 3 alpha, but it has pretty decent physics too. Is it using a less modified verson of the Havok engine like Max Payne is? I liked shooting the boxes.

Maybe i'm too easly impressed.

Now Dance box, DANCE!
Originally posted by scribblehead
Hey man what can i say, i digged JP back in the day....:D
back in "the day" for JP was 1993 when the first movie came out, after that nothing worth mentiong happend (both the follow up movies suck)
Originally posted by shapeshifter
back in "the day" for JP was 1993 when the first movie came out, after that nothing worth mentiong happend (both the follow up movies suck)

errr what??
Originally posted by scribblehead
errr what??
you said you liked jurrastic park back in the day, im saying back in the day for jurrastic park was 1993 when the movie came out, everything that has been baised on it since, has been pretty much crappy.
Trespasser still remains as one of my fav games, it wasn't without bugs but it was the most innovative game of its time and I'm not sure anything else has come close to it yet in the physics department. Someone has to make a Trespasser HL2 mod!!!!
you know a real scary thing, i waited and waited for trespasser, just like im doing with hl2.
I don't know what you're talking about, those ninteno 64 games based on JP were awesome!
And those action figures that had really poorly moving parts, they could take on transformers any day!
And the fox cartoon was awe...

Ouch... where am I, i'm sorry i think i had a stroke or something.
is that the game where you could look downwards and see your b00bs?
Originally posted by shapeshifter
you said you liked jurrastic park back in the day, im saying back in the day for jurrastic park was 1993 when the movie came out, everything that has been baised on it since, has been pretty much crappy.

Well i guess thats your personal oppinion in'it?? :D
Originally posted by scribblehead
Well i guess thats your personal oppinion in'it?? :D
most of the worlds to, the 2 sequels got bad reviews. almost every game basied on them got bad reviews also.
I can clearly remember an interview with Gabe around the time of HL1's release. He stated

'Maybe games like Trespasser represent the future of gaming'.

It was clear that at this point he had envisioned part of HL2's core features.
Yup, I had thought of bringing up Trespasser a few times too when people talk about physics in games... It had ragdoll/skeletal physics -way- before anybody else I believe (although when did Die by the Sword come out? that was a bit different though) The really bizarre thing this game had was that your arm+weapon would collide with everything in the environment, so in cramped situations you couldn't hold your gun out, attacking dinosaurs would push your gun out of the way, and stuff like that. Even stranger was that you moved your wrist/arm independantly, so you could hold a gun in front of you, but twist your wrist to aim it at funny directions. Kinda useless, but at the time it had a certain novelty that I dug. Most reviewers absolutely hated it and wrote it off as moronic.

The game totally had its moments, the environments were extremely detailed for the time, very atmospheric.. Definitely too much crate based gameplay.

Didja know there is a secret level? I actually found it and posted it to one of dem cheat sites before anybody else. I must've been seriously bored because the way I found it was totally ridiculous. Here's the basic version. You know that big flat level thats like a little town? You know the church? I couldn't figure out how to get out this level, and tried something totally stupid. I gathered up a ton of crates from all over the entire level and brought them behind the church. I stacked them to create a 3-crate high staircase onto the outside barrier wall (quite a bit of effort in that game because the crates had a tendency to slide off each other and send the whole thing tumbling down, which was impressive but flawed physics). Anyways, I figured if I could just jump that wall I'd be out of the level, well.. I manage to get on top of the wall, but lo and behold, there is an invisible barrier that won't let you out.. I started walking down the wall hugging the invisible barrier for the hell of it and suddenly fell through the world, it went to a loading screen and there I was in the secret level. The secret level is actually quite awesome, its like a showcases for a lot of the physics and weapons. There is this huge row of dominos you can knock over, targets to shoot at and objects to knock around. Pretty cool, I think I had more fun in there then I did in most of the game.
The secret level is accessable via the 'load level' cheat.
Yea, that came out a bit later :) Pretty weird that there was even a non-cheat way to get there. Maybe it was just a bug and I fell through the world and they decided to put a handler in for that that took you to the secret level.
Trespasser physics were sweet back in the day but anything done by HL2 or Doom3 is likely lightyears ahead of it. The physics in trespasser were only effective in certain situations too (like when you had to shoot the supports out from under the mobile office and make it roll down the hill, it rolled the same way everytime).
This just in: Reality steals physics code from Tresspasser and Half-Life 2! CEO God has no comment.
(like when you had to shoot the supports out from under the mobile office and make it roll down the hill, it rolled the same way everytime).

No it didn't.
Originally posted by Dagobert
I can clearly remember an interview with Gabe around the time of HL1's release. He stated

'Maybe games like Trespasser represent the future of gaming'.

It was clear that at this point he had envisioned part of HL2's core features.

I thought Trespasser was awesome, although it ran like crap on the computers at the time. My new 600 mhz could barely run it without being as foggy as Turok.

But in the lines of ragdolls and interactivity, Trespasser still surpasses any game I've played up til now. Have you ever tried beating a dinosaur with a chair?

But yeah, I always got mad when you had to rotate your arm to find a proper aiming location. There should have been a crosshair because if you were off by a bit your shot would end up off the screen. I thought it was funny that your health bar was the tatoo on your boobs...very G-rated.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
I think they were probably inspired by reality.

No, it's simply because the game sucked.

EXACTLY.......actually now i want to play it....see what it will run like on my new pc!! But the "physics" in that game were crap. No where near real. Bricks fall like balloons. It was pretty good for its time....but damn...that was a long time ago.
I remember reading a review on JP trespasser and the fact that it did utilise a very good physics engine. I think the problem was that it was a tad too realistic (especially regarding falling and Velocity calculations), which made the game very hard to play.

Newer physics engines like Havok are more balanced towards simulating the effects of gravity etc in order to aid immersion, but without compromising gameplay a resultant.
Naw...I had tresspasser. The physics in that game were a neat thing at the time...but they werent realistic at all. Things fell weird, weird speeds and everything. It was way to unrealistic.
I only ever got to play the demo from a coverdisk but I thought it was a great game, weird controls I admit but I found it more fun than a lot of other games, no crosshair and having to aim correctly made a big difference. It's obvious Valve got the idea for one of the traps from the tresspasser demo. I remember tricking those raptors below the platforms to use that cabin thing against them.. sometimes it worked, sometimes they didn't fall for it, sometimes they'd get out of the way then use it to get to me, so yeah I guess I'm in a minority thinking its still a neat game.. well Demo, never did find the full program, would love to get it someday though, even if it is years old now
Die By the Sword! hahah I remember seeing that a loooong time ago, I'm going to google it now just to remind me. heh. Now that is your prime example of a one-trick gimmick game.
It probably didn't incorporate material calculations based on densities (like HL2 demonstrates in the tech movie) that might explain the weirdness with regard to the falling speeds. I might have to hunt down a copy to check it out (as HL2 loks like a distant dream at present)
Yea....I picked up Trespasser when it got down to $15...more than worth it for the price if you ask me. Yea, I didn't really notice just how good the physics were till I saw this thread. I enjoyed stacking boxes and shooting or knocking them over, you could really setup some impressive tricks with the physics, though always having to stack boxes and trying to get to the top of things kinda got annoying.
It was a cool game.....the only problem I had with it was the EXTREAMLY boring levels....they made the levels a little to realistic with huge open spaces with nothing to do in them.

And I really woudnt say that Valve got the idea for traps from tresspasser. Traps in a game is just a general idea....you wouldnt really need to look back to some old game to get that kind of idea.
I liked tresspasser. i am a dinosaur fan and it was a grreat game for me. I had fun.
Also their is a HL2 mod called Jurassic Rage. Based around the Jurassic Park theme. I make wallpapers and graphics for them. WE still got alot of work on it.
Hexx: Jurassic Rage looks like it could be a hell of a lot of fun to play, I hope you guys manage to complete it

Fender: I didn't mean traps in general :). I meant that one with the large whatever in traptown, blowing the supports away so it falls onto the enemy below. Trespasser had the same with the cabin, both required to get to the ground safely. Though I think there was a way to get to the ground in trespasser without using the cabin, but it wasn't easy

I can't wait.. More I hear about what the so called beta can do the more I want HL2.. Though one thing has bothered me since the beginning since seeing the original E3 video months ago... Why use a weapon to move objects around, did Gordon lose his hand ala Evil Dead? :) And if so will he draw Alyx's attention to his boomstick *groans* bad joke, I'm sorry :)