HL2 Pre-Release Screens

Re: hmmm

Originally posted by etancross
Originally posted by Nathaniel


::::::::::::::::::::: Epilog ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After making the above statement, the poster went out and got the prereleased demo, when asked why he did it he uttered the statement "why did i do it? cause you f***** fishy f***, Ill f***** fist f*** you in front of your f***** family"

This was Etan Cross reporting

while I can accept the supposed "humor" in this post, I'm just wondering why I'm the only one getting bashed in here for not downloading the leak, and waiting like a good boy for the final release?

Is it so impossible to be honest these days?
If Gabe clears up this ridiculous 2004 release date mess I will not download the beta.

If the game is rescheduled for something like "April 2004" I will download it. Its not that I'm dishonest, its just that waiting for half a year, knowing that its so easily attainable, is impossible. Maybe I'll send VALVe a letter with some money in it and download the game.
manny_c55: the thing is you are expecting HL2, but this supposed BETA is actually worse than the Doom3 Alpha! Why are you interersted in such a crappy experience?
for me, the leak and the final game just aren't even comparable!

I can't download the leak and "satisfy" myself with that, since it's not even close to being the full, finished, perfect entity that is Half-Life 2 (yeah, I'm a dreamer :D)

If wait is what I'll have to do, then wait is what I WILL do, until the final game is realeased... It's still the same great game you guys were all totally crazy about just a month ago, you know...

while I can accept the supposed "humor" in this post, I'm just wondering why I'm the only one getting bashed in here for not downloading the leak, and waiting like a good boy for the final release?

my first name is Nathaniel, so i just was reading down threw and saw that name and had to "in good taste" have some fun and "joke" with you. No more......No less

Etan = Nate = Nathaniel
I didn't know it was icnomplete. I thought it was the whole thing...since that what a beta is.

So this is just an alpha? Or a demo beta or something.....
theres a server running a multiplayer game now on e3_bugbait ... i checked it on steam
No way I'll download it. I'd rather wait for the game to officially come out and be wowed and awed.

The only thing one would get out of this beta release (assming it's real) wil be a dissappointing experience and spoilers.

"All good things come to those who wait."

Edit: Spelling
nobody is asking you if you're going to download it ffs

and nobody cares
etancross: well, my real name isn't actually Nathaniel, although I understand your point now :P
Originally posted by incorrigible
No way I'll download it. I'd rather wait for the game to officially come out and be wowed and awed.

The only thing one would get out of this beta release (assming it's real) wil be a dissappointing experience and spoilers.

"All good things come to those who wait."

Edit: Spelling
Patience is a virtue...

HE get's the pat on the back, all I got was flaming because I said I'd wait :P

this is a harsh and unfair world... woe me...

oh... yeah... the screens... it's sad, that's what it is... :/
Re: Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Nathaniel
while I can accept the supposed "humor" in this post, I'm just wondering why I'm the only one getting bashed in here for not downloading the leak, and waiting like a good boy for the final release?

Is it so impossible to be honest these days?


You are a thief.

You admited this just a few posts before and now you're crying foul when someone calls you out for it?

'But your Honur, the majority of people I meet every day I don't kill. I'm not really that bad.'

You are a thief.
Id like to see this pre-release just for the sake of seeing it, curiosity...

Im sure the full version will be retail on oct17th, or nov11th.
Originally posted by blag
Woohoo it's coming out on my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Is 29 to old to be playing Half Life 2?

Nope im 38. No really I have a life.....really!
who said you can't take a peek at the leak but still buy the game? :S
Yes, I am a thief. I have downloaded games illegaly... I have none of those games left, since they got boring quite quickly, and some were outright lousy (Tomb Raider: AoD for example).

Even thieves have their code of honour, you know...

and I wasn't treated badly due to me downloading a couple of games, I was bashed for no reason at all, there's a difference...

but forget all that now, let's move on with the topic at hand, shall we?
Originally posted by Interl@ce
who said you can't take a peek at the leak but still buy the game? :S
Ever heard of spoilers? (And I do not mean those you put on the rear/front of a car, but the ones that take away all the surprise when you'll play the entire game)
Originally posted by genocide604
Im sure the full version will be retail on oct17th, or nov11th.
Why are you so sure? I was sure the game was going to be released September 30, and we all know how that turned out.
"Expect to be drinking eggnog and swinging that crowbar"
-Gabe Newell

Fragmaster, of planethalflife fame has announced that HL2 will indeed release in November.

He also mentions his infatuation with old hairy men...a bit out of place in news post but interesting non-the-less.
Originally posted by genocide604
"Expect to be drinking eggnog and swinging that crowbar"
-Gabe Newell
Source...? (And no, this was not meant as a bad joke)
Originally posted by WARLORD
*throw a stone*
happy? :)

No, because you're a thieving crackwhore. Obviously you can't throw the stone.
Originally posted by genocide604
"Expect to be drinking eggnog and swinging that crowbar"
-Gabe Newell

ya, i'll be swinging a crowbar... so i can open up VALVe's doors and steal HL2
Its up for not even 2 min and you got 4 hits.... nice.

But anyways, i will have to agree with thehunter1320, about there being no beta...

I think its all just speculation.
Too many people have HL2 on the mind and its driving the community berserk not being able to play it.
I read the above rules and understand u wanna keep pictures under raps (for fear of spoilers) but please allow me to post one picture which is something EVERYONE has been wanting to do since the announcement of Half-life 2.

It contains absolutely no spoilers in the picture and i find it damn funny. (before u PM me no i didnt take the picture no i dont have the beta and no i dont know where to get it)

Looks like a scene from the video with an added photoshop kick to it....
But it is damn funny :)
Well even If I see a link for the beta I won't download it.

first it is not the final version (means 90% or more features not included)
second I want to be spoiler free
third its ssad