HL2 Pre-Release Screens


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Here are a few screenshots of the pre-release to satisfy the curiousity of the community.

We politely ask that no screens other than the ones shown here are posted. No links to the pre-release will be permitted. We ask that your discussion about the pre-release stay exactly that; discussion. No pictures, links or spoilers are to be posted.

Could i put a link to a small video of the beta? Pretty boring really...

I'll edit this and put the link in.

If not delete this post.
Interesting on how you deleted the threads about the beta leak and now you are posting the pics of it etc.

btw its my b-day today! WOOT!
Originally posted by kelisis
Interesting on how you deleted the threads about the beta leak and now you are posting the pics of it etc.

Those screenshots contained imprinted links to locations where you could download the pre-release. These ones do not.
Is the entire singleplayer playable in this beta? Or can you just load certain areas and play though them?

What I mean is, is this a polished game that should seem very close to release or does it seem like there are some major issues with it that would validate valve delaying it?
Im all fidgety and excited and I need this damn DEMO!!! RAHHHHHHHHHH!
This game is spreading too fast on the regular places.
As much as I hope that people don't DL it... From what I have seen... this thing might go faster than the DoomIII Alpha did.

I have sympathies for Valve's staff.
yah, saw these and other pictures elsewhere...was pretty convinced they were valid and turns out they were, which is very sad

i still dont understand how they were able to do this with only having a supposed "one third" of the source code. especially since they didnt have any art work.

some of the textures look very bad, and my assumption is that its due to them borrowing hl1 textures when necessary since they do lack a lot of the code. but obviously enough to be able to play the game

on the other hand, the hl2-radio information makes it seem as if nothing is too bad, at least it may seem that way in the valve offices...at least it made it seem like the game would be out this christmas, but that too is looking flakey now. but id be happy to wait till april if it meant fixing things up.

one more thing, wouldnt it be great it valve somehow had the installation of hl2 scan HD's and see if the source code was there, or had been, and wouldnt allow installation? i think that would be great
Originally posted by Solus
What I mean is, is this a polished game that should seem very close to release...?
Judging by the number of errors listed in the console, I'd say this is a very incomplete and buggy build. It appears the hackers may have snagged some resource files, but not nearly enough to make a fully functioning game. Or perhaps they do have the complete game and are just trying to figure out how to assemble the pieces.

Either way, this doesn't look good for Valve or those of us waiting for the game. By all rights, we should have been playing the game by now!
The game is probably running in dev mode, so the errors are shown. Shipping games have a lot of those, but they're surpressed and not shown to the user.

Oh, yeah ...
Iraqi Information Minister: "THERE IS NO LEAKED BETA!"
no worries, we will be playing it to in only 6 MORE months..
im excited cause it's a pre-release but saddened that the source got leaked :(
yep, mark your calendars. half-Life 2 on April 30th, 2004!
i'm happy and sad at the same time.

down with hackers.
Sweet pics rec, thanks! It will be a merry christmas this year! lol :)
With bittorent being out now this thing will spread faster than Doom3 alpha. I hope that isn't the full singleplayer game because people are gonna spoil it before the game comes out. I know people will post spoilers every where.
I'm going to completely ignore anyone trying to get me to play the pre-release. I do not want to encourage anyone further, and I really don't want to ruin the game for myself. I suggest you all follow my example, for no good what so ever can come out of us spreading the pre-release further and playing the "game" before it's even close to finished...

I feel sorry for Valve, I really do, and I intend to show my support anyway I can!
I believe that the stuff in the beta is all from e3, nothing more. Although it is 1.3Gbs in size, which is huge for just E3 stuff.
Yup ill be buying the 9600xt so ill get hl2 with that. Valve please gimmie the game now so that the pirates won't spoil the game.
Originally posted by qckbeam
yep, mark your calendars. half-Life 2 on April 30th, 2004!

Woohoo it's coming out on my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Is 29 to old to be playing Half Life 2?
Originally posted by Nathaniel
I'm going to completely ignore anyone trying to get me to play the pre-release. I do not want to encourage anyone further, and I really don't want to ruin the game for myself. I suggest you all follow my example, for no good what so ever can come out of us spreading the pre-release further and playing the "game" before it's even close to finished...

I feel sorry for Valve, I really do, and I intend to show my support anyway I can!

Originally posted by blag
Woohoo it's coming out on my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Is 29 to old to be playing Half Life 2?

lol today's my b-day.. The day of the evil release..
Originally posted by bate18

wow... that's a mature response...

I'm totally serious, I really don't want anything to do with this stole release. I admit, I may not always buy my games from the store, but I do believe in rewarding people when they make something truly great. Buying the games that really affect you, and that you enjoy for a long time is simply the right thing to do. And I DID buy Half-Life, so warezing Half-Life 2, or downloading an incomplete (and may I add, STOLEN) copy is simply unthinkable!

EDIT: ...and I HAVE bought a majority of my games, so stop looking at me that way... :/
but is the leaked version just the e3 stuff or the whole enchilada?
I dont see why hl2.net is supporting this by allowing screenshots :/ oh well. I personally don't want to play this either.
Originally posted by Interl@ce
but is the leaked version just the e3 stuff or the whole enchilada?

Incomplete E3 stuff. Not even close to the whole game.
question... who has even confirmed that this beta is out there? screenshots tell us nothing unless they are in a specific way. if sum evil person here has downloaded the "beta" gimme a screen shot of u firing down at the ground
Don't download it. It only harmes finally. Its buggy, slow and laggy (read that on several places...).

Really, best would be that valve releases now a demo comtaining an E3 level asap. That would hold people away from downloading the beta, 'cus they'll now it's NOT buggy and they'll know that it's NOT illegal.

Originally posted by Nathaniel

I'm going to completely ignore anyone trying to get me to play the pre-release. I do not want to encourage anyone further, and I really don't want to ruin the game for myself. I suggest you all follow my example, for no good what so ever can come out of us spreading the pre-release further and playing the "game" before it's even close to finished...

::::::::::::::::::::: Epilog ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After making the above statement, the poster went out and got the prereleased demo, when asked why he did it he uttered the statement "why did i do it? cause you f***** fishy f***, Ill f***** fist f*** you in front of your f***** family"

This was Etan Cross reporting
I'm not even remotely interested in the leaked HL2 beta alpha or whatever it is. Why should i ruin myself the HL2 experience with such a crappy build? Everyone who shit himself when he heard about the leaked beta is either young or a fool.
btw, whats actually contained in the beta?
From I've seen a screen which shows the folder. the folder contains only maps with E3 in their names. It seems to be just the E3 Beta demo.
But on other screens, levels are shown which haven't been shown on E3...
wow... sum1 is good w/ photo shop.... but i found 1 little mistake that blew the du*** bag's cover.... in windowed mode... it say "Half-Life"... not "Half Life 2" like it should.... the hyphen isn't supposed to be there and there is no #2
if u look in the VALVe info thread, gabe will say my version is the way they spell it. take that ***s!
That would be a shortterm solution... It might not be the best one though. Right now they need to focus on rewriting the original code so that the game can be released sometime this lifetime. A public demo would be nice, but it would just be a cramped solution to a temporary problem, and might not be worth the effort. The leaked game will go away in time, just like any other pre-release software has. The final game will easily blow past the leak, once it's released.